Mersenne Primes:
History, Theorems and Lists


  1. Early History
  2. Perfect Numbers and a Few Theorems
  3. Table of Known Mersenne Primes
  4. The Lucas-Lehmer Test and Recent History
  5. Conjectures and Unsolved Problems
  6. Remote pages on Mersennes:

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1. Early History

Many early writers felt that the numbers of the form 2^n-1 were prime for all primes n, but in 1536 Hudalricus Regius showed that 2^11-1 = 2047 was not prime (it is 23*89). By 1603 Pietro Cataldi had correctly verified that 2^17-1 and 2^19-1 were both prime, but then incorrectly stated 2^n-1 was also prime for 23, 29, 31 and 37. In 1640 Fermat showed Cataldi was wrong about 23 and 37; then Euler in 1738 showed Cataldi was also wrong about 29. Sometime later Euler showed Cataldi's assertion about 31 was correct.

Enter French monk Marin Mersenne (1588-1648). Mersenne stated in the preface to his Cogitata Physica-Mathematica (1644) that the numbers 2^n-1 were prime for

n = 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 31, 67, 127 and 257
and were composite for all other positive integers n < 257. Mersenne's (incorrect) conjecture fared only slightly better than Regius', but still got his name attached to these numbers.
Definition: When 2^n-1 is prime it is said to be a Mersenne prime.
It was obvious to Mersenne's peers that he could not have tested all of these numbers (in fact he admitted as much), but they could not test them either. It was not until over 100 years later, in 1750, that Euler verified the next number on Mersenne's and Regius' lists, 2^31-1, was prime. After another century, in 1876, Lucas verified 2^127-1 was also prime. Seven years later Pervouchine showed 2^61-1 was prime, so Mersenne had missed this one. In the early 1900's Powers showed that Mersenne had also missed the primes 2^89-1 and 2^107-1. Finally, by 1947 Mersenne's range, n < 258, had been completely checked and it was determined that the correct list is:
n = 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 31, 61, 89, 107 and 127.
See the table of known Mersenne primes below.

2. Perfect Numbers and a Few Theorems

Many ancient cultures were concerned with the relationship of a number with the sum of its divisors, often giving mystic interpretations. Here we are concerned only with one such relationship:
Definition: A positive integer n is called a perfect number if it is equal to the sum of all of its positive divisors, excluding n itself.
For example, 6 is the first perfect number because 6=1+2+3. The next is 28=1+2+4+7+14. The next two are 496 and 8128. These four were all known before the time of Christ. Look at these numbers in the following partially factored form:
2*3, 4*7, 16*31, 64*127.
Do you notice they all have the same form 2^(n-1)*(2^n-1) (for n = 2, 3, 5, and 7 respectively)? And that in each case 2^n-1 was a Mersenne prime? In fact it is easy to show the following theorems:
Theorem One: k is an even perfect number if and only if it has the form 2^(n-1)*(2^n-1) and 2^n-1 is prime.

Theorem Two: If 2^n-1 is prime, then so is n.

So the search for Mersennes is also the search for even perfect numbers! (The proof of these theorem can be found in almost any text on elementary number theory, for example Burton80.)

You may have also noticed that the perfect numbers listed above (6, 28, 496, 8128) all end with either the digit 6 or the digit 8--this is also very easy to prove (but no, they do not continue to alternate 6, 8, 6, 8,...). If you like that digit pattern, look at the first four perfect numbers in binary:

(The binary digit pattern is a consequence of Theorem One.)

Finally, it is not known whether or not there is an odd perfect number, but if there is one it is big!

3. Table of Known Mersenne Primes

Let M(p) = 2^p-1 and P(p) = 2^(p-1)(2^p-1). The list of all known primes p for which M(p) is a Mersenne prime (therefore P(p) is a perfect number) follows:
	p    digits   digits 	year    discoverer
             in M(p)  in P(p)   found

1	2	1	1	----	---- 
2	3	1	2	----	----
3	5	2	3	----	----
4	7	3	4	----	----
5	13	4	8	1456	anonymous
6	17	6	10	1588	Cataldi
7	19	6	12	1588	Cataldi
8	31	10	19	1772	Euler
9	61	19	37	1883	Pervushin
10	89	27	54	1911	Powers 
11	107	33	65	1914    Powers (note 1)
12	127	39	77	1876	Lucas
13	521	157	314	1952	Robinson
14	607	183	366	1952	Robinson
15	1279	386	770	1952	Robinson
16	2203	664	1327	1952	Robinson
17	2281	687	1373	1952	Robinson
18	3217	969	1937	1957	Riesel
19	4253	1281	2561	1961	Hurwitz
20	4423	1332	2663	1961	Hurwitz
21	9689	2917	5834	1963	Gillies
22	9941	2993	5985	1963	Gillies
23	11213	3376	6751	1963	Gillies
24	19937	6002	12003	1971	Tuckerman
25	21701	6533	13066	1978	Noll & Nickel
26	23209	6987	13973	1979	Noll
27	44497	13395	26790	1979	Nelson & Slowinski
28	86243	25962	51924	1982	Slowinski
29	110503	33265	66530	1988	Colquitt & Welsh
30	132049	39751	79502	1983	Slowinski
31	216091	65050	130100	1985	Slowinski
??	756839	227832	455663	1992	Slowinski & Gage
??	859433	258716	517430	1994	Slowinski & Gage
It is not known if these last two primes are the 32nd and 33rd Mersenne primes as the region between them and the previous primes has not been completely tested (and will not be for some time). (Notice that the 29th Mersenne was found while scanning the region between two primes found five years earlier.) All exponents less than 365000 have been tested and most below 472000. See Mersenne Status for more current information (and how you may help).

4. The Lucas-Lehmer Test and Recent History

Mersenne primes (and therefore even perfect numbers) are found using the following theorem:
Lucas-Lehmer Test: For p odd, the Mersenne number 2^p-1 is prime if and only if 2^p-1 divides S(p-1) where S(n+1) = S(n)^2-2, and S(1) = 4.
(It is also possible to start with S(1)=10 and certain other values depending on p.) In pseudocode this test is:
  s := 4;
  for i from 3 to p do s := s^2-2 mod 2^p-1;
  if s == 0 then
    2^p-1 is prime
    2^p-1 is composite;
The theory for this test was initiated by Lucas in the late 1870's and then made into this simple test about 1930 by Lehmer. The sequence S(n) is computed modulo 2^p-1 to save time. This test is ideal for binary computers because the division by 2^p-1 (in binary) can be done using rotation and addition only. (See the pages on proving primality for more information.)

In 1811 Peter Barlow wrote in his text Theory of Numbers that 2^30*(2^31-1) "is the greatest [perfect number] that will be discovered; for as they are merely curious, without being useful, it is not likely that many person will attempt to find one beyond it." I wonder what he would have made of the first attempts to climb Mount Everest, to run faster miles, or to jump a longer broad jump--other tasks that are curious but not useful. Obviously no one in the late 1800's had any idea of the power of modern computers. What might we know about the machines of 50 years from now?

U-Illinois postage stamp After the 23rd Mersenne prime was found at the University of Illinois, the mathematics department was so proud that they had their postage meter changed to stamp "2^11213-1 is prime" on each envelope.

The 25th and 26th Mersenne primes were found by high-school students Laura Nickel and Curt Noll, who, though they had no understanding of the mathematics involved, used Lucas' simple test on the local university's mainframe (CSUH's CDC 720) to find the next two primes. Their discovery of the first prime made the national television news and the front page of the New York times. They went their separate ways after finding the first prime, but Noll kept the program running to find the second--so Noll claims complete ownership. Noll searched later, and though he never found another Mersenne prime, he is one of a team that holds the record for the largest non-Mersenne prime. He currently works for Silicon Graphics.

Slowinski, who works for Cray computers, has written a version of the Lucas test that he has convinced many Cray labs around the world to run in their spare time (time that would be lost otherwise). He had to delay announcing one of his prime records until he got permission to begin looking for it. Slowinski's search for record primes is "not so organized as you would suppose" (his words), as he does not search systematically. In fact, looking at the table of Mersennes you see he missed the 29th prime but found the 30th and 31st. Colquitt & Welsh worked to fill in the gaps and found the 29th. Most of the range between the largest and second largest prime has not been searched, and will not be for some time. At the current speed of computers the time to test the tens of thousands of numbers between the three largest is almost beyond our reach, but you can help by joining the GREAT Internet Mersenne Prime Search.

5. Conjectures and Unsolved Problems

Is there an odd perfect number?
If there is one, then it is a perfect square times an odd power of a single prime; it is divisible by at least eight primes and has at least 29 prime factors (not necessarily distinct [Sayers86]); it has at least 300 decimal digits [BCR89]... For more information see Ribenboim's or Guy's books: [Ribenboim95], [Ribenboim91], [Guy94].

Are there infinitely many Mersenne primes?
Equivalently we could ask: Are there infinitely many even perfect numbers? The answer is probably yes (because the harmonic series diverges).

Are there infinitely many Mersenne composites?
Euler showed:
If k>1 and p=4k+3 is prime, then 2p+1 is prime if and only if 2^p = 1 (mod 2p+1).
So if p=4k+3 and 2p+1 are prime then the Mersenne number 2^p-1 is composite (and it seems reasonable to conjecture that there are infinitely many primes pairs such p, 2p+1).

The New Mersenne Conjecture:
Bateman, Selfridge and Wagstaff have conjectured [BSW89] the following.
Let p be any odd natural number. If two of the following conditions hold, then so does the third:

  1. p = 2^k+/-1   or   p = 4^k+/-3
  2. 2^p-1 is a prime (obviously a Mersenne prime)
  3. (2^p+1)/3 is a prime.
Notice how this conjecture is related to the theorem in the previous conjecture. This conjecture have been verified for all primes p<100,000.

Is every Mersenne number square free?
This falls more in the category of an open question (to which we do not know the answer), rather than a conjecture (which we guess is true) [Guy94 section A3].

Let C1 = 2^2-1, C2 = 2^ C1-1, C3 = 2^C2-1, ... Are these all prime?
According to Dickson [Dickson v1p22] Catalan responded in 1876 to Lucas' stating 2^127-1 (C4) is prime with this sequence. These numbers grow very quickly:
C1 = 3
C2 = 7 
C3 = 127 
C4 = 170141183460469231731687303715884105727
C5 > 10^51217599719369681879879723386331576246
It seems very unlikely that they would all be prime and this is no doubt another example of Guy's strong law of small numbers [Guy94].

Copyright 1996 Chris K. Caldwell <>
Department of Mathematics
University of Tennessee at Martin.