Class that represents a node of the net. Abstract, all real nodes inherit from this class
enum of all the types of nodes
TopoNode2d (double co1, double co2)
| TopoNode2d |
construct 2d node by giving coordinate 1 and 2
~TopoNode2d ()
| ~TopoNode2d |
no special destruction, memory is left to controller object that manages the mesh
Topology type ()
| type |
return the topology
Reimplemented from TopoClass.
double co1 ()
| co1 |
return coordinate 1
double co2 ()
| co2 |
return coordinate 2
Node nodeType ()
| nodeType |
[pure virtual]
return the nodeType of the node
bool innerNode ()
| innerNode |
[pure virtual]
is Node a node in de inner part of the total domain
bool robinNode ()
| robinNode |
[pure virtual]
if no innernode, then a boundary node. But what type ? keep this order on intersection of two bordertypes : first dirichlet second neuman tirth robin boundary a node can not be two boundarytypes, so this class is implemented in 4 flavours representing this. See the boundary nodes for extra functionality
bool neuNode ()
| neuNode |
[pure virtual]
bool dirNode ()
| dirNode |
[pure virtual]
bool cornerNode ()
| cornerNode |
[pure virtual]
is the node a corner node, meaning is the intersection of 2 borders
void addInEle (TopoElement2d* el)
| addInEle |
everytime a node is added to an element, call this function, so that the node has a list of all elements it is contained in
vector<TopoElement2d*>::iterator inElementsIter ()
| inElementsIter |
return an iterator over the vector of all elements the node is part of
int inEleNr ()
| inEleNr |
return nr of elements the node is in.
TopoElement2d* eleNodePartOf (int index)
| eleNodePartOf |
return a pointer to a certain element index the node is in
int inElement (TopoElement2d*)
| inElement |
is a node a part of a given element? return -1 if not, the local node number if true
double coord1 | coord1 |
double coord2 | coord2 |
a node is made out of 2 coordinates
vector<TopoElement2d*> partOfEle | partOfEle |
Generated by: benny@okidoki on Thu Jun 21 10:41:51 2001, using kdoc 2.0a53. |