package gve.calc.logic;

import java.awt.*;

public class TableauPartLayout implements LayoutManager {
	public TableauPartLayout() {}

	public void addLayoutComponent(String name,Component target) {}

	public void removeLayoutComponent(Component target) {}

	public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container target) {
		// Oops! In JDK1.1.5, the value returned by Component.getPreferredSize()
		// must be considered read only! If we would change it, following
		// calls to getPreferredSize() will return this changed value!
		Dimension tdim = target.getComponent(0).getPreferredSize();
		Dimension ldim = target.getComponent(1).getPreferredSize();
		Dimension result = new Dimension(ldim);
		if (target.getComponentCount() > 2) {
			Dimension rdim = target.getComponent(2).getPreferredSize();
			result.width += 10+rdim.width;
			if (rdim.height > ldim.height) result.height = rdim.height;
		// result is now the reauired size for the bottom parts
		if (tdim.width > result.width) result.width = tdim.width;
		result.height += 10 + tdim.height;
		return result;

	public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container target) {
		return preferredLayoutSize(target);

	public void layoutContainer(Container target) {
		Component top = target.getComponent(0);
		Component left = target.getComponent(1);
		Dimension topdim = top.getPreferredSize();
		Dimension leftdim = left.getPreferredSize();
		Component right = null;
		if (target.getComponentCount() > 2) {
			right = target.getComponent(2);
		Dimension siz = target.getSize();
//System.out.println("Total height "+siz.height+" top height "+topdim.height);
//System.out.println("\ttop is now "+top); top.list();
		int y = topdim.height+10;
		if (right == null) {
		} else {
			Dimension rightdim = right.getPreferredSize();