Source: k2dgrflow/k2dborderbase.h
k2dborderbase.h - description
begin : Fri Apr 27 2001
copyright : (C) 2001 by benny
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <qarray.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
/** BorderPoint is the datatype we use to store points of the domain, we store the coordinates (2 dimensions)
and the trianglesize (of the net in that point) if known
class BorderPoint {
/** create a borderpoint with the 2 coordinates and the trianglesize in the coord
BorderPoint(double coord1, double coord2, double triaSize=1.0);
/** create a borderpoint with another point
BorderPoint(const BorderPoint &bp) ;
/** return the first coordinate
double coord1(){return data[0];};
/** return the second coordinate
double coord2(){return data[1];};
/** return the trianglesize set in a certain point
double triaSize(){return data[2];};
/** set the trianglesize in a certain point. Changes present value
void setTriaSize(double &size){data[2] = size ;};
/** return depending on index coord1(index=0), coord2 (index=1) or trianglesize (index=2)
double &at(uint index) const {return data[index];} ;
/** duplicate the given borderpoint a.
void duplicate(BorderPoint &a){data[0][0]; data[1][1]; data[2][2];};
/** are 2 points equal? only looks at the coordinates, NOT at the trianglesize
bool operator==( const BorderPoint &a ) const { return (data[0][0] && data[1][1]) ; }
/** are 2 points not equal? only looks at the coordinate, NOT at the trianglesize
bool operator!=( const BorderPoint &a ) const { return !(data[0][0] && data[1][1]) ; }
/** data representation with an array of doubles
QArray<double> data;
/**Representation of the Border. We define first the astract class BorderBase
* wich will be the basis of all possible borders a domain can have.
* It defines the common interface of all borders.
*@author benny
class K2dBorderBase {
/**every border is of a certain type
enum BorderType{Line,SinCurve};
/** BorderCondition is a state of the border. Every Border has a BorderCondition
enum BorderCondition {NotSet, DIRICHLET, NEUMANN , ROBIN };
/** when we have a dirichletcondition, we distinguish 2 types for now
enum BorderCondDirType{DirZ, DirAx_B};
/** Constructor, a border is constructed with bordercondition NotSet
virtual ~K2dBorderBase(){};
/** Draw the border on a painter, also meshed or not
virtual void draw(QPainter*, bool meshed = false )=0;
/** Every border has a first and a last point, pointers to these are returned
virtual BorderPoint* firstPoint() const {return points[0];} ;
/** Every border has a first and a last point, pointers to these are returned
virtual BorderPoint* lastPoint() const {return points[points.size()-1];} ;
/** return a pointer to a certain point of the border, defined by index
BorderPoint* atPoint(uint index) const { return ;};
/** see if a certain given point is on the border (or the meshed border if meshed = true )
Remark : since we work with double, we take the defined TOPONUMEPS as allowed difference to be equal */
virtual bool onBorder(const double &co1, const double &co2, bool meshed) const=0;
/** see if a given point is an endpoint of the border (a corner)
virtual bool endPoint(const double &co1, const double &co2) ;
/**we want to be able to retrieve the min and maximum values of border
coordIndex is the index, eg 0 for the first, 1 for the second; and value is the present min or max
the function changes this if necessary. */
virtual void minCo(uint coordIndex, double &valueMin) const=0;
virtual void maxCo(uint coordIndex, double &valueMax) const=0;
/** Return the number of points we have on our border for the starting mesh
uint nrPointsOnBorder() const {return points.count() ; };
/** change the bordercondition to bc, if dirichlet, you must specify a and b parameter as in g(x,z) = ax + b, if not
these are unimportant
PS : this has to be changed later to a bordercondition object that encapsulates everything */
void setBorderCond(BorderCondition bc, BorderCondDirType dirT=DirZ, double a=0,
double b=0) {borderCond = bc; dirType = dirT ; dirLineA=a ; dirLineB=b ;};
/** return the present bordercondition
BorderCondition getBorderCondition(){return borderCond;};
/**depending of the bordercondition, there are associated functions
-> if dirichlet : a g_dir()function, value on dir border : u(x,y) = g_dir(x,y)
-> if neuman : a neuman g_neu function : Du(u,y) = g_neu
-> if robin : a combination.
For now only dirichlet and neuman are implemented.
virtual double gDirichlet(const double &co1, const double &co2) const;
virtual double gNeumann(const double &co1, const double &co2) const;
/** we allow for now two types of dirichlet border condition. when it is g(x,z)=z, we return true
BorderCondDirType getBorderCondDirType(){return dirType ; };
/** return the A parameter of a dirichletcondition ax + b
should be replaced later by a function that returns a Bordercondition object */
double getBorderCondDirLineA(){return dirLineA ; };
/** return the B parameter of a dirichletcondition ax + b
should be replaced later by a function that returns a Bordercondition object */
double getBorderCondDirLineB(){return dirLineB ; };
/** return the type of the Border (something like the name)
virtual BorderType type()=0;
/** write a border to the ouputstream in a nice text format, a virtual function
it is not possible to make the << a virtual function, so a virtual function has
to be provided. In the childclasses this should just do a call to << */
virtual void printBorder(QTextStream &){};
/** Points, every border consists of a number of points we keep data about
QArray<BorderPoint*> points;
/** Every Border has an assotiated bordercondition
For now we integrate the datastructure of a bordercondition into the BorderBase object. */
BorderCondition borderCond;
/** We allow two dirichletconditions : g(x,z)=z and g(x,z)=ax + b. If the first, we set DirType = DirZ, otherwise DirAx_B.
This has only meaning when we have a dirichletcondition
if condition is a dirichletcondition of second type, so first order in x parameter, then 2 parameters, a and b must be ginven */
BorderCondDirType dirType;
double dirLineA;
double dirLineB;
/**Representation of a line as a Border. Inherits the astract class BorderBase
* a line is defined by a begin and an endpoint.
*@author benny
class K2dBorderLine : public K2dBorderBase {
/** to prevent making two functions for begin and endpoint, we introduce a
enumerator that makes the difference between the two */
enum LinePoint {BeginPoint , EndPoint };
/** construct an empty Line
/** construct a line by giving the Begin and the end point.
K2dBorderLine(const BorderPoint& , const BorderPoint&);
virtual ~K2dBorderLine();
/** draw on a painter the line
virtual void draw(QPainter*,bool meshed = false );
/** Implementation of first and lastpoint of base class
virtual BorderPoint* lastPoint() const {return points[1];} ;
/** Change the line by giving another point for begin or end.
Last parameter is the LinePoint. If not given BeginPoint is taken */
void changePoint( BorderPoint& , LinePoint = BeginPoint);
/** see if a certain given point is on the border
Remark : since we work with double, we take the defined TOPONUMEPS as allowed difference to be equal */
virtual bool onBorder(const double &co1, const double &co2, bool meshed) const;
/**we want to be able to retrieve the min and maximum values of border
coordIndex is the index, eg 0 for the first, 1 for the second; and value is the present min or max
the function changes this if necessary. */
virtual void minCo(uint coordIndex, double &valueMin) const;
virtual void maxCo(uint coordIndex, double &valueMax) const;
/** Return trianglesize in begin or endpoint, is default initialized on construction by 1, so 1 is returned if
never set before */
double triaSize(LinePoint = BeginPoint);
/** Change the trianglesize in begin or endpoint
void changeTriaSize(double size, LinePoint = BeginPoint);
/** return the type of the Border (something like the name)
virtual BorderType type(){return Line ; };
/** Implementation of base class printborder
virtual void printBorder(QTextStream &);
/**write a line to the ouputstream in a nice text format
friend QTextStream &operator<<( QTextStream &, const K2dBorderLine & );
/**Representation of a sinus curve as a Border. Inherits the astract class BorderBase
* the sine is prescribed by 4 variable, always starts at x=0.
*@author benny
class K2dBorderSinCurve : public K2dBorderBase {
/** construct an sine curve with length L, slope a, amplitude V, nr of hills n, offset b
K2dBorderSinCurve(double L, double a, double V, uint n, double b );
virtual ~K2dBorderSinCurve();
/** draw on a painter the sinus
virtual void draw(QPainter* ,bool meshed = false );
/** Change the sine in one action. This automatically recalculates interval points
One action for less overhead in recalculating interval */
void changeSinCurve( double L, double a, double V, uint n, double b );
/** see if a certain given point is on the border
Remark : since we work with double, we take the defined TOPONUMEPS as allowed difference to be equal */
virtual bool onBorder(const double &co1, const double &co2 , bool meshed) const;
/**we want to be able to retrieve the min and maximum values of border
coordIndex is the index, eg 0 for the first, 1 for the second; and value is the present min or max
the function changes this if necessary. */
virtual void minCo(uint coordIndex, double &valueMin) const;
virtual void maxCo(uint coordIndex, double &valueMax) const;
/**function to retrieve internal data sine
double getLength() const {return length;};
/**function to retrieve internal data sine
double getSlope() const {return slope;};
/**function to retrieve internal data sine
double getAmplitude() const {return amplitude;};
/**function to retrieve internal data sine
double getOffset() const {return offset;};
/**function to retrieve internal data sine
int getHills() const {return hills;};
/** return the number of mesh interval points currently set on the curve, default = 0
int nrMeshIntervalPoints() const {return nrMeshPoints;};
/** set the meshinterval to a certain value (default = 0), the points are recalculated if changed.
beware to give value >=0 */
void setNrMeshInterval(int);
/** return how the curve is transversed, false is normal t from 0 to 1, true is transverse, t from 1 to 0
bool reverseValue() const {return reverse ;};
/** set how the curve is transversed
void setReverse(bool );
/** Return trianglesize in meshpoints on the sine, is default initialized on construction by 1, so 1 is returned if
never set before */
double triaSize() const ;
/** Change the trianglesize for the meshpoints
void changeTriaSize(double size) ;
/** return the type of the Border (something like the name)
virtual BorderType type(){return SinCurve ; };
/** Implementation of base class printBorder
virtual void printBorder(QTextStream &);
/**write a line to the ouputstream in a nice text format
friend QTextStream &operator<<( QTextStream &, const K2dBorderSinCurve & );
double length, slope, amplitude, offset ;
int hills ;
int nrMeshPoints;
/** bool to notice how the sinecurve is transversed
bool reverse;
/** internal functioni that computes first coordinate with a given t, parameter between 0 .. 1
double value1(double t) const;
/** internal functioni that computes second coordinate with a given t, parameter between 0 .. 1
double value2(double t) const;
/** internal function that recalculates the value of the points between begin and endpoint in the mesh
void calcMeshIntervalPoints();
Generated by: benny@okidoki on Thu Jun 21 10:41:51 2001, using kdoc 2.0a53. |