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Author(s): Jan De Beule, Leo Storme
Title: On the smallest minimal blocking sets of Q(2n,q), for q odd prime
Year: 2003
Journal: Disc. Math., 294 (2005) 83--107 (proceedings of the conference finite geometries 2003, Irsee)
Status: published
Keywords: ovoid, blocking set, polar space, parabolic quadric
ScienceDirect, link to journal issue
Author(s): Jan De Beule, Albert Hoogewijs, Leo Storme
Title: On the size of minimal blocking sets of Q(4,q), for q=5,7
Year: 2003
Journal: ACM SIGSAM Bull. 149 (2004) 97--85
Status: published
Comment: final version
ACM-SIGSAM Bulletin page, link to journal issue
Author(s): Jan De Beule, Klaus Metsch
Title: The smallest minimal blocking sets of H(2n,q^2)
Year: 2003
Journal: Disc. Math., 294 (2005) 75--81 (proceedings of the conference finite geometries 2003, Irsee)
Status: published
Keywords: polar space, hermitian variety, blocking set
ScienceDirect, link to journal issue
Author(s): Jan De Beule, Klaus Metsch
Title: Small point sets that meet all generators of Q(2n,p), p > 3 prime
Year: 2003
Journal: Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. A
Status: published
Keywords: polar spaces; quadrics; blocking sets
sciencedirect link to journal issue
Author(s): Jan De Beule
Title: The smallest minimal blocking sets of Q(6,q), q even
Year: 2002
Journal: J. Combin. Design 11(2003) no. 4, 290--303
Status: published
Keywords: polar space, quadric, blocking set
Wiley InterScience, link to journal issue
Author(s): Matthew R. Brown, Jan De Beule, Leo Storme
Title: Maximal partial spreads of T_2(O) and T_3(O)
Year: 2001
Journal: European J. Combin , 24 (2003), no. 1, 73--84
Status: published
Keywords: generalized quadrangle, partial spread
ScienceDirect, link to journal issue