on Galois geometry

Friday, May 4, 2012

Poster and abstracts

9h30: welcome coffee

10h00: Anna-Lena Trautmann (University of Zurich)
Finite Spreads in Random Network Coding

11h00: Michael Kiermaier (Universität Bayreuth)
Ring-linear codes from projective Hjelmslev geometries

11h45: lunch

13h15: Relinde Jurrius (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Relations between invariant polynomials

14h15: Jeroen Demeyer (Universiteit Gent)
The probability that an Fq hypersurface is smooth

15h00: coffee

15h30: Yves Edel (Universiteit Gent)
Selected results on APN functions and DHOs

16h30: Petteri Kaski (Aalto University, Helsinki)
Enumeration of designs with subdesigns

Jan De Beule and Leo Storme

Ghent University
Krijgslaan 281, building S25
Emmy Noether Lecture Room
9000 Gent
Participation, lunch and coffee are free, please register before April 27, 2012

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