The base class for K2dGrFlow application windows. It sets up the main window and reads the config file as well as providing a menubar, toolbar and statusbar. An instance of K2dGrFlowView creates your center view, which is connected to the window's Doc object. K2dGrFlowApp reimplements the methods that KMainWindow provides for main window handling and supports full session management as well as using KActions.
See also: KMainWindow, KApplication, KConfig
friend class K2dGrFlowView | K2dGrFlowView |
K2dGrFlowApp (QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0)
| K2dGrFlowApp |
construtor of K2dGrFlowApp, calls all init functions to create the application.
~K2dGrFlowApp ()
| ~K2dGrFlowApp |
void openDocumentFile (const KURL& url=0)
| openDocumentFile |
opens a file specified by commandline option
K2dGrFlowDoc * getDocument ()
| getDocument |
returns a pointer to the current document connected to the KTMainWindow instance and is used by the View class to access the document object's methods
K2dDomain * getDomain ()
| getDomain |
returns a pointer to the current domain connected to the KTMainWindow instance and is used by the View class to access the domain's object's methods
bool checkModel ()
| checkModel |
Does the overal checking of the model before data is used or saved Generates Messageboxes with the errors, returns false if not ok, true when ok
void saveOptions ()
| saveOptions |
save general Options like all bar positions and status as well as the geometry and the recent file list to the configuration file
void readOptions ()
| readOptions |
read general Options again and initialize all variables like the recent file list
void initActions ()
| initActions |
initializes the KActions of the application
void initStatusBar ()
| initStatusBar |
sets up the statusbar for the main window by initialzing a statuslabel.
void initDocument ()
| initDocument |
initializes the document object of the main window that is connected to the view in initView().
See also: initView();
void initView ()
| initView |
creates the centerwidget of the KTMainWindow instance and sets it as the view
bool queryClose ()
| queryClose |
[protected virtual]
queryClose is called by KTMainWindow on each closeEvent of a window. Against the default implementation (only returns true), this calles saveModified() on the document object to ask if the document shall be saved if Modified; on cancel the closeEvent is rejected.
See also: KTMainWindow#queryClose, KTMainWindow#closeEvent
Reimplemented from KMainWindow.
bool queryExit ()
| queryExit |
[protected virtual]
queryExit is called by KTMainWindow when the last window of the application is going to be closed during the closeEvent(). Against the default implementation that just returns true, this calls saveOptions() to save the settings of the last window's properties.
See also: KTMainWindow#queryExit, KTMainWindow#closeEvent
Reimplemented from KMainWindow.
void saveProperties (KConfig *_cfg)
| saveProperties |
[protected virtual]
saves the window properties for each open window during session end to the session config file, including saving the currently opened file by a temporary filename provided by KApplication.
See also: KTMainWindow#saveProperties
Reimplemented from KMainWindow.
void readProperties (KConfig *_cfg)
| readProperties |
[protected virtual]
reads the session config file and restores the application's state including the last opened files and documents by reading the temporary files saved by saveProperties()
See also: KTMainWindow#readProperties
Reimplemented from KMainWindow.
void slotFileNewWindow ()
| slotFileNewWindow |
void slotFileNew ()
| slotFileNew |
void slotFileOpen ()
| slotFileOpen |
void slotFileOpenRecent (const KURL& url)
| slotFileOpenRecent |
void slotFileSave ()
| slotFileSave |
void slotFileSaveAs ()
| slotFileSaveAs |
void slotFileClose ()
| slotFileClose |
void slotFilePrint ()
| slotFilePrint |
void slotFileQuit ()
| slotFileQuit |
closes all open windows by calling close() on each memberList item until the list is empty, then quits the application. If queryClose() returns false because the user canceled the saveModified() dialog, the closing breaks.
void slotEditCut ()
| slotEditCut |
put the marked text/object into the clipboard and remove it from the document
void slotEditCopy ()
| slotEditCopy |
put the marked text/object into the clipboard
void slotEditPaste ()
| slotEditPaste |
paste the clipboard into the document
void slotViewToolBar ()
| slotViewToolBar |
toggles the toolbar
void slotViewStatusBar ()
| slotViewStatusBar |
toggles the statusbar
void slotStatusMsg (const QString &text)
| slotStatusMsg |
changes the statusbar contents for the standard label permanently, used to indicate current actions.
text | the text that is displayed in the statusbar |
void slotBorderInput ()
| slotBorderInput |
void slotBorderAdaptive ()
| slotBorderAdaptive |
void slotBorderPlot ()
| slotBorderPlot |
void slotBorderPlotMeshBorder ()
| slotBorderPlotMeshBorder |
void slotMeshOptions ()
| slotMeshOptions |
void slotMeshGenerate ()
| slotMeshGenerate |
void slotMeshPlot ()
| slotMeshPlot |
void slotMeshViewNodes ()
| slotMeshViewNodes |
void slotMeshViewElements ()
| slotMeshViewElements |
void slotMeshViewSides ()
| slotMeshViewSides |
void slotMeshShowMesh ()
| slotMeshShowMesh |
void slotFEMRunModel ()
| slotFEMRunModel |
void slotFEMViewResult ()
| slotFEMViewResult |
KConfig * config | config |
K2dGrFlowView * view | view |
K2dGrFlowDoc * doc | doc |
K2dDomain * domain | domain |
KAction* fileNewWindow | fileNewWindow |
KAction* fileNew | fileNew |
KAction* fileOpen | fileOpen |
KRecentFilesAction* fileOpenRecent | fileOpenRecent |
KAction* fileSave | fileSave |
KAction* fileSaveAs | fileSaveAs |
KAction* fileClose | fileClose |
KAction* filePrint | filePrint |
KAction* fileQuit | fileQuit |
KAction* editCut | editCut |
KAction* editCopy | editCopy |
KAction* editPaste | editPaste |
KToggleAction* viewToolBar | viewToolBar |
KToggleAction* viewStatusBar | viewStatusBar |
KAction* borderInput | borderInput |
KAction* borderAdaptive | borderAdaptive |
KAction* borderPlot | borderPlot |
KAction* borderPlotMeshBorder | borderPlotMeshBorder |
KAction* meshOptions | meshOptions |
KAction* meshGenerate | meshGenerate |
KAction* meshPlot | meshPlot |
KAction* meshViewNodes | meshViewNodes |
KAction* meshViewElements | meshViewElements |
KAction* meshViewSides | meshViewSides |
KAction* meshShowMesh | meshShowMesh |
KAction* femRunModel | femRunModel |
KAction* femViewResult | femViewResult |