WebSite Links
Thanks much for visiting my website! Here are a few of the sites around the web that
I can recommend. When inspiration and time permit this list will be extended
from time to time.
Department of Mathematical Physics
and Astronomy
Within the Faculty of Science of the University of Ghent there are three departments
which are oriented towards mathematics. This is the one to which I was associated
during a major part of my career, before moving to the Department of Pure Mathematics.
The web's most extensive mathematics resource, developed by Eric Weisstein.
Another resource of all things mathematics.
A search engine for mathematics on the web.
A page with links to Mathematics on the Internet.
History of Mathematics
A site at the St-Andrews University in Scotland where one can find al kind of details
on mathematicians and the history of mathematics.
Tourism info on Ghent
A starting place for some tourist information on the city of Ghent.
In 2005 Ghent was chosen as the "most pleasant city of Flanders";
they got a nice
logo to celebrate this honour...
Apple Computers
The provider of a lot of fun in both my professional and private life.
Smooth system updates, a one-click installation of a flawlessly working and free
TeX implemen-tation, the superb presentation program Keynote: these
alone are more than sufficient reasons for me to choose the Mac as the
one and only computer platform I want to work with.
A free and excellent TeX implemention for the Mac.
LaTeXiT is an indespensible program when as a mathematician you use Keynote for
your presentations; it works together with your main TeX installation and provides
on-the-fly TeX formulae for incorporation in your Keynote file.
The free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.