Publications of Joseph A. Thas

  1. Over de $\theta$-normalen van een kegelsnede, Simon Stevin, 40e Jg., Afl.III (1967), 107-112. 
  2. Over de $\theta$-normalen van een parabool, Simon Stevin, 42e Jg., Afl. I-II (1968), 51-64. 
  3. Dubbelverhouding van een geordend puntenviertal op de projectieve rechte over een associatieve algebra met \'e\'enelement, Simon Stevin, 42e Jg., Afl. III (1969), 97-111. 
  4. Theorems concerning the fourdimensional manifold of lines of the threedimensional projective space $S_{3,\gamma}$, Simon Stevin, 43e Jg., Afl. II-III (1969-70), 55-59. 
  5. Een studie betreffende de projectieve rechte over de totale matrix algebra $M_3(K)$ der $3 \times 3$-matrices met elementen in een algebra\"\i sch afgesloten veld $K$, Verh. Kon. Vl. Ac. voor Wet., Lett. en Sch. K. van Belgi\"e, Kl. der Wet., Jg. XXXI, nr. 112 (1969), 151pp. 
  6. A generalization to $(3m-1)$-dimensional space of a theorem on two triangles reciprocally polar with respect to a conic (with O. Bottema), Med. Kon. Vl. Ac. voor Wet., Lett. en Sch. K. van Belgi\"e, Kl. der Wet., Jg. XXXIII, nr. 3 (1971), 11pp. 
  7. Deduction of properties, valid in the projective space $S_{3n-1}(K)$, using the projective plane over the total matrix algebra $M_n(K)$, Simon Stevin, 46e Jg., Afl. I-II (1972), 3-16. 
  8. Bijdrage tot de theorie der $k$-kappen in projectieve ruimten van Galois, Med. Kon. Vl. Ac. voor Wet., Lett. en Sch. K. van Belgi\"e, Kl. der Wet., Jg. XXX, nr. 13 (1968), 15pp. 
  9. Normal rational curves and $k$-arcs in Galois spaces, Rend. di Mat. (6) 1 (1968), 331-334. 
  10. Connection between the Grassmannian $G_{k-1;n}$ and the set of the $k$-arcs of the Galois space $S_{n,q}$, Rend. di Mat. (6) 2 (1969), 121-134. 
  11. Sur le nombre d'espaces lin\'eaires non isomorphes de $n$ points, Bull. de la Soc. Math. de Belg., Tome XXI, Fasc. 1 (1969), 57-66. 
  12. Normal rational curves and $(q+2)$-arcs in a Galois space $S_{q-2,q} (q=2^h)$, Accad. Naz. Lincei, Rend. Cl. Sc. Fis. Mat. e Nat. 8, Vol. 47, Fasc. 5 (1969), 249-252. 
  13. Number of regular homographies of a Galois space (with R. Puystjens), Rend. di Mat. (6) 3 (1970), 285-289. 
  14. The $m$-dimensional projective space $S_m(M_n(GF(q)))$ over the total matrix algebra $M_n(GF(q))$ of the $n \times n$-matrices with elements in the Galois field $GF(q)$, Rend. di Mat. (6) 4 (1971), 459-532. 
  15. Connection between the $n$-dimensional affine space $A_{n,q}$ and the curve $C$ with equation $y = x^q$, of the affine plane $A_{2,q^n},$ Rend. Ist. Mat. Trieste (2) 2 (1970), 146-151. 
  16. Un th\'eor\`eme concernant les syst\`emes de racines, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg., Cl. des Sc., 1970, 707-710. 
  17. An equivalent to Pappus' theorem in the affine plane $A_2(K)$ over a corpus $K$ with characteristic different from two, Simon Stevin, 44e Jg., Afl. IV (1971), 186-187. 
  18. The number of Desargues-configurations of the projective plane $S_{2,q}$ over the Galois field $GF(q)$ with characteristic two or three (with R. Puystjens), Simon Stevin, 44e Jg., Afl. IV (1971), 160-170. 
  19. Ovoidal translation planes, Arch. der Math. (23) 1 (1972), 110-112. 
  20. A combinatorial problem, Geometriae Dedicata 1 (1973), 236-240. 
  21. Construction of partial geometries, Simon Stevin, 46e Jg., Afl. III (1973), 95-98. 
  22. 4-gonal subconfigurations of a given 4-gonal configuration, Rend. Accad. Naz. Lincei 8, Vol. 53, Fasc. 6 (1972), 520-530. 
  23. 4-gonal configurations, in ``Finite geometric structures and their applications'' (ed. by A. Barlotti), C.I.M.E. Bressanone 1972, 249-263. 
  24. Flocks of finite egglike inversive planes, in ``Finite geometric structures and their applications'' (ed. by A. Barlotti), C.I.M.E. Bressanone 1972, 189-191. 
  25. On 4-gonal configurations, Geometriae Dedicata 2 (1973), 317-326. 
  26. De $m$-dimensionale projectieve ruimte $S_m(M_n(GF(q)))$ over de totale matrix algebra $M_n(GF(q))$ der $n \times n$-matrices met elementen in het Galois veld $GF(q)$, Habilitation Thesis, 135pp (1973). 
  27. On semi ovals and semi ovoids, Geometriae Dedicata 3 (1974), 229-231. 
  28. Construction of maximal arcs and partial geometries, Geometriae Dedicata, 3 (1974), 61-64. 
  29. Geometric characterization of the $[n-1]$-ovaloids of the projective space $PG(4n-1,q)$, Simon Stevin, 47e Jg., Afl. III-IV (1974), 97-106. 
  30. Translation 4-gonal configurations, Rend. Accad. Naz. Lincei 8, Vol. 56, Fasc. 3 (1974), 303-314. 
  31. On polarities of symmetric partial geometries, Arch. der Math. (25) 4 (1974), 394-399. 
  32. Some results concerning $\{(q+1)(n-1);n)\}$-arcs and $\{(q+1)(n-1)+1;n\}$-arcs in finite projective planes of order $q$, J. Comb. Th. 19 (1975), 228-232. 
  33. 4-gonal configurations with parameters $r=q^2+1, k = q+1$, Part I, Geometriae Dedicata 3 (1974), 365-375. 
  34. On 4-gonal configurations with parameters $r=q^2+1, k = q+1$, Part II, Geometriae Dedicata 4 (1975), 51-59. 
  35. A remark concerning the restriction on the parameters of a 4-gonal subconfiguration, Simon Stevin, 48e Jg., Afl. III-IV (1974-75), 65-68. 
  36. Flocks of non-singular ruled quadrics in $PG(3,q)$, Accad. Naz. Lincei, Rend. Cl. Sc. Fis. Mat. e Nat. 8, Vol. 59 (1975), Fasc. 1-2, 83-85. 
  37. Generalized quadrangles with symmetry (with S.E. Payne), Part I, Simon Stevin, 49e Jg., Afl. I-II (1975), 3-32. 
  38. Generalized quadrangles with symmetry (with S.E. Payne), Part II, Simon Stevin, 49e Jg., Afl. III (1975), 81-103. 
  39. Polarities of generalized hexagons and perfect codes (with P.J. Cameron and S.E. Payne), Geometriae Dedicata 5 (1976), 525-528. 
  40. A restriction on the parameters of a subhexagon, J. Comb. Theory 21 (1976), 115-117. 
  41. On generalized quadrangles with parameters $s=q^2$ and $t=q^3$, Geometriae Dedicata 5 (1976), 485-496. 
  42. Some applications of the fundamental characterization theorem of R.C. Bose to partial geometries (with F. De Clerck), Accad. Naz. Lincei, Rend. Cl. Sc. Fis. Mat. e Nat. 8, Vol. 59 (1975), Fasc. 1-2, 86-90. 
  43. Flocks, chains and configurations in finite geometries (with A.A. Bruen), Rend. Accad. Naz. Lincei 8, Vol. 59 (1975), Fasc. 6, 744-748. 
  44. Combinatorial characterizations of the classical generalized quadrangles, Geometriae Dedicata 6 (1977), 339-351. 
  45. Blocking sets (with A.A. Bruen), Geometriae Dedicata 6 (1977), 193-203. 
  46. Two infinite classes of perfect codes in metrically regular graphs, J. Comb. Theory (B) 23 (1977), 236-238. 
  47. Partial spreads, packings and Hermitian manifolds in $PG(3,q)$, (with A.A. Bruen), Math. Zeitschrift 151 (1976), 207-214. 
  48. Generalized quadrangles in projective spaces (with P. De Winne), Journal of Geometry, Vol. 10 1/2 (1977), 126-137. 
  49. Combinatorial characterizations of generalized quadrangles with parameters $s=q$ and $t=q^2$, Geometriae Dedicata 7 (1978), 223-232. 
  50. Classical finite generalized quadrangles (with S.E. Payne), Ars Combinatoria 2 (1976), 57-110. 
  51. Combinatorics of partial geometries and generalized quadrangles, in ``Higher Combinatorics'' (ed. by M. Aigner), Nato Advanced Study Institute, Berlin, September 1976, 183-199. 
  52. Partial geometries in finite projective spaces (with F. De Clerck), Arch. Math., Vol. 30, Fasc. 5 (1978), 537-540. 
  53. Partial geometries satisfying the axiom of Pasch (with F. De Clerck), Simon Stevin 52 (1977), 123-137. 
  54. On semi partial geometries (with I. Debroey), J. Comb. Th. 25 (1978), 242-250. 
  55. On polarities of symmetric semi partial geometries (with I. Debroey), Rend. Accad. Naz. Lincei 62 (1977), 606-612. 
  56. Partial geometries in finite affine spaces, Math. Zeitschrift 158 (1978), 1-13. 
  57. Sets of type $(1,n,q+1)$ in $PG(d,q)$ (with J.W.P. Hirschfeld), Proc. London Math. Soc. 41 (1980), 254-278. 
  58. Semi partial geometries in $PG(2,q)$ and $PG(3,q)$ (with I. Debroey), Rend. Accad. Naz. Lincei 64 (1978), 147-151. 
  59. Semi partial geometries in $AG(2,q)$ and $AG(3,q)$ (with I. Debroey), Simon Stevin 51 (1978), 195-209. 
  60. On some generalizations of partial geometry (with R. Laskar), in ``Graph theory and related topics'' (ed. by J.A. Bondy and U.S.B. Murty), Academic Press, 1979, 277-287. 
  61. A restriction on the parameters of a suboctagon, J. Comb. Th. 27 (1979), 385-387. 
  62. On the extension of restricted $(r, \lambda)$-designs (with F. De Clerck), Ars Combinatoria 7 (1979), 261-265. 
  63. Generalized quadrangles satisfying at least one of the Moufang conditions, Simon Stevin 53 (1979), 151-162. 
  64. Ovoids and spreads of finite classical polar spaces, Geom. Dedicata 10 (1981), 135-144. 
  65. Polar spaces, generalized hexagons and perfect codes, J. Comb. Th. 29 (1980), 87-93. 
  66. Flocks in $PG(3,q)$ (with J.C. Fisher), Math. Zeitschrift 169 (1979), 1-11. 
  67. Partial three spaces in finite projective spaces, Discrete Math. 32 (1980), 299-322. 
  68. Sets of type $(1,n,q+1)$ in finite projective spaces of even order $q$ (with J.W.P. Hirschfeld and X. Hubaut), Mathematical Reports Acad. Sci. Canada, Vol. 1 (1979) Nr. 3, 133-136. 
  69. Geometries in finite projective and affine spaces, in ``Surveys in Combinatorics'' (Ed. by B. Bollobas), Proc. of the VIIth British Combinatorial Conference, Cambridge 1979, 181-211. 
  70. A remark on the theorem of Yanushka-Ronan characterizing the generalized hexagon $H(q)$ arising from the group $G_2(q)$, J. Comb. Th. 29 (1980), 361-362. 
  71. Construction of maximal arcs and dual ovals in translation planes, European Journal of Combinatorics 1 (1980), 189-192. 
  72. The characterization of projections of quadrics over finite fields of even order (with J.W.P. Hirschfeld), J. London Math. Soc. 22 (1980), 226-238. 
  73. An infinite class of partial geometries associated with the hyperbolic quadric in $PG(4n-1,q)$ (with F. De Clerck and R.H. Dye), European Journal of Combinatorics 1 (1980), 323-326. 
  74. Some results on quadrics and a new class of partial geometries, Simon Stevin 55 (1981), 129-139. 
  75. Moufang conditions for finite generalized quadrangles (with S.E. Payne), in ``Finite geometries and designs'', Proc. Second Isle of Thorns Conf. 1980, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series 49, Cambridge Univ. Press, 275-303. 
  76. Generalized quadrangles and the Higman-Sims technique (with S.E. Payne), European J. of Comb. 2 (1981), 79-89. 
  77. New combinatorial characterizations of generalized quadrangles, European J. of Comb. 2 (1981), 299-303. 
  78. The embedding of $(0, \alpha)$-geometries in $PG(n,q)$, Part I (with F. De Clerck), Annals of Discrete Math. 18 (1983), 229-240. 
  79. Combinatorics of finite generalized quadrangles : a survey, Annals of Discrete Math. 14 (1982), 57-76. 
  80. Restricted Di-spaces , Part I (with M. Willems), Ars Combinatoria 13 (1982), 231-247. 
  81. Restricted Di-spaces, Part II (with M. Willems), Ars Combinatoria 13 (1982), 249-263. 
  82. Restricted Di-spaces, Part III (with M. Willems), Ars Combinatoria 14 (1982), 279-296. 
  83. Restricted Li-spaces, Part I (with M. Willems), Ars Combinatoria 13 (1982), 265-280. 
  84. Moufang conditions for finite generalized quadrangles (with S.E. Payne), Annals of Discrete Math. 18 (1983), 745-752. 
  85. Restricted Li-spaces, Part II (with M. Willems), Ars Combinatoria 13 (1982), 281-297. 
  86. A combinatorial characterization of maximal $(k;n)$-arcs (with A.A. Bruen), Simon Stevin 57 (1983), 141-143. 
  87. Hyperplane coverings and blocking sets (with A.A. Bruen), Math. Z. 181 (1982), 407-409. 
  88. Semi partial geometries and spreads of classical polar spaces, J. Comb. Th. 35 (1983), 58-66. 
  89. A note on the existence of special Laguerre $i$-structures and optimal codes (with M. Willems), European J. of Comb. 4 (1983), 93-96. 
  90. Elementary proofs of two fundamental theorems of B. Segre without using the Hasse-Weil theorem, J. Comb. Th. 34 (1983), 381-383. 
  91. The embedding of $(0,\alpha)$-geometries in $PG(n,q)$, Part II (with I. Debroey and F. De Clerck), Discrete Math. 51 (1984), 283-292. 
  92. Enkele aspecten van de theorie der axiomatische projectieve vlakken (with J. Bilo), Simon Stevin, Supplement 55 (1981), 144pp. 
  93. Geometries in finite projective spaces : recent results, in ``Combinatorial Mathematics X'', Lect. Notes in Mathematics $\sharp$1036, Springer-Verlag (1983), 96-110. 
  94. $(q^n+1)$-sets of $PG(3n-1,q)$, generalized quadrangles and Laguerre planes (with L.R.A. Casse and P.R. Wild), Simon Stevin 59 (1985), 21-42. 
  95. A characterization theorem for the generalized quadrangle $T^*_2(O)$ of order $(s,s+2)$ (with M. De Soete), Ars Combinatoria 17 (1984), 225-242. 
  96. Extensions of finite generalized quadrangles, in ``Symposia Mathematica'' Vol. 28 (Ist. Naz. di Alta Mat. Francesco Severi, Roma 1983), Academic Press 1986, 127-143. 
  97. The generalized hexagon $H(q)$ and the associated generalized quadrangle $K(q)$ (with J.W.P. Hirschfeld), Simon Stevin 59 (1985), 407-435. 
  98. 3-regularity in generalized quadrangles of order $(s,s^2)$, Geom. Dedicata 17 (1984), 33-36. 
  99. Characterization of generalized quadrangles by generalized homologies, J. Comb. Theory 40 (1985), 331-341. 
  100. Finite generalized quadrangles (with S.E. Payne), Research Notes in Mathematics $\sharp$110, Pitman Publ. Inc., Boston-London-Melbourne 1984, 318pp. 
  101. The theorems of Dembowski and Heise-Percsy from the point of view of generalized quadrangles, Quaderno N.6., Sem. Geom. Comb. Univ. l`Aquila (1984), 1-10. 
  102. The classification of all $(x,y)$-transitive generalized quadrangles, J. Comb. Theory 42 (1986), 154-157. 
  103. Complete arcs in planes of square order (with J.C. Fisher and J.W.P. Hirschfeld), Annals of Discrete Math. 30 (1986), 243-250. 
  104. Circle geometries and generalized quadrangles, in ``Finite Geometries'' (ed. by C. Baker and L. Batten), Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics $\sharp$103, Marcel Dekker 1985, 327-353. 
  105. Coordinatization of generalized quadrangles of order $(s,s+2)$ (with M. De Soete), J. Comb. Th. 48 (1988), 1-11. 
  106. $R$-regularity and characterizations of the generalized quadrangle $P(W(s), (\infty ))$ (with M. De Soete), Annals of Discrete Math. 30 (1986), 171-184. 
  107. Exterior sets with respect to the hyperbolic quadric in $PG(2n-1,q)$ (with F. De Clerck), in ``Finite Geometries'' (ed. by C. Baker and L. Batten), Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics $\sharp$103, Marcel Dekker 1985, 83-91. 
  108. Pseudopolar spaces of polar rank three (with G. Hanssens), Geometriae Dedicata 22 (1987), 117-135. 
  109. A characterization of the generalized quadrangle $Q(4,q), q$ odd (with M. De Soete), J. Geometry 28 (1987), 57-79. 
  110. Complete arcs and algebraic curves in $PG(2,q)$, J. Algebra 106 (1987), 451-464. 
  111. Characterizations of the generalized quadrangles $T^*_2(O)$ and $T_2(O)$ (with M. De Soete), Ars Combinatoria 22 (1986), 171-186. 
  112. Generalized quadrangles and flocks of cones, European J. Comb. 8 (1987), 441-452. 
  113. Linear independence in finite spaces (with J.W.P. Hirschfeld), Geom. Dedicata 23 (1987), 15-31. 
  114. Translation partial geometries (with H. Gevaert and F. De Clerck), Annals of Discrete Math. 37 (1988), 117-136. 
  115. Flocks of a quadratic cone in $PG(3,q), q \leq 8 $ (with H. Gevaert and F. De Clerck), Geometriae Dedicata 26 (1988), 215-230. 
  116. A family of ovals with few collineations (with S.E. Payne and H. Gevaert), European J. of Comb. 9 (1988), 353-362. 
  117. On M.D.S. codes, arcs in $PG(n,q)$ with $q$ even, and a solution of three fundamental problems of B. Segre (with A.A. Bruen and A. Blokhuis), Inventiones Math. 92 (1988), 441-459. 
  118. Interesting pointsets in generalized quadrangles, partial geometries and strongly regular graphs, Linear Algebra and its Appl. 114/115 (1989), 103-131. 
  119. Spreads covered by reguli (with H. Gevaert and N.L. Johnson), Simon Stevin 62 (1988), 51-62. 
  120. Flocks, maximal exterior sets and inversive planes, in ``Finite Geometries and Combinatorial Designs'', Contemp. Math. Vol. 111, AMS (1990) , 187-218. 
  121. Solution of a classical problem on finite inversive planes, in ``Finite Buildings, Related Geometries and Applications'', Oxford University Press 1990, 145-159. 
  122. Recent results on flocks, maximal exterior sets and inversive planes, in ``Combinatorics '88'',pages 95-108, Mediterranean Press, Rende (Cosenza) 1991. 
  123. M.D.S. codes and arcs in projective space I (with A.A. Bruen and A. Blokhuis), C.R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 10 (1988), 225-230. 
  124. M.D.S. codes and arcs in projective space II (with A.A. Bruen and A. Blokhuis), C.R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 10 (1988), 233-235. 
  125. Sets with more than one representation as an algebraic curve of degree three (with J.W.P. Hirschfeld), in ``Finite Geometries and Combinatorial Designs'', Contemp. Math. Vol. 111, AMS (1990), 99-110. 
  126. Arcs in $PG(n,q)$, MDS-codes and three fundamental problems of B. Segre - some extensions (with A.A. Bruen and A. Blokhuis), Geom. Dedicata 35 (1990), 1-11. 
  127. Partial geometries and copolar spaces (with H. Gevaert and F. De Clerck), in ``Combinatorics '88'', pages 267-280, Mediterranean Press , Rende (Cosenza), 1991. 
  128. Derivation of flocks of quadratic cones (with L. Bader and G. Lunardon), Forum Mathematicum 2 (1990), 163-174. 
  129. A note on spreads and partial spreads of hermitian varieties, Simon Stevin 63 (1989), 101-105. 
  130. Maximal exterior sets of hyperbolic quadrics : the complete classification, J. Combin. Theory 56 (1991), 303-308. 
  131. Half Moufang implies Moufang for finite generalized quadrangles (with S.E. Payne and H. Van Maldeghem), Inventiones Math. 105 (1991)153-156. 
  132. Generalized Desargues configurations in generalized quadrangles (with H. Van Maldeghem), Bull. Soc. Math. de Belg. 42 (1990) 713-722. 
  133. Conical flocks, partial flocks, derivation and generalized quadrangles (with S.E. Payne), Geom. Dedicata 38 (1991) 229-243. 
  134. Desarguesian finite generalized quadrangles are classical or dual classical (with S.E. Payne and H. Van Maldeghem), Designs, Codes and Cryptography 1 (1992) 299-305 
  135. M.D.S. codes and arcs in $PG(n,q)$ with $q$ even : An improvement of the bounds of Bruen, Thas and Blokhuis (with L. Storme), J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 62 (1993) 139-154. 
  136. Old and new results on spreads and ovoids of finite classical polar spaces, in ``Combinatorics '90'', Annals of Discrete Math. 52 (1992) 529-544. 
  137. Generalized Reed-Solomon codes and normal rational curves : an improvement of results by Seroussi and Roth (with L. Storme), in ``Advances in Finite Geometries and Designs'', Oxford Univ. Press 1991, 369-389. 
  138. Generalized quadrangles, $BLT$-sets, and Fisher flocks (with S.E. Payne) Congr. Numer. 84 (1991) 161-192. 
  139. Hyperplanes of dual polar spaces and the spin module (with E.E. Shult) Arch. Math. 59 (1992) 610-623. 
  140. A characterization of Hermitian curves (with J.W.P. Hirschfeld, L. Storme and J.F. Voloch), J. Geom. 41 (1991) 72-78. 
  141. $k$-arcs and dual $k$-arcs (with L. Storme), Discrete Math. 125 (1994) 357-370. 
  142. General Galois Geometries (with J.W.P. Hirschfeld), Oxford University Press, Oxford 1991, 424pp. 
  143. ``Projective Geometry over a Finite Field'' Chapter 7 in ``Handbook of Incidence Geometry'' (ed. F. Buekenhout), North-Holland 1995, pp. 295-347. 
  144. ``Generalized Polygons'', Chapter 9 in ``Handbook of Incidence Geometry'' (ed. F. Buekenhout), North-Holland 1995, pp. 383-431. 
  145. On a generalization of a theorem of B. Segre (with P.J. Cameron and A. Blokhuis), Geom. Dedicata 43 (1992) 299-305. 
  146. A combinatorial characterization of Hermitian curves, J. Alg. Combin. 1 (1992) 91-96. 
  147. Complete $k$-arcs in $PG(n,q)$, $q$ even (with L. Storme), Discrete Math. 106/107 (1992) 455-469. 
  148. Generalized quadrangles of order $(s,s^2)$. Part I. J. Combin. Theory Ser.A 67 (1994) 140-160. 
  149. M.D.S. codes and arcs in projective spaces: A survey, in ``Combinatorics '92'', Le Matematiche 47 (1992) 315-328. 
  150. Flocks and partial flocks of the quadratic cone in $PG(3,q)$ (with C. Herssens and F. De Clerck), in ``Finite Geometries and Combinatorics'', Cambridge Univ. Press 1993 pp. 379-394. 
  151. The affine plane $AG(2,q)$, $q$ odd, has a unique one point extension. Inventiones Math. 118 (1994) 133-139. 
  152. $m$-systems of polar spaces (with E.E. Shult), J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 68 (1994) 184-204. 
  153. Recent developments in the theory of finite generalized quadrangles, Acad. Analecta, Med. Kon. Acad. Wet. Lett. Sch. K. Belg., Kl. Wet. 56 (1994) 100-113. 
  154. Spreads and ovoids of finite generalized quadrangles (with S.E. Payne) Geom. Dedicata 52 (1994) 227-253. 
  155. Constructions of polygons from buildings (with E.E. Shult), Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 71 (1995) 397-440. 
  156. The classification of finite generalized quadrangles admitting a group acting transitively on ordered pentagons (with H. Van Maldeghem), J. London Math. Soc. 51 (1995) 209-218. 
  157. A characterization of the Fisher-Thas-Walker flocks, Simon Stevin 67 (1993) 219-226. 
  158. Elation generalized quadrangles of order $(p,t)$, $p$ prime, are classical (with I. Bloemen and H. Van Maldeghem) J. Stat. Plan. Inf. 56 (1996) 49-55. 
  159. Ovoids of the quadric $Q(2n,q), n \geq 2$ (with C.M. O'Keefe), European J. Combin. 16 (1995) 87-92. 
  160. Collineations of Subiaco and Cherowitzo hyperovals (with C.M. O'Keefe), Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. - Simon Stevin 3 (1996) 177-192. 
  161. $k$-arcs and partial flocks (with L. Storme), Linear Algebra and its Appl. 226-228 (1995) 33-45. 
  162. Embedded thick finite generalized hexagons in projective space (with H. Van Maldeghem), J. London Math. Soc. (2) 54 (1996) 566-580. 
  163. ``Partial Geometries'', Section IV.34 in ``Handbook of Combinatorial Designs'' (ed. C.J. Colbourn and J.H. Dinitz), CRC Press (Boca Raton, New York, London, Tokyo) 1996, pp. 414-419. 
  164. $m$-systems and partial $m$-systems of polar spaces (with E.E. Shult), Designs, Codes and Cryptography 8 (1996) 229-238. 
  165. Symplectic spreads in $PG(3,q)$, inversive planes and projective planes, Combinatorics '94, Discrete Math. 174 (1997) 329-336. 
  166. $k$-arcs, hyperovals, partial flocks and flocks, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 9 (1996) 95-104. 
  167. Orthogonal, symplectic and unitary polar spaces sub-weakly embedded in projective space (with H. Van Maldeghem), Compos. Math. 103 (1996) 75-93. 
  168. Generalized quadrangles weakly embedded in finite projective space (with H. Van Maldeghem), J. Stat. Plan. Inf. 73 (1998) 353-361. 
  169. Sub-weakly embedded singular and degenerate polar spaces (with H. Van Maldeghem), Geom. Dedicata 65 (1997) 291-298. 
  170. Generalized quadrangles and the axiom of Veblen (with H. Van Maldeghem), in ``Geometry, Combinatorial Designs, and Related Structures'' (ed. J.W.P. Hirschfeld, S.S. Magliveras, M.-J. de Resmini), Cambridge Univ. Press 1997, 241-253. 
  171. Partial flocks of quadratic cones with a point vertex in $PG(n,q)$, $n$ odd (with C.M. O'Keefe), J. Alg. Comb. 6 (1997) 377-392. 
  172. G. Tallini and his work, Results. Math. 32 (1997) 276-280. 
  173. Flocks and partial flocks of quadrics : A survey, J. Stat. Plan. Inf. 94 (2001) 335-348. 
  174. Translation ovoids of generalized quadrangles and hexagons (with I. Bloemen and H. Van Maldeghem), Geom. Dedicata 72(1998) 19-62. 
  175. Generalized quadrangles of order $(s,s^2)$,II, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 79 (1997) 223-254. 
  176. Embeddings of geometries in finite projective spaces : A survey, in ``Groups and Geometries'' (ed. A. Pasini), Birkh\"{a}user Verlag, Basel 1998, 201-214. 
  177. Generalized quadrangles of order $(s,s^2)$ : Recent results, Discrete Math. 208/209 (1999) 577-587. 
  178. Flat lax and weak lax embeddings of finite generalized hexagons (with H. Van Maldeghem), European J. of Combinatorics 19 (1998) 733-751. 
  179. Lax embeddings of generalized quadrangles in finite projective spaces (with H. Van Maldeghem), Proc. London Math. Soc. 82 (2001), 402-440. 
  180. Some new classes of extended generalized quadrangles of order $(q+1,q-1)$, Bull.Belgian Math. Soc. - Simon Stevin 5 (1998) 461-467. 
  181. Lax embeddings of polar spaces in finite projective spaces (with H. Van Maldeghem), Forum Mathematicum 11 (1999) 349-367. 
  182. Generalized quadrangles of order $(s,s^2)$,III, J. Combin. Theory (A) 87 (1999) 247-272. 
  183. 3-Regularity in generalized quadrangles : a survey, recent results and the solution of a longstanding conjecture, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, Ser. II, Suppl. 53 (1998) 199-218. 
  184. Finite geometries, varieties and codes, Documenta Mathematica, Extra Volume ICM 1998, III, 397-408. 
  185. On embeddings of the flag geometries of projective planes in finite projective spaces, Designs, Codes and Cryptography (with H. Van Maldeghem), 17 (1999) 97-104. 
  186. Classification of embeddings of the flag geometries of projective planes in finite projective spaces, Part 1 (with H. Van Maldeghem), J. Combin. Theory (A) 90 (2000) 159-172. 
  187. Classification of embeddings of the flag geometries of projective planes in finite projective spaces, Part 2 (with H. Van Maldeghem), J. Combin. Theory (A) 90 (2000) 241-256. 
  188. Classification of embeddings of the flag geometries of projective planes in finite projective spaces, Part 3 (with H. Van Maldeghem), J. Combin. Theory (A) 90 (2000) 173-196. 
  189. New upper bounds for the sizes of caps in finite projective spaces (with L. Storme and S.K.J. Vereecke), J. of Geometry 73 (2002) 176-193. 
  190. $m$-Clouds in generalized hexagons (with L. Brouns and H. Van Maldeghem), Discrete Math. (Combinatorics '98, ed. C.G. Bartolone) 255 (2002) 25-33. 
  191. Some remarks on embeddings of the flag geometries of projective planes in finite projective spaces (with H. Van Maldeghem), J. of Geometry 67 (2000) 217-222. 
  192. Geometrical constructions of flock generalized quadrangles, J. Combin. Theory (A) 94 (2001) 51-62. 
  193. Characterizations of translation generalized quadrangles, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 23 (2001) 249-257. 
  194. A result on spreads of the generalized quadrangle $T_2(O)$, with $O$ an oval arising from a flock, and applications, European J. Combin. 22 (2001) 879 - 886. 
  195. On generalized $k$-arcs in $PG(2n,q)$ (with B. Cooperstein), Annals of Combin. 5 (2001) 141-152. 
  196. SPG systems and semipartial geometries, Adv. Geom. 1 (2001) 211-228. 
  197. Flocks and locally hermitian $1$-systems of $Q(6,q)$ (with D. Luyckx), in ``Finite Geometries'' (ed. A. Blokhuis, J.W.P. Hirschfeld, D. Jungnickel, J.A. Thas), Kluwer Ac. Publ., Dordrecht 2001, 257-276. 
  198. Full embeddings of the finite dual split Cayley hexagons (with H. Van Maldeghem), Combinatorica 24 (2004) 681-698. 
  199. A characterization of $Q(5,q)$ using one subquadrangle $Q(4,q)$ (with L. Brouns and H. Van Maldeghem), European J. Combin. 23 (2002) 163-177. 
  200. Ovoids, spreads and $m$-systems of finite classical polar spaces in "Surveys in Combinatorics, 2001" (ed. J.W.P. Hirschfeld), London Math. Soc. Lect. Note Ser. 288, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge 2001, 241-267. 
  201. The uniqueness of the 1-system of $Q^-(7,q), q$ odd (with D. Luyckx), J. Combin. Theory (A) 98 (2002) 253-267. 
  202. Translation generalized quadrangles of order $(s,s^2),s$ even, and eggs, J. Combin. Theory (A) 99 (2002) 40-50. 
  203. Geometrical construction of the oval(s) associated with an $\alpha$-flock (with M.R. Brown), Adv. Geom. 4 (2004) 9-17. 
  204. Hermitian Veroneseans over finite fields (with B. Cooperstein and H. Van Maldeghem), Forum Mathematicum 16 (2004) 365-381. 
  205. Classification of finite Veronesean caps (with H. Van Maldeghem), European J. Combin. 25 (2004) 275-285. 
  206. On 1-systems of $Q(6,q)$, $q$ even (with D. Luyckx), Designs, Codes and Cryptography 29 (2003) 179-197. 
  207. Translation generalized quadrangles and translation duals, Part 1 (with K. Thas), Discrete Math., to appear. 
  208. Characterizations of the finite quadric Veroneseans (with H. Van Maldeghem), Quart. J. Oxford 55 (2004) 99-113. 
  209. Characterizations of quadric and Hermitian Veroneseans over finite fields (with H. Van Malde\-ghem), in `` Topics in Combinatorics: Geometry, Graph Theory and Designs'' (Proc. Combinatorics 2002, Maratea (Potenza), Italy), pp. 267-277, and in J. Geometry 76 (2003) 282-293. 
  210. Derivation of $m$-systems (with D. Luyckx), European J. of Combin., 24 (2003) 137-147. 
  211. Subquadrangles of order $s$ of generalized quadrangles of order $(s,s^2)$, Part I (with M.R. Brown), J. Combin. Theory (A) 106 (2004) 15-32. 
  212. Subquadrangles of order $s$ of generalized quadrangles of order $(s,s^2)$, Part II (with M.R. Brown), J. Combin. Theory (A) 106 (2004) 33-48. 
  213. Some new maximal sets of mutually orthogonal Latin squares (with P. Govaerts, D. Jungnickel, L. Storme), Designs, Codes and Cryptography 29(2003) 215-225. 
  214. Switching of generalized quadrangles of order $s$, and applications, Advances in Geometry SIII (2003) 105-112. 
  215. The stabilizer of the Adelaide oval (with S.E. Payne), Discrete Math. 294 (2005) 161-173. 
  216. Some characterizations of finite Hermitian Veroneseans (with H. Van Maldeghem), Designs, Codes and Cryptography 34 (2005) 283-293. 
  217. Maximal arcs in $PG(2,q)$ and partial flocks of the quadratic cone (with N. Hamilton), Adv. Geom. 6 (2005) 39-51. 
  218. Locally hermitian 1-systems of $Q^+(7,q)$ (with D. Luyckx), Discrete Math. 282 (2004) 223-231. 
  219. Dual partial quadrangles embedded in $PG(3,q)$ (with F. De Clerck and N. Durante),Advances in Geometry SIII (2003) 224-231. 
  220. Trialities and 1-systems of $Q^+(7,q)$ (with D. Luyckx), Designs, Codes and Cryptography 35 (2005) 337-352. 
  221. Semipartial geometries, arising from locally hermitian 1-systems of $W_5(q)$, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. - Simon Stevin 11 (2004) 69-76. 
  222. SPG-reguli satisfying the polar property and a new semipartial geometry (with S. De Winter), Designs, Codes and Cryptography 32 (2004) 153-166. 
  223. The uniqueness of the 1-system of $Q^-(7,q)$, $q$ even (with D. Luyckx), Discrete Math. 294 (2005) 133-138. 
  224. On Ferri's characterization of the finite quadric Veronesean $V^4_2$ (with H. Van Maldeghem), J. Combin. Theory (A), 110 (2005) 217-221. 
  225. A characterization of the semipartial geometries $T*_2(U)$ and $T*_2(B)$ (with F. De Clerck and S. De Winter), European J. Combin. 25 (2004)73-85. 
  226. Translation generalized quadrangles in even characteristic (with K. Thas),Combinatorica 26 (2006)709-732. 
  227. Finite Moufang generalized quadrangles (with H. Van Maldeghem), Proc. Int. Conf. on "Geometric and Group Theory Methods in Physics and Mathematics", Batumi (Georgia), 15-27 September, 2003, J. Math. Sciences 137 (2006) 5037-5048. 
  228. Embeddings of small generalized polygons (with H. Van Maldeghem), Finite Fields and Appl. 12 (2006) 565-594. 
  229. On semi-pseudo-ovoids (with S. De Winter), J. Alg. Combin. 22 (2005) 139-149. 
  230. Affine embeddings of (0,alpha)-geometries (with F. De Clerck and N. De Feyter), European J. Combin. 27 (2006) 74-78. 
  231. Generalized polygons in finite projective spaces (with H. Van Maldeghem), Proc. 2004 $Com^2MaC$ Workshop on Distance-regular Graphs and Finite Geometry (Eds. S. Bang and J. H. Koolen), Combinatorial and Computational Mathematics Center, Pohang University of Science and Technology (2004) 57-71. 
  232. Finite geometries: classical problems and recent developments, Rend. di Mat. VII (27) (2007) 49-60, and Rend. Accad. Naz. Sc. detta dei XL, Mem. Mat. Appl. 125 (2007) XXXI, fasc 1. 
  233. Finite translation generalized quadrangles: old results, new results, open problems (with K. Thas), in "Finite Geometries, Groups and Computation" (eds. A. Hulpke, R. Liebler, T. Penttila, A. Seress) (Proc. Conf. "Finite Geometries, Groups and Computation", Pingree Park, Colorado, USA, 2004) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 2006, pp. 223-235. 
  234. On the history of flocks, Liber Memorialis R. Delanghe (2006) pp. 183-198. 
  235. Subquadrangles of order $s$ of generalized qudrangles of order $(s,s^2)$ (with K. Thas), Innovations in Incidence Geometry, 10 (2009) 133-145.
  236. Subquadrangles of order $s$ of generalized qudrangles of order $(s,s^2)$, III (with K. Thas), J. Comb. Theory (A) 113 (2006) 1791-1804. 
  237. "Partial Geometries", Section IV.44 in "Handbook of Combinatorial Designs" (ed. C.J. Colbourn and J.H. Dinitz), 2nd edition, CRC Press (Boca Raton, New York, London, Tokyo) 2007, pp. 557-561. 
  238. SPG-reguli, SPG-systems, BLT-sets and sets with the BLT-property, Proc. "Combinatorics 2006" (Ischia, Italy 2006), Discrete Math., 309 (2009) 462-474. 
  239. A characterization of the generalized quadrangle $W(q)$ and applications, in "Trends in Incidence and Galois Geometries: a Tribute to Guiseppe Tallini", Quaderni di Matematica 19 (Series ed. by Dip. di Mat. Sec. Univ. di Napoli Caserta - 2006) pp. 299-310.
  240. Translation Generalized Quadrangles (with K. Thas and H. Van Maldeghem), Series in Pure Mathematics - Vol. 26, World Scientific, Singapore 2006, 376 pp. 
  241. A characterization of the natural embedding of the split Cayley hexagon $H(q)$ in $PG(6,q)$ by intersection numbers ( with H. Van Maldeghem), European J. Combin. 29 (2008) 1502-1506. 
  242. The uniqueness of 1-systems of $W^5(q)$ satisfying the BLT-property, with $q$ odd, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 44 (2007) 3-10. 
  243. Generalized hexagons and Singer geometries (with H. Van Maldeghem), Designs, Codes and Cryptography 47 (2008) 249-266. 
  244. Finite fields and Galois geometries, Proc. $Fq8$, Contemporary Math. 461 (2008) 251-265. 
  245. Characterizations of hermitian varieties by intersection numbers (with J. Schillewaert), Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 50 (2009) 41-60. 
  246. On collineations and dualities of finite generalized polygons (with B. Temmermans and H. Van Maldeghem), Combinatorica, 29 (5) (2009) 569-594.
  247. 1-Polarized pseudo-hexagons (with H. Van Maldeghem), Innovations in Incidence Geometry, 6-7 (2007) 307-325.
  248. Minimal codewords in Reed-Muller codes (with J. Schillewaert and L. Storme), Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 54 (2010) 273-286. 
  249. Finite translation generalized quadrangles, in "Perspectives in Mathematical Sciences II: Pure Mathematics", World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 225-248.. 
  250. Finite Generalized Quadrangles (with S.E. Payne), 2nd edition (1st edition with an Appendix), European Mathematical Society, EMS series of Lectures in Mathematics, xi + 287 pp. 
  251. Generalized ovals in $PG(3n-1,q)$, with $q$ odd, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 7 (2011) 1007-1036.
  252. Two regular points in GQ(s) (with S.E. Payne), preprint. 
  253. A characterization of the finite Veronesean by intersection properties (with J. Schillewaert and H. Van Maldeghem), Annals of Combin., 2 (2012) 331-348. 
  254. A characterization of the Grassmann embedding of H(q) (with A. De Wispelaere and H. Van Maldeghem), Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 55 (2010) 121-130. 
  255. Collineations and dualities of partial geometries (with B. Temmermans and H. Van Maldeghem), Discrete Math., 310 (2010) 3251-3258.
  256. Generalized Veronesean embeddings of finite projective spaces (with H. Van Maldeghem), Combinatorica, 31 (2011) 615-629.
  257. Generalized lax Veronesean embeddings of projective spaces (with Z. Akca, A. Bayar, S. Ekmekci, H. Van Maldeghem), Ars Combinatoria, 103 (2012) 65-80.
  258. Andre embeddings of affine planes (with H. Van Maldeghem), Contemporary Mathematics (Proc. of the Conf. on Error-Correcting Codes, Cryptography and Finite Geometries, Eds. Bruen-Wehlau), 523 (2010) 123-131.
  259. Characterizations of  Segre varieties (with H. Van Maldeghem), J. Combin. Theory A, 120 (2013) 795-802.
  260. Domesticity in projective spaces (with B. Temmermans and H. Van Maldeghem), Innovations in Incidence Geometry, 12 (2011) 141-149.
  261. Domesticity in generalized quadrangles (with B. Temmermans and H. Van Maldeghem), Annals of Combin., 16 (2012) 905-916.
  262. Collineations of polar spaces with restricted displacements (with B. Temmermans and H. Van Maldeghem), Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 64 (2012) 61-80.
  263. An essay on self-dual generalized quadrangles (with S.E. Payne), Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 64 (2012) 93-103.
  264. Characterizations of Veronese and Segre varieties (with H. Van Maldeghem), J. of Geom., 101 (2011) 211-222.
  265. "Projective Spaces" (with J.W.P. Hirschfeld), Section 14.4 in "Handbook of Finite Fields" (eds. G.L. Mullen and D. Panario), CRC Press (Boca Raton, New York, London. Tokyo), 2013, pp. 574-589.
  266. Finite affine planes in projective spaces (with H. Van Maldeghem), Combinatorica 37 (2017) 283-311.
  267. Open problems in finite projective spaces (with J.W.P. Hirschfeld). Finite Fields and Applications, 32 (2015) 44-81.
  268. General Galois Geometries (with J.W.P. Hirschfeld), 2nd edition, Springer, London, 2016, xvi + 409 pp.
  269. Arcs, caps and codes, Notes de la huiti\`eme BSSM, edition 2015, Proceedings of the "Brussels Summer School of Mathematics (ULB, 2015)", pp. 17-28.
  270. Regular pseudo-hyperovals and regular pseudo-ovals in even characteristic, Innovations in Incidence Geometry, 17 (2019) 77-84.
  271. On $k$-caps in $PG(n,q)$, with $q$ even and $n \geq 3$, Discrete Math., 341 (2018) 1459-1471.
  272. Covers of generalized quadrangles (with K. Thas), Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 60 (2018) 585-601.
  273. On $k$-caps in $PG(n,q)$, with $q$ even and $n \geq 4$, Discrete Math., 341 (2018) 1072-1077.
  274. Arcs, caps, generalisations: results and problems, Chapter 22 in "50 Years of Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing (eds. F. Chung, R. Graham, F. Hoffman, L. Hogben, D. West), CRC Press, Taylor&Francis Group, 2020, 387-407.
  275. Covers of generalized quadrangles, 2. Kantor-Knuth covers and embedded ovoids (with K. Thas), Finite Fields Appl. 70 (2021), Art. 101780, 1-28.
  276. Epimorphisms of generalized polygons A : The planes, quadrangles and hexagons (with K. Thas), J. of Geom. and Physics 180 (2022) 104614.
  277. Epimorphisms of generalized polygons B : The octagons (with K. Thas), Innovations in Incidence Geometry, to appear.
  278. Generalized quadrangles of order $(s, s^2)$. IV. Translations, Moufang and Fong-Seitz, arXiv: 2205.15260 math CO, Discrete Math., to appear.
  279. Suzuki-Tits ovoids through the years (with H. Van Maldeghem), Arch. Math. (2023), https: //