A1 publications (published in ISI Web of Science™ indexed journals)

Visit also my personal page in the Ghent University Academic Bibliography. Or take a look on my ORCID page. An asterisk (*) behind my name denotes that I am the corresponding author of the article.

  1. K. Van Bockstal* and K. Khompysh, A time-dependent inverse source problem for a semilinear pseudo-parabolic equation with Neumann boundary condition (2025, link arXiv, submitted)
  2. F. Maes and K. Van Bockstal, Numerical Algorithms for the Reconstruction of Space-Dependent Sources in Thermoelasticity (2024, link arXiv, submitted)
  3. Y. Kian, M. Slodička, E. Soccorsi and K. Van Bockstal, On time-fractional partial differential equations of time-dependent piecewise constant order (2025-01, link arXiv, link journal)
  4. V. C. Le, M. Slodička and K. Van Bockstal, A numerical scheme for solving an induction heating problem with moving non-magnetic conductor, Computers and Mathematics with Applications (2024-10, link arXiv, link journal)
  5. K. Van Bockstal*, A. S. Hendy and M. A. Zaky, Space-dependent variable-order time-fractional wave equation: existence and uniqueness of its weak solution, Quaestiones Mathematicae (2023-08, link)
  6. K. Van Bockstal*, M. A. Zaky and A. S. Hendy, On the Rothe-Galerkin spectral discretisation for a class of variable fractional-order nonlinear wave equations, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis (2023-07, link arXiv, link journal)
  7. F. Maes and K. Van Bockstal*, Existence and uniqueness of a weak solution to fractional single-phase-lag heat equation, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis (2023-06, link arXiv, link journal)
  8. M. A. Zaky, K. Van Bockstal, T. R. Taha, D. Suragan and A. S. Hendy, An L1 type difference/Galerkin spectral scheme for variable-order time-fractional nonlinear diffusion-reaction equations with fixed delay, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (2023-03, link)
  9. A. S. Hendy, M. A. Zaky and K. Van Bockstal, Theoretical and numerical aspects for the longtime behavior of nonlinear delay time Caputo fractional reaction-diffusion equations, Nonlinear Dynamics (2023-02, link)
  10. K. Van Bockstal*, M. A. Zaky and A. S. Hendy, On the existence and uniqueness of solutions to a nonlinear variable order time-fractional reaction-diffusion equation with delay, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (2022-12, link)
  11. A. S. Hendy and K. Van Bockstal*, A solely time-dependent source reconstruction in a multiterm time-fractional order diffusion equation with non-smooth solutions, Numerical Algorithms (2022-06, link)
  12. K. Van Bockstal* and L. Marin, Finite element method for the reconstruction of a time-dependent heat source in isotropic thermoelasticity systems of type-{III}, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik (2022-06, link)
  13. F. Maes and K. Van Bockstal*, Uniqueness for inverse source problems of determining a space-dependent source in thermoelastic systems, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems (2022-04, link)
  14. V. C. Le, M. Slodička and K. Van Bockstal*, Existence of a weak solution to a nonlinear induction hardening problem with Leblond-Devaux model for a steel workpiece, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (2022-04, link)
  15. V. C. Le, M. Slodička and K. Van Bockstal*, A space-time discretization for an electromagnetic problem with moving non-magnetic conductor, Applied Numerical Mathematics (2022-03, link)
  16. V. C. Le, M. Slodička and K. Van Bockstal, A full discretization for the saddle-point approach of a degenerate parabolic problem involving a moving body, Applied Mathematics Letters (2022-02, link)
  17. A. S. Hendy and K. Van Bockstal*, On a reconstruction of a solely time-dependent source in a time-fractional diffusion equation with non-smooth solutions, Journal of Scientific Computing (2022-01, link)
  18. K. Van Bockstal*, Existence of a unique weak solution to a non-autonomous time-fractional diffusion equation with space-dependent variable order, Advances in Difference Equations (2021-12, link)
  19. F. Maes and K. Van Bockstal*, Thermoelastic problem in the setting of dual-phase-lag heat conduction: Existence and uniqueness of a weak solution, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2021-11, link)
  20. K. Van Bockstal*, Uniqueness for Inverse Source Problems of Determining a Space-Dependent Source in Time-Fractional Equations with Non-Smooth Solutions, Fractal and Fractional (2021-10, link)
  21. V. C. Le, M. Slodička and K. Van Bockstal, A time discrete scheme for an electromagnetic contact problem with moving conductor, Applied Mathematics and Computation (2021-09, link)
  22. V. C. Le, M. Slodička and K. Van Bockstal, Error estimates for the time discretization of an electromagnetic contact problem with moving non-magnetic conductor, Computers and Mathematics with Applications (2021-04, link)
  23. K. Van Bockstal*, Existence and uniqueness of a weak solution to a non-autonomous time-fractional diffusion equation (of distributed order), Applied Mathematics Letters (2020-11, link)
  24. K. Van Bockstal*, Existence of a Unique Weak Solution to a Nonlinear Non-Autonomous Time-Fractional Wave Equation (of Distributed-Order), Mathematics (2020-08, link)
  25. M. Grimmonprez, L. Marin and Karel Van Bockstal*, The reconstruction of a solely time-dependent load in a simply supported non-homogeneous Euler–Bernoulli beam, Applied Mathematical Modelling (2020-03, link)
  26. K. Van Bockstal*, Identification of an unknown spatial load distribution in a vibrating beam or plate from the final state, Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems (2019-10, link)
  27. M. Slodička, K. Siskova and K. Van Bockstal, Uniqueness for an inverse source problem of determining a space dependent source in a time-fractional diffusion equation, Applied Mathematics Letters (2019-05, link)
  28. T. Kang, K. Van Bockstal* and R. Wang, The reconstruction of a time-dependent source from a surface measurement for full Maxwell's equations by means of the potential field method, Computers and Mathematics with Applications (2018-02, link)
  29. K. Van Bockstal*, M. Slodička and F. Gistelinck, Identification of a memory kernel in a nonlinear integrodifferential parabolic problem, Applied Numerical Mathematics (2017-10, link)
  30. K. Van Bockstal* and L. Marin, Recovery of a space-dependent vector source in anisotropic thermoelastic systems, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2017-07, link)
  31. M. Grimmonprez, K. Van Bockstal and M. Slodička, Error estimates for the time discretization of a semilinear integrodifferential parabolic problem with unknown memory kernel, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications (2017-02, link)
  32. K. Van Bockstal* and M. Slodička, Recovery of a time-dependent heat source in one-dimensional thermoelasticity of type-III, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering (2017, link)
  33. K. Van Bockstal*, R. H. De Staelen and M. Slodička, Identification of a memory kernel in a semilinear integrodifferential parabolic problem with applications in heat conduction with memory, International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (2015-12, link)
  34. R. H. De Staelen, K. Van Bockstal and M. Slodička, Error analysis in the reconstruction of a convolution kernel in a semilinear parabolic problem, International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (2015-02, link)
  35. K. Van Bockstal*, M. Slodička, Error estimates for the full discretization of a nonlocal parabolic model for type-I superconductors, International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (2015-02, link)
  36. K. Van Bockstal* and M. Slodička, A macroscopic model for an intermediate state between type-I and type-II superconductivity, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (2015-01, link)
  37. K. Van Bockstal* and M. Slodička, The well-posedness of a nonlocal hyperbolic model for type-I superconductors, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2015-01, link)
  38. K. Van Bockstal*, M. Slodička, Recovery of a space-dependent vector source in thermoelastic systems, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering (2015, link) (Selected as the Mathematics & Statistics Article of the Week by Taylor & Francis in December 2014)
  39. K. Van Bockstal*, M. Slodička, Determination of a time-dependent diffusivity in a nonlinear parabolic problem, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering (2015, link)
  40. M. Slodička, K. Van Bockstal*, A nonlocal parabolic model for type-I superconductors, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (2014-05, link)
  41. K. Van Bockstal*, M. Slodička, Determination of an unknown diffusion coefficient in a semilinear parabolic problem, International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (2013-07, link)

B2 publications (book chapter)

  1. F. Maes and K. Van Bockstal, On inverse source problems for space-dependent sources in thermoelasticity, Trends Math., Res. Perspect. Ghent Anal. PDE Cent. 4, 153-161, 2024
  2. F. Maes and K. Van Bockstal, An estimate for the multivariate Mittag-Leffler function, Trends Math., Res. Perspect. Ghent Anal. PDE Cent. 2, 249-255, 2024
  3. K. Van Bockstal, Inverse source problems in thermoelasticity, Trends Math., Res. Perspect. Ghent Anal. PDE Cent. 1, 215-224, 2024

B3 publications (edited book)

  1. M. Chatzakou, J. Restrepo, M. Ruzhansky, B. Torebek and K. Van Bockstal (Eds.) Modern problems in PDEs and applications. Extended abstracts of the 2023 GAP Center summer school, Ghent, Belgium, August 23 - September 2, 2023. Trends in Mathematics. Research Perspectives Ghent Analysis and PDE Center 4. Cham: Birkhäuser, 2024. viii+190pp.
  2. M. Ruzhansky and K. Van Bockstal (Eds.) Extended abstracts 2021/2022. Ghent analysis and PDE seminar, Ghent, Belgium. Trends in Mathematics. Research Perspectives Ghent Analysis and PDE Center 2. Cham: Birkhäuser, 2024. viii+300pp.
  3. K. Van Bockstal, M. Slodička, I. S. Pop, C. Geuzaine and R. De Staelen (Eds.) Advanced COmputational Methods in ENgineering (ACOMEN 2017), Comput. Math. Appl. 77, No. 6, 1423-1424 (2019).
  4. K. Van Bockstal and M. Slodička (Eds.) ACOMEN 2017 : book of abstracts, Ghent University, 2017, 309pp. isbn: 9789461975607