Source: k2dgrflow/galarsolver2d.h
galarsolver2d.h - description
begin : Tue May 29 2001
copyright : (C) 2001 by benny
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
/**class with the general outline of a problem
Every problem wich solves a FEM problem should be
derived from this abstract class. With this we solve generally the problem :
Problem definition :
div [-Adif(x,y)*grad u(x,y) - Acon(x,y)*u(x,y)] + Asou(x,y)*u(x,y) = Fsou(x,y) + div Fdiv(x,y)
u(x,y) = Gdir(x,y) on Dirichlet boundary
-Adif(x,y)*grad u(x,y) - Acon(x,y)*u(x,y) - Grob(x,y)*u(x,y) = Gneu(x,y) on Neumann/Robin boundary
*@author benny
//matrix package - a C package for LU decomposition
/* add constant to make sure the complex function clog does not conflict with iostream clog */
#define __BENNY_CLOG
extern "C" {
#include "meschach/matrix.h"
#include "meschach/matrix2.h"
#include "meschach/sparse.h"
#include "meschach/sparse2.h"
#include "meschach/iter.h"
class DomainNet2d;
class TopoElement2d;
class TopoNode2d;
class TopoNodeDir2d;
class TopoNodeNeu2d;
class TopoNodeRobin2d;
class GalarSolver2d {
/** construct the solution class by giving at a minimum the domain on which to solve the equation
GalarSolver2d(DomainNet2d* );
virtual ~GalarSolver2d();
/** solve the problem and return a pointer to the solution.
beware : when the problem is deallocated, also the memory where the solution resides is freed */
virtual VEC* solution()=0;
/** construct the global stiffness matrix, by adding the correct local stiffness matrices
If done before, init global stiffness first ! */
SPMAT* assembleStiffness();
/** construct the global force vector, by adding the correct local force vectorterms per node
If done before, init global force first !*/
VEC* assembleForce();
/** return the present value of the sparse matrix for node I (row) and J (column)
double stiffnessMatrixIJ(int globalI, int globalJ) {return sp_get_val(stiffness , globalI, globalJ) ;} ;
/** return the present value of the force vector
double forceVectorJ(int globalJ ) {return force->ve[globalJ] ;} ;
/** init the Stiffness quickly, necessary before you do a second assemble
void initStiffness();
/** init the Force quickly, necessary before you do a second assemble
void initForce();
/** return a pointer to the net on wich we solve a problem
DomainNet2d* net2d() {return net ;} ;
/** print solution (unknowns) to a certain file, given by its name, eg /home/me/k2dgrflow/data.u
void printSolFile(const char *filename);
/** print stiffnessmatrix A from A x = f to a certain file, given by its name, eg /home/me/k2dgrflow/data.a
void printStiffness(const char *filename);
/** print forcevecor f from A x = f to a certain file, given by its name, eg /home/me/k2dgrflow/data.f
void printForce(const char *filename);
/**a static method to easely read in vectors from files
static VEC *readVEC(FILE *fp, VEC *vec);
protected :
/** pointer to the net on the domain
DomainNet2d *net;
/** pointer to the sparse global stiffness matrix
SPMAT *stiffness;
/** pointer to the global force vector
VEC *force;
/** pointer to the vector with the unknowns. contains the solution when the problem is solved
VEC *unknowns;
/** protected virtual methods that have to be implemented to solve a specific Galarking problem */
/** calculate the localstiffness matrix with a specific element
virtual void localStiffness(TopoElement2d* el) =0 ;
/** calculate the local force vector with a specific element
virtual void localForce(TopoElement2d* el)=0 ;
/** calculate the diffusion term for local node I,J in an element
virtual double diffusion(TopoElement2d* el, unsigned int localI, unsigned int localJ)=0 ;
/** calculate the convection term for local node I,J in an element
virtual double convection(TopoElement2d* el, unsigned int localI, unsigned int localJ)=0 ;
/** calculate the robin term for local node I,J in an element
virtual double robin(TopoElement2d* el, unsigned int localI, unsigned int localJ)=0 ;
/** calculate the head term for local node I,J in an element
virtual double headTerm(TopoElement2d* el, unsigned int localI, unsigned int localJ)=0 ;
/** calculate the source term for local node J in an element, part of the force
virtual double sourceTerm(TopoElement2d* el, unsigned int localJ)=0 ;
/** calculate the neumann term for local node J in an element, part of the force
virtual double neumannTerm(TopoElement2d* el, unsigned int localJ)=0 ;
/** return the gdir function in a node
virtual double gDir(TopoNodeDir2d* nod)=0 ;
/** return the gNeu function in a node
virtual double gNeu(TopoNodeNeu2d* nod)=0 ;
/** return the gRob function in a node
virtual double gRob(TopoNodeRobin2d* nod)=0 ;
private :
/** some internal functions to speed things up
double sp_get_val_dir(SPMAT *A, int i, int j) ;
/** some internal functions to speed things up
double sp_set_val_dir(SPMAT *A, int i, int j, double val) ;
/** some internal functions to speed things up
double sp_set_val_dir_expand(SPMAT *A, int i, int j, double val, SPROW * r, int idx) ;
inline double GalarSolver2d::sp_get_val_dir(SPMAT *A, int i, int j)
{ //return value of sparse matrix without checking anything ! quicker
SPROW *r = A->row+i;
int idx( sprow_idx(r,j) );
if ( idx < 0 )
return 0.0;
/* else */
return r->elt[idx].val;
/* sp_set_val _dir-- sets the (i,j) entry of the sparse matrix A */
inline double GalarSolver2d::sp_set_val_dir(SPMAT *A, int i,int j, double val)
r = A->row+i;
int idx( sprow_idx(r,j));
/* printf("sp_set_val: idx = %d\n",idx); */
if ( idx >= 0 )
{ r->elt[idx].val = val; return val; }
/* else , not inlined*/
return sp_set_val_dir_expand(A,i,j,val,r,idx);
Generated by: benny@okidoki on Thu Jun 21 10:41:51 2001, using kdoc 2.0a53. |