
Log in

Members of the research group (and other people with account on geometry server) can log in to change the contents of the page - add, change or remove preprints, links, lecturenotes, theses, seminars and conferences.


No account

If you don`t have an account created at this server and you think You should have, contact Note, that this account is different from UGent accounts (i.e. accounts on


Forgotten password

If you forgot your passwords there is no way it could be retrieved. However, you can ask some of the administrators to generate you a new password. Server can automatically change your old password for newly generated and send the new password to specified e-mail address. If you don`t know who are the administrators, ask



You can search without specifying anything. Result of the search will contain all preprints in the database.

All search queries are performed in case-insensitive fashion.



You can specify one or more authors. Authors need to be separated by semicommas. You can also specify first and middle name of author. In that case, first name need to be after last name and middle name need to be after first name. They need to be separated from each other by commas. You can specify just first or middle name by leaving place for last name empty.

Beethoven, Ludwig, van
Beethoven; Bach, Johann Sebastian
, Ludwig
, Ludwig, van

You can use standard pattern matching when searching for authors. Use "_" to match any single character and "%" to match an arbitrary number of characters (including zero characters).

%oven%, Lu_wig; Bac_

You can choose whether You want to search for all authors or some of them by choosing "is (are)" or "one of" option. In case "is (are)" is chosen only preprints with all specified authors will match. In case "one of" is chosen any preprint with at least one of the specified authors will match.



You can specify exact year or input an interval of years. Interval is specified by inputting two years separated by minus sign. If one of the borders is missing it is replaced by the lowest (resp. the highest) possible value.




Titles are searched in fulltext mode. You can input any number of words separated by commas, semicommas or empty spaces. Result will contain all preprints with title containing at least one of the specified words. Resulted preprints will be ordered by relevance of the match. Too short words are ignored in fulltext search. The minimum length of words that are found by fulltext search is four characters.

Symphony No.9 in D minor "Choral"
symphony, D minor



Keywords are searched in fulltext mode. You can input any number of words separated by commas, semicommas or empty spaces. Result will contain all preprints with at least one of the specified keywords. Resulted preprints will be ordered by relevance of the match. Too short words are ignored in fulltext search. The minimum length of words that are found by fulltext search is four characters.

Ode to joy



MSC-classification is searched in fulltext mode. You can input more MSC-codewords separated by commas, semicommas or empty spaces. Result will contain all preprints with at least one of the specified codewords. Resulted preprints will be ordered by relevance of the match.

17C60; 20E42


Generate HTML link to search result

You can generate HTML link to search result. Copy generated code to Your HTML code. In browser the code will appear as a link to web page containing the search result. You can change part "Your own text" to Your liking.

Code does not create link to exact preprints, instead it creates link containing search query with desired result. Note that in future, the same search query can have different result (for example if preprint`s details are changed or preprint is removed from database).

Code uses URL to pass search query to the server. Because URL is restricted to 2048 characters, it may cause some unsupported behaviour if the search query is too big.

If You want link to only some of the preprints in result, try make the search criteria more specific to fit only those preprints. See search help for more information.



Conferences information are provided in this section. All conferences are automatically divided into two sections: upcoming and past. Conference is "upcoming" when date of the end of the conference is latter or equal compared with the current date. Other conferences are treated as "past conferences".



For those not familiar with HTML: You can input just simple comments here.

For those familiar with HTML: Comments text will be put inside <p></p> tags. You can add your own formating tags if they don`t interfere with this. For example you can create line breaks, links or make lists (see examples). Note that links to external pages are opened in new window on whole Incidence Geometry web page, it would be nice of you to keep this convention.

plain comment
<a href="" target="_blank">link to geometry homepage opened in new window</a>
short list:<ul><li>list item</li></ul>
comment<br />with line break


Lecture notes/books

Lecture notes for the students are provided in this section. Very similar is subsection online notes in links section. Difference is that lecture notes should be oriented more on the students while online notes in links sections should be more resource for geometers to find scientific information on the web. If you are not sure, the best is to contact authorities of the Incidence Geometry Research Group and ask. Of course you can input your notes into both sections.

Note that you only supply link and some description of the notes. You have to host the files somewhere else (i.e. your own homepage)



For those not familiar with HTML: You can input just simple description or comments here.

For those familiar with HTML: Description text will be put inside <p></p> tags together with link created from specified URL and text of the link. You can add your own formating tags to description text if they don`t interfere with this. For example you can create line breaks, links or make lists (see examples). Note that links to external pages are opened in new window on whole Incidence Geometry web page, it would be nice of you to keep this convention.

plain description
<a href="" target="_blank">link to geometry homepage opened in new window</a>
short list:<ul><li>list item</li></ul>
description<br />with line break



Information about seminars around the Incidence Geometry Research Group are provided in this section.


Structure of seminar information

Information about each seminar are divided into three levels.

On the first level there are the general information like name, place and organizers info. To each seminar can be assigned arbitrary number of sessions.

On the second level are information about the session. Each session should have assigned date. Additional information about the sessions are place, beginning and ending time and comments. To each session can be asssigned arbitrary number of speakers. You can also use comments column to display additional information.

On the third level are information about speakers. You can specify name of speaker, title of the speech, beginning and ending time. You can use comments column to display additional information. For example you can create links to speakers homepage or abstract of speech. You also don`t have to insert information about speaker and speech and use only the comments column.


Organizers, Place, Comments

For those not familiar with HTML: You can input just simple information about organizers, place or any comments here.

For those familiar with HTML: Organizers, place and comments text will be put inside <p></p>, comments to session or speaker is also part of item list tag (<li></li>). You can add your own formating tags to description text if they don`t interfere with this. For example you can create line breaks, links or make lists (see examples). Note that links to external pages are opened in new window on whole Incidence Geometry web page, it would be nice of you to keep this convention.

List of organizers:<br />
<li><a href="">L. van Beethoven</a>(with mail address)</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">J.S. Bach</a>(with link to homepage opened in new window)</li>



This section is used to collect information about geometry resources on the web. If you know about such resource which is not here, fell free to add it to links. You will need an account on this server to do that.

If you notice any errors, broken links, information not up-to-date or other omissions and you cannot correct them yourself (you don`t have an account here), please report these to

Links are divided into four groups: people, online notes, departments & research groups and journals. Online notes have three subgroups: collections, online notes and other useful links.

When creating link in people group, last name of person you are creating link to must by specified. It is used for sorting.

Note that conferences seem to be part of the links too, but they are managed separately.


HTML code of link

You need to create full HTML code of the link. This will be put inside the list item tags (<li></li>), so the code shouldn`t interfere with this (however, you can still create new list <ul></ul> inside list item).

link to <a href="">L. van Beethoven</a> homepage

Date and time


Use YYYY-MM-DD date format for inputting dates. System should recognize also "standard MySQL shortcuts" for dates. i.e. month and day could be 1,...,9 instead of 01,...,09 and year could be specified only by last two digits (values in the range 00-69 are converted to 2000-2069 and values in the range 70-99 are converted to 1970-1999).



Use HH:MM time format for inputting times. System should recognize also one digit number and puts zero before. So 4:5 would be saved as 04:50 (but who would write 4:5 instead of 4:50?). Times are stored with seconds part. Normally second are not specified and are set to 00 (4:5 = 4:50:00). But when trying to edit times, system displayed them in full format HH:MM:SS, so don`t be surprised - that is how it should be working (you can just ignore the seconds).



Standard internet URL address. It`s a good habit to start with http:// , however addresses without it (like should work as well.

