
Finite Geometry and Coding Theory

My research is mostly situated in finite geometry, but I am also open to research in adjacent fields such as algebraic and extremal combinatorics, graph theory, coding theory and other types of incidence geometries.


Young Scholar Award 2024 from the Belgian Mathematical Society.


  • J. D'haeseleer, K.Metsch, L. Storme, G. Van de Voorde, On the maximality of a set of mutually orthogonal Sudoku Latin Squares. Des.Codes Cryptogr. 84 (1-2), p.143-152, (2017).
  • A. Blokhuis, M. De Boeck, J. D'haeseleer, Cameron-Liebler classes of k-spaces in PG(n,q). Des. Codes Cryptogr. 87(8), p.1839-1856 (2019).
  • M. De Boeck, J. D'haeseleer. Equivalent definitions for (degree one) Cameron-Liebler classes of generators in finite classical polar spaces. Discrete Math. 343(1), (2020).
  • J. D'haeseleer, G. Van de Voorde. Translation hyperovals and F2-linear sets of pseudoregulus type. Electron.J. Combin. 27(3), (2020).
  • J. D'haeseleer, N. Durante, On absolute points of correlations in PG(2,qn). Electron. J. Combin. 27(2), (2020).
  • J. D'haeseleer, J. Mannaert, L. Storme, A. Švob. Cameron-Liebler line classes in AG(3,q). Finite Fields Appl. 67, (2020).
  • A. Abiad, B. De Bruyn, J. D'haeseleer, J. Koolen. Neumaier graphs with few eigenvalues. Des. Codes Cryptogr. (2021).
  • J. D'haeseleer, F. Ihringer, J. Mannaert, L. Storme. Cameron-Liebler k-sets in AG(n,q). Electron. J. Combin. 28(4), (2021).
  • J. D'haeseleer, K. Metsch, D. Werner. On the chromatic number of two generalized Kneser graphs. European J. Combin. 101 (2022) .
  • J. D'haeseleer, G. Longobardi, A. Riet, L. Storme. Maximal sets of k-spaces pairwise intersecting in at least a (k-2)-space. Electron. J. Combin. 29(1), (2022).
  • J. D'haeseleer. Hilton-Milner results in projective and affine spaces. Adv. Geom. 23(1), p.1-24, (2023).
  • A. Blokhuis, M. De Boeck, J. D'haeseleer. On the sunflower bound for k-spaces, pairwise intersecting in a point. Des. Codes Cryptogr. 90, p.2101-2111, (2022).
  • J. De Beule, J. D'haeseleer, F. Ihringer, J. Mannaert. Degree 2 Boolean functions on Grassmann graphs. Electron. J. Combin. 30(1), (2023).
  • J. D'haeseleer, K. Metsch, D. Werner. On the chromatic number of some generalized Kneser graphs. J. Combin. Des. 31(4), p.179-204, (2023).
  • L. Denaux, J. D'haeseleer, G. Van de Voorde. A higgledy-piggledy set of planes based on the ABB-representation of linear sets. Discrete Math. 346(12), (2023).
  • A. Abiad, J. D'haeseleer, W. H. Haemers, R. Simoens. Cospectral mates for generalized Johnson and Grassmann graphs. Linear Algebra Appl. 687, p.1-15, (2023).
  • A. Bishnoi, J. D'haeseleer, D. Gijswijt, A. Potukuchi. Blocking sets, minimal codes and trifferent codes. J. Lond. Math. Soc., 109(6), Art. e12938, (2024).
  • J. D'haeseleer, K. Meagher, V. R. T. Pantangi, Cameron-Liebler sets in permutation groups. Algebr. Comb., 7(4), p. 1157-1182, (2024).
  • M. De Boeck, J. D'haeseleer, M. Rodgers, Regular ovoids and Cameron-Liebler sets of generators in polar spaces. (accepted in J. Combin. Theory Ser. A ArXiv: 2310.14739).
  • J. D'haeseleer, F. Ihringer, K.-U. Schmidt, A common generalization of hypercube partitions and ovoids in polar spaces. (accepted in Des. Codes Cryptogr. , ArXiv:2401.10523).

PhD thesis

Families of Intersecting Subspaces, Ghent University (2021).

Research Stays and Summerschools

  • January 2018, Technical University of Eindhoven (The Netherlands), Host prof. A. Blokhuis.
  • March 2018, Eötvös Lorànd University, Budapest (Hungary), Host prof. T. Szönyi.
  • August 2018, Technical University of Eindhoven (The Netherlands), Host prof. A. Blokhuis.
  • September 2018, Universita Degli Studi Di Napoli Frederico II (Italy), Host prof. G. Lunardon.
  • November 2018, "GAP in Algebraic Research", RWTH Aachen University.
  • February-April 2019, University of Canterbury, Christchurch (New Zealand), Host dr. G. Van de Voorde.
  • June 2019, "Summerschool Finite Geometry & Friends" Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
  • December 2019, Eötvös Lorànd University, Budapest (Hungary), Host prof. T. Szönyi.
  • February-March 2020, Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany), Host prof. K. Metsch.
  • August 2020, Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany), Host prof. K. Metsch.
  • July 2021, University of Padova (Vicenza, Italy), Host dr. G. Longobardi.
  • November 2021, Technical University of Delft (The Netherlands), Host prof. A Bishnoi.
  • March 2022, Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy), Host prof. V. Pepe.
  • April 2022, Eötvös Lorànd University, Budapest (Hungary), Host prof. T. Szönyi.
  • May 2022, University of Rijeka (Croatia), Host dr. M. De Boeck.
  • September-October 2022, University of Regina (Canada), Host prof. K. Meagher.
  • March 2023, Paderborn University (Germany), Host prof. K.-U. Schmidt.
  • September 2023, "Summerschool Finite Geometry & Friends" Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
  • October 2023, Università degli Studi di Perugia (Italy), Host prof. D. Bartoli.


  • 11-09-2017, Finite Geometries (5th Irsee conference), Irsee (Germany), The Improvement of the Sunflower bound.
  • 28-03-2018, Finite Geometry Seminar, Eötvös Lorànd University, Budapest (Hungary), New definitions for Cameron-Liebler sets.
  • 25-05-2018, Poster presentation PhD-day, Ghent (Belgium), Cameron-Liebler sets of k-spaces in PG(n,q).
  • 05-06-2018, Combinatorics 2018, Arco (Italy), Cameron-Liebler sets of k-spaces in PG(n,q).
  • 13-09-2018, Geometry Seminar, Naples (Italy), Cameron-Liebler sets in projective and polar spaces: an overview.
  • 12-11-2018, Colloquium Coding Theory and Cryptography, Ghent (Belgium), On large subspace codes.
  • 13-12-2018, PhD Seminar Mathematics, Ghent (Belgium), Cameron-Liebler sets in projective and polar spaces: an overview.
  • 04-02-2019, CoGeNt Seminar, Christchurch (New Zealand), Cameron-Liebler sets in projective and polar spaces.
  • 11-04-2019, Mathematics and Statistics Seminar, Christchurch (New Zealand), Erdös-Ko-Rado theorems.
  • 28-05-2019, CanaDAM 2019, Vancouver (Canada), Projective solids pairwise intersecting in at least a line.
  • 04-06-2019, Fq14, 2019, Vancouver (Canada), Cameron-Liebler sets in the context of projective and polar spaces.
  • 19-06-2019, Summerschool Finite Geometry & Friends, Brussels (Belgium), Translation hyperovals and linear sets of pseudoregulus type.
  • 27-06-2019, 9th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory, Bled (Slovenia), Projective solids pairwise intersecting in at least a line.
  • 21-08-2019, Finite Geometry and Extremal Combinatorics, Delaware (USA), Translation hyperovals and linear sets of pseudoregulus type.
  • 27-09-2019, Academy Contact Forum: Coding Theory and Cryptography, Brussels (Belgium), Subspace codes and Erdös-Ko-Rado sets.
  • 12-02-2021, eSeminar UGent-VUB (online), The chromatic number of some generalized Kneser graphs.
  • 12-11-2021, Discrete Math and Optimization Seminar TU Delft, Erdös-Ko-Rado theorems.
  • 26-05-2022, Finite Mathematics Seminar, Rijeka (Croatia), New examples of Cameron-Liebler sets in hyperbolic quadrics.
  • 31-05-2022, Combinatorics 2022, Mantua (Italy), New examples of Cameron-Liebler sets in hyperbolic quadrics.
  • 01-09-2022, Finite Geometries (6th Irsee conference), Irsee (Germany), The André/Bruck-Bose representation of a linear set on a projective line.
  • 23-09-2022, Department Colloquium Mathematics and Statistics, Regina (Canada), Intersection problems in finite geometry.
  • 04-11-2022, Antwerp Algebra Colloquium, Antwerp (Belgium), Erdös-Ko-Rado problems in finite geometry.
  • 20-01-2023, Dutch-Belgian Seminar in Discrete Mathematics Ghent (Belgium), New examples of Cameron-Liebler sets in classical polar spaces.
  • 22-02-2023, Conference Aart and Combinatorics, Izmir (Turkey), Intersection problems in projective geometries. Plenary talk.
  • 01-03-2023, Methusalem workshop on Classical Analysis and PDEs, Ghent (Belgium), Erdös-Ko-Rado problems in finite geometry.
  • 19-04-2023, Workshop Combinatorics in Digital Communication, Eindhoven (The Netherlands), On the sunflower bound for k-spaces pairwise intersecting in a point.
  • 05-07-2023, Rijeka Conference on Combinatorial Objects and Their Applications, Rijeka (Croatia), The chromatic number of some generalized Kneser graphs.
  • 13-07-2023, SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, Eindhoven (The Netherlands), On the sunflower bound for k-spaces pairwise intersecting in a point.
  • 22-11-2024, Graphternoon, Ghent (Belgium), Cospectral mates for generalized Johnson and Grassmann graphs.



  • Discrete Mathematics I
    1st bachelor of Mathematics | Exercises | since aj 2017-2018
  • Discrete Mathematics II
    1st bachelor of Mathematics | Exercises | aj 2017-2018
  • Lineair Algebra and Geometry
    1st bachelor of Physics | Exercises | aj 2019-2020
  • Galoisgeometry
    Master Mathematics | Exercises | aj 2018-2019
    Master Mathematics | Cochair | since aj 2021-2022
  • Capita Selecta in Galoisgeometry
    Master Mathematics | Cochair | aj 2024-2025

Supervised Theses


Roxanne Daelman: A mathematical study of Latin squares, hypercubes and sudokus.
Jordy Veranneman: Erdős-Ko-Rado problemen.


Jonathan Mannaert: Cameron-Liebler sets in Affine Geometries.
Robin Simoens: Cospectral generalized Kneser graphs.
Margaux Debels: Graph parameters of graphs coming from incidence geometries.

Jury PhD

Lins Denaux: Characterising and Constructing Codes using finite geometries.
Heidi Van den Camp: Symmetry-preserving operations on maps.

Krijgslaan 281, 9000 Ghent, Belgium.
Campus De Sterre, building S8, office 130.015.