Singularity theory Workshop

Sponsors : F.W.O. Onderzoeksgemeenschap Fundamentele methoden en technieken in de wiskunde, F.W.O. Krediet aan navorsers

Organization : Jan Denef and Wim Veys

Scientific committee : J. Denef (Leuven), F. Loeser (Paris VI), D. Siersma (Utrecht), J. Steenbrink (Nijmegen), W. Veys (Leuven)

Speakers :

N. A'Campo (Basel) : Symplectic monodromy

D. Barlet (Nancy) : The variation map for a hypersurface with an isolated singularity for the eigenvalue 1 of the monodromy

A. Campillo (Valladolid) : Applications of finitely supported ideals

D. Essouabri (Caen) : Some connections between singularity and number theory by means of generalized Dirichlet's series

C. Hertling (Bonn) : On the µ-constant stratum

R. Kaenders (Nijmegen) : De Rham homotopy theory for irreducible plane curve singularities

M. Lejeune (Grenoble) : Arc structure of singularities

D. Siersma (Utrecht) : Non-isolated singularities

J. Steenbrink (Nijmegen) : Recovery of vanishing cycles by log geometry (after Usui)

M. Tibar (Angers) : Topology at infinity of polynomial functions

H. Vosegaard (Utrecht) : A bound for the generalized Tjurina numbers

Program :

11.30-12.30 : Campillo

14.00-15.00 : Kaenders ------ 15.15-16.15 : Barlet ---------- 17.00-18.00 : Hertling

10.00-11.00 : Siersma ----- 11.30--12.30 : Essouabri

14.00-15.00 : Steenbrink ----- 15.15-16.15 : Lejeune ---------- 17.00-18.00 : Vosegaard

10.00-11.00 : A'Campo ----- 11.30-12.30 : Tibar

More information :

Information about registration and hotel facilities is available on request. If you are interested in attending the workshop and you want to receive this and further information please mail your email-address to

wim veys
