Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, Geert Vernaeve. All Rights Reserved. Created 3-Dec-2000.
package test; import java.awt.*; import gve.calc.*; import gve.calc.formula.*; import gve.calc.logic.*;
Regression tests.
public class Test { public static void main(String [] args) { gve.calc.formula.StandardOperators.registerStandardOps(); StackWindow calc = new StackWindow(null); StackCanvas canvas = calc.getCanvas(); boolean result; result = test1(canvas); print(1,result); result = test2(canvas); print(2,result); result = test3(canvas); print(3,result); result = test4(canvas); print(4,result); // Commented out because this tests the experimental Stack class ... // result = test5(canvas); // print(5,result); print (6,test6(canvas)); print (7,test7(canvas)); print (8,test8(canvas)); print (9,test9(canvas)); testProof(canvas,"propctest"); testProof(canvas,"propcctest",29); testProof(canvas,"A"); testProof(canvas,"C"); testProof(canvas,"C1"); testProof(canvas,"C2"); testProof(canvas,"R"); testProof(canvas,"X"); testProof(canvas,"bewijs1"); testProof(canvas,"bewijs2"); testProof(canvas,"bewijs3"); testProof(canvas,"ZeBe"); testProof(canvas,"ZeOn"); testProof(canvas,"NN1"); testProof(canvas,"NN2"); testProof(canvas,"SN"); testProof(canvas,"CoPo1"); testProof(canvas,"CoPo2"); testProof(canvas,"CoPo3"); testProof(canvas,"CoPo4"); testProof(canvas,"XQ1"); testProof(canvas,"AEx"); testProof(canvas,"AEx2"); testProof(canvas,"CCo"); testProof(canvas,"AnDc"); testProof(canvas,"AnU"); testProof(canvas,"UU"); testProof(canvas,"XQ2"); testProof(canvas,"NX"); testProof(canvas,"D"); testProof(canvas,"D1"); testProof(canvas,"D2"); testProof(canvas,"I"); testProof(canvas,"I1"); testProof(canvas,"I2"); testProof(canvas,"XQ3"); testProof(canvas,"DEl"); testProof(canvas,"IEl"); testProof(canvas,"MP"); testProof(canvas,"KeRe"); testProof(canvas,"ZeIm"); testProof(canvas,"UD"); testProof(canvas,"DCo"); testProof(canvas,"DAs1"); testProof(canvas,"DAs2"); // Base rules for predicate calculus testProof(canvas,"G"); testProof(canvas,"Gx"); testProof(canvas,"Stx"); testProof(canvas,"E"); testProof(canvas,"Etx"); // Derived predicate rules testProof(canvas,"GGx"); testProof(canvas,"ExGxt"); testProof(canvas,"SGxy"); testProof(canvas,"AvGxy"); testProof(canvas,"ESy"); testProof(canvas,"ET"); testProof(canvas,"ECnx"); testProof(canvas,"EAnx"); testProof(canvas,"GPx"); testProof(canvas,"ExPxt"); testProof(canvas,"SPxy"); testProof(canvas,"AvPxy"); testProof(canvas,"predtest"); testProof(canvas,"subtest"); // Simple prop calculus testProof(canvas,"oef1"); testProof(canvas,"oef2"); // Heavy predicate stuff testProof(canvas,"oef31"); testProof(canvas,"oef31b"); testProof(canvas,"oef371"); testProof(canvas,"oef372"); testProof(canvas,"oef373"); testProof(canvas,"oef373b"); testProof(canvas,"oef374"); // The "most important" substitution calculus rules testProof(canvas,"SubL1"); testProof(canvas,"FreeG2"); testProof(canvas,"FreeNil"); testProof(canvas,"FreeList"); testProof(canvas,"FreeG"); testProof(canvas,"SubL2"); testProof(canvas,"SubL4"); testProof(canvas,"SubList2"); testProof(canvas,"SubG1"); testProof(canvas,"VarVar"); testProof(canvas,"FV1"); testProof(canvas,"SubG2"); testProof(canvas,"SubConst"); testProof(canvas,"SubTerm"); testProof(canvas,"SubList"); testProof(canvas,"SubEq"); testProof(canvas,"SubPred"); testProof(canvas,"SubVar"); stats(); // System.exit(0); } static int passed = 0, failed = 0; static void print(int testno,boolean result) { System.out.println("Test "+testno+" "+(result ? "PASS" : "FAIL")); if (result) passed++; else failed++; } static void stats() { System.out.println((passed+failed)+" tests, passed "+passed+", failed "+failed); try { fw = new"testlog",true); fw.write(new java.util.Date().toString()); fw.write("\n"); fw.write("total "+(passed+failed)+" passed "+passed+" failed "+failed+"\n"); fw.close(); } catch ( exc) {} } static boolean test1(StackCanvas canvas) { System.out.println("test 1 (2-mar-2000)"); // Test: type "notx", split with a space in "not x" // and check that no superfluous space has been generated // (same as "forallx" in the debug report) Formula f; Part shouldbe = new OperatorNot(new Identifier("x")); canvas.push(f = new Formula("notx")); canvas.setActiveFormula(0); FormulaView view = (FormulaView)canvas.getComponent(0); view.keydn(KeydnListener.Key_RIGHT); view.keydn(KeydnListener.Key_RIGHT); view.keydn(KeydnListener.Key_RIGHT); view.keydn(' '); Part p = f.getRootPart(); boolean result; if (p.same(shouldbe)) { result = true; } else { p.dump(); shouldbe.dump(); result = false; } canvas.pop(); return result; } static boolean test2(StackCanvas canvas) { System.out.println("test 2 (28-feb-2000)"); // 6-dec-2000: not really the same bug as 28-feb-2000 but // when typing a space to change "xsubseteq y" into "x subseteq y", // the formula is OK but a NullPointerException is thrown in IdentifierView.splitme() // and moreover, the cursor part still is the "subseteq" Identifier (which // has been replaced by an OperatorSet). Formula f; Part shouldbe = new OperatorSet("subseteq",new Identifier("x"),new Identifier("y")); Identifier critical = new Identifier("xsubseteq"); canvas.push(f = new Formula(new OperatorSpace(critical,new Identifier("y")))); canvas.setActiveFormula(0); FormulaView view = (FormulaView)canvas.getComponent(0); view.setCursorPart(critical,1); boolean result = true; try { view.keydn(' '); } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); result = false; } Part p = f.getRootPart(); if (!p.same(shouldbe)) { p.dump(); shouldbe.dump(); result = false; } canvas.pop(); return result; } static boolean test3(StackCanvas canvas) { System.out.println("test 3 (6-dec-2000)"); // type "x y", set cursor at the left of the space, type another // space => crash Formula f; Part shouldbe = new OperatorSpace(new Identifier("x"),new Identifier("y")); Part critical = new OperatorSpace(new Identifier("x"),new Identifier("y")); canvas.push(f = new Formula(critical)); canvas.setActiveFormula(0); FormulaView view = (FormulaView)canvas.getComponent(0); view.setCursorPart(critical,0); boolean result = true; try { view.keydn(' '); } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); result = false; } Part p = f.getRootPart(); if (!p.same(shouldbe)) { p.dump(); shouldbe.dump(); result = false; } canvas.pop(); return result; } static boolean test4(StackCanvas canvas) { System.out.println("test 4 (10-dec-2000)"); // type "gve*C x" where "*" is the cursor, then type "." // Cause: OperatorSpace.recognizeOp() returned always // "true" in this case so the split of ".C" was not performed // since Identifier.splitme() thought that an identifier was // already recognized Formula f; Part shouldbe = new OperatorSpace( new OperatorDot(new Identifier("gve"),new Identifier("C")), new Identifier("x")); Part critical = new Identifier("gveC"); canvas.push(f = new Formula(new OperatorSpace(critical,new Identifier("x")))); canvas.setActiveFormula(0); FormulaView view = (FormulaView)canvas.getComponent(0); view.setCursorPart(critical,3); boolean result = true; try { view.keydn('.'); } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); result = false; } Part p = f.getRootPart(); if (!p.same(shouldbe)) { p.dump(); shouldbe.dump(); result = false; } Part cp = view.getCursorPart(); // PENDING: cursor should be at pos 0 of "C" identifier if (!(cp instanceof Identifier)) { System.out.println("Cursor not on OperatorDot"); result = false; } else { Identifier cpIdent = (Identifier)cp; if (!cpIdent.getString().equals("C")) { System.out.println("Cursor not on C but on "+cpIdent.getString()); result = false; } //// BUG IS IN InfixBinaryOp:96 // Before: cursor is at "C", pos 0; // After: cursor is at OperatorDot int cpos = ((HasCursorPos)view.getCursorComp()).getCursorPos(); if (cpos != 0) { System.out.println("CursorPos is "+cpos+", not 0"); result = false; } } canvas.pop(); return result; } static boolean test5(StackCanvas canvas) { System.out.println("test 5 (26-jan-2001)"); // move cursor with cursor keys over Uneditable part // => null pointer exception // at gve.calc.formula.UneditableView.setCursorPos( // Cause: the UneditableView probably has been replaced // by another component by the time that setCursorPos() is // called, so its parent is null. // Fix: replaced "FormulaView.get(this).setCursorComp(null);" // with "return;". Formula f; // canvas.newObject("gve.calc.formula.Stack"); Stack stack = new Stack(); canvas.push(f = new Formula(stack)); boolean result = true; FormulaView view = (FormulaView)canvas.getComponent(0); view.setCursorPart(stack.elementAt(0)); try { view.keydn(KeydnListener.Key_LEFT); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); result = false; } canvas.pop(); return result; } static boolean test6(StackCanvas canvas) { // Type "a"; extend to "b,a" => result is "b ,a" where "b" and ",a" are two Identifiers! System.out.println("test 6 (6-feb-2001)"); boolean result = true; Identifier ident = new Identifier("a"); Formula f; canvas.push(f = new Formula(ident)); FormulaView view = (FormulaView)canvas.getComponent(0); view.setCursorPart(ident,HasCursorPos.Somewhere_LEFT); view.keydn('b'); view.keydn(','); Part p = f.getRootPart(); Part shouldbe = new OperatorComma(new Identifier("b"),new Identifier("a")); if (!p.same(shouldbe)) { p.dump(); shouldbe.dump(); result = false; } canvas.pop(); return result; } static boolean test7(StackCanvas canvas) { // Type "a,b" and delete the comma System.out.println("test 7 (15-feb-2001)"); OperatorComma comma = new OperatorComma(new Identifier("a"),new Identifier("b")); Formula f; canvas.push(f = new Formula(comma)); FormulaView view = (FormulaView)canvas.getComponent(0); view.setCursorPart(comma,HasCursorPos.Somewhere_MYRIGHT); view.keydn(KeydnListener.Key_BS); Part shouldbe = new Identifier("ab"); Part root = f.getRootPart(); boolean result = true; if (!root.same(shouldbe)) { root.dump(); shouldbe.dump(); result = false; } canvas.pop(); return result; } static boolean test8(StackCanvas canvas) { // Type "nomt x" and repair to "not x" System.out.println("test 8 (16-apr-2001)"); Identifier nomt,iks; Part test = new OperatorSpace(nomt = new Identifier("nomt"),iks = new Identifier("x")); Formula f; canvas.push(f = new Formula(test)); FormulaView view = (FormulaView)canvas.getComponent(0); view.setCursorPart(nomt,3); view.keydn(KeydnListener.Key_BS); view.keydn(KeydnListener.Key_RIGHT); view.keydn(KeydnListener.Key_RIGHT); Part shouldbe = new OperatorNot(new Identifier("x")); Part root = f.getRootPart(); boolean result = true; if (!root.same(shouldbe)) { root.dump(); shouldbe.dump(); result = false; } Part cp = view.getCursorPart(); if (cp != root && cp != iks) { System.out.println("bad cursor part "+view.getCursorPart()); result = false; } canvas.pop(); return result; } static boolean test9(StackCanvas canvas) { // Type "not x" and change into "nomt x" System.out.println("test 9 (16-apr-2001)"); Identifier nomt,iks; Part test = new OperatorNot(new Identifier("x")); Formula f; canvas.push(f = new Formula(test)); FormulaView view = (FormulaView)canvas.getComponent(0); view.setCursorPart(test,2); view.keydn('m'); Part shouldbe = new OperatorSpace(new Identifier("nomt"),new Identifier("x")); Part root = f.getRootPart(); boolean result = true; if (!root.same(shouldbe)) { root.dump(); shouldbe.dump(); result = false; } canvas.pop(); return result; } static boolean testProof(StackCanvas canvas,String name) { return testProof(canvas,name,-1); }
uptoline: e.g. 0 tests only first line, 1 only first two, etc
static boolean testProof(StackCanvas canvas,String name,int uptoline) { System.out.println("Proof "+name); Proof proof = (Proof)canvas.load(name); int lines = proof.getHeight(); boolean shouldfail = false; boolean ignore = false; boolean result = true; for (int lineno = 0; lineno < lines; lineno++) { if (proof.isComment(lineno)) { String comment = ((StringPart)proof.elementAt(lineno,Proof.SEQUENT)).getString(); if (comment.equals("should fail")) shouldfail = true; if (comment.equals("pending")) ignore = true; continue; } try { proof.vfyline(lineno,(VariableStore)canvas); if (shouldfail) { System.out.println("line "+(lineno+1)+" should fail"); result = false; } } catch (ProofInvalidException exc) { if (!shouldfail && !ignore) { System.out.println("oops at line "+(lineno+1)+exc); result = false; } } shouldfail = false; ignore = false; if (lineno == uptoline) break; } print(-1,result); return result; } }