Problem 1

Consider the angle XOY and a point P inside this angle. Construct the line d passing through P using ruler and compasses such that the area of OAB is OP2 where A and B are the intersections of OX and OY with d.

Problem 2

Prove that the polynomial x4 - 1993 x3 + (1993 + m) x2 - 11 x + m has at most one integer root.

Problem 3

For all the permutations (a1, a2,... , an) of the set {1, 2,..., n} where n is a fixed positive integer, find the maximum value of the sum
|a1 - a2| + |a2 - a3| + ... + |an-1 - an|

Problem 4

Find the least integer n > 4 such that there exists a set of n persons with the following properties:

a) any two persons that do not know each other have no common acquaintances

b) any two persons that do not know each other have exactly two common friends.
It is assumed that if A has B as his friend then also B has A as his friend.