now the border nodes. To prevent a too long inheritance tree we don't make a special abstract boundary node class. Boundary nodes are on boundary with number borderNr . The controller object must take care this number means something. As a special case, a boundarynode can be a corner, meaning it is were 2 boundaries intersect. Such a node is on 2 boundaries. The boundary number only refers to one. If the second is necerry, the borders must be looked up by the controller to look for that other boundary This is the implementation of a dirichlet node
TopoNodeDir2d (double co1, double co2, int border, bool cor)
| TopoNodeDir2d |
constructor of dir node. extra to base class : add bordernumber (value=0 to number of borders-1) on wich the node lays add if border is a corner (=where 2 borders meet).
~TopoNodeDir2d ()
| ~TopoNodeDir2d |
void draw (QPainter *p)
| draw |
Reimplemented from TopoClass.
Node nodeType ()
| nodeType |
Reimplemented from TopoNode2d.
bool innerNode ()
| innerNode |
Reimplemented from TopoNode2d.
bool robinNode ()
| robinNode |
Reimplemented from TopoNode2d.
bool neuNode ()
| neuNode |
Reimplemented from TopoNode2d.
bool dirNode ()
| dirNode |
Reimplemented from TopoNode2d.
bool cornerNode ()
| cornerNode |
Reimplemented from TopoNode2d.
int onBorder ()
| onBorder |
return the number of the border the node is on
int borderNr | borderNr |
bool corner | corner |
Generated by: benny@okidoki on Thu Jun 21 10:41:51 2001, using kdoc 2.0a53. |