Welcome to the

Hydroaeropropulsion Rocket Research Labs


4 july 2002

Featuring Pieter's new launcher. The bottle is held in place by a rope. The rope is held in place by a nail on the bottom side of the plank. (Schematic diagram coming soon ...)

The nail itself can be pulled using another rope, which Pieter (on the right) is about to pull ...
Alas, the pressurized bottle failed to launch: the cork stayed stuck in the bottle, despite the considerable pressure of the air inside.

We decided to try again and with a larger pump. First we needed to make the hole in the plank bigger because the larger pump has a larger hose.

One man working and two watching (plus one photographing), isn't it just typical ...

Connecting up everything.

Fastening the rope to two nails on the side of the wooden plank.

Pressurizing ...
This time everything went fine, or a bit too fine: our bottle (later christened the Hilde II) ended up on the roof.

Projectile being rescued by Patrick.

How to descend a building in three easy-to-learn steps.