
Unsolved Problem 12:

Is every tree graceful?

A graph is a set of points (called vertices) and a set of lines (called edges) joinging these vertices.
A tree is a graph with the property that there is a unique path from any vertex to any other vertex traveling along the edges.
A graph is said to be graceful if you can number the n vertices with the integers from 1 to n and then label each edge with the difference between the numbers at the vertices, in such a way that each edge receives a different label.

For example, a graceful numbering is shown for the following tree with 9 vertices:

   (5)         (1)---(4)
   /           /
   \     \
   (6)   (8)
The edge labels are the numbers from 1 to 8.


[Bondy 1976]
J. A. Bondy and U. S. R. Murty, Graph Theory with Applications. North Holland. New York: 1976. Page 248.
Graceful Trees
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