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Author(s): J. Eisfeld, Leo Storme, Peter Sziklai
Title: On the spectrum for the sizes of maximal partial line spreads in PG(2n,q), n >=3
Year: 2005
Journal: Des. Codes Cryptogr. 36 (2005), 101-110
Status: published
Keywords: maximal partial line spreads, projective spaces
MSC-Classification: 05B25, 51E14, 51E20, 51E21

Author(s): J. Eisfeld, Leo Storme, Peter Sziklai
Title: Minimal covers of $Q^+(2n+1,q)$ by $(n-1)$-dimensional spaces
Year: 2002
Journal: J. Algebraic Combin. 15 (2002), 231-240
Status: published
Keywords: covers, partial spreads, quadrics
MSC-Classification: 05B25, 05B40, 51E14, 51E20

Author(s): J. Eisfeld, Leo Storme, Peter Sziklai, Tamas Szonyi
Title: Covers and blocking sets of classical generalized quadrangles
Year: 2001
Journal: Discr. Math. 238 (2001), 35-51
Status: published
Keywords: covers, blocking sets, generalized quadrangles
MSC-Classification: 05B25, 05B40, 51E20, 51E21

Author(s): J. Eisfeld, Leo Storme, Peter Sziklai
Title: Minimal covers of the Klein quadric
Year: 2001
Journal: J. Combin. Theory, Ser. A 95 (2001), 145-157
Status: published
Keywords: covers, Klein quadric
MSC-Classification: 05B25, 05B40, 51E20, 51E21

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