Welcome to the

Hydroaeropropulsion Rocket Research Labs


9 july 2002

The bottle flies over the top of the trees ...

behind which is a small pool, of course.

Immediately, our team comes to the rescue.

Using advanced recovery methods ...

... better known as 'wait long enough and catch' ...

... and without fear, our brave researchers ...

... finally recover the precious bottle.

You can see clearly the safety cord here. It runs from the metal plate to a nail on the side of the plank and prevents the plate from flying away too far if the main rope breaks. The main rope is also connected to the metal plate and ends in a loop. Through this loop, another rope runs, which is connected to both nails on the side of the plank.

Not bad, we have the impression that our launches yesterday were better. Today, the bottles always seem to deviate from the vertical path ...

... and end up in the grass. We discover that someone was hiding there all the time ...
Now it seems to be Pieter's turn to try and be interesting in front of a camera.