Annotated List

Annotated List
BorderPoint BorderPoint is the datatype we use to store points of the domain, we store the coordinates (2 dimensions) and the trianglesize (of the net in that point) if known
DomainNet2dclass with the general outline of a problem Every problem wich solves a FEM problem should be derived from this abstract class.
GalarImpGrFlowImplementation of the problem solved in the k2dgrflow problem : div ( exp(dz) * grad(phi) )
K2dBorderBaseRepresentation of the Border.
K2dBorderLineRepresentation of a line as a Border.
K2dBorderSinCurveRepresentation of a sinus curve as a Border.
K2dDomainRepresentation of the domain.
K2dGrFlowApp The base class for K2dGrFlow application windows.
K2dGrFlowDoc * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version.
K2dGrFlowView * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version.
PlotFieldThis class encapsulates the drawing area in a scrollview.
PlotFieldViewThis file contains the drawing area of our k2dgrflow application.
PlotFieldView::sidthe number of contours that is plotted in a contourdiagramm
TopoClassclass with the topological objects found in an optimazation Finite Element Method
TopoEdge2d Class that represents an edge of an element in the net.
TopoElement2d Class that represents an element of the net.
TopoLineEdge2dimplementation of a line edge with two nodes on it, one in the beginning and one at the end
TopoNode2d Class that represents a node of the net.
TopoNodeDir2d now the border nodes.
TopoNodeInner2dimplementation of an inner node
TopoNodeNeu2d now the border nodes.
TopoNodeRobin2d now the border nodes.
TopoTriangle2dimplementation of a triangle element with lines as edges, and 3 nodes in the corners
Vector2D * vectorimp.
dlgBorderDialog for input of the borders of our domain Inherits the designed version, so it can extend and implement the design
gfmFileGfmFile is the class with the model data.

Generated by: benny@okidoki on Thu Jun 21 10:41:51 2001, using kdoc 2.0a53.