This is the Homepage of Joseph A. Thas
Vakgroep Wiskunde
Universiteit Gent
Krijgslaan 281 - S22
B-9000 GENT
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Prizes, Honors, Awards:
Scholarship European Research Associates S.A., 1965-66.
Award of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of
Belgium, 1969.
Scientific Louis Empain Award, 1970.
Award Francois Deruyts of the Royal Academy of Belgium,
Member of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and
the Arts (since 1988, Vice-director in 1998 and Director in 1999).
Euler 1994 Medal of the ICA (The Euler Medal of the
Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications is the recognition
for a distinguished lifetime career contribution to combinatorial research
by a Fellow of the ICA who is still active in research).
Invited Speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians,
Berlin, 1998.
Erskine Fellowship 1999 of the University of Canterbury,
Christchurch (New Zealand).
Elsevier Speaker at the conference "Finite Fields and
Applications", Melbourne, Australia, 2007.
Platinum Jubilee Lecturer 2008 at the Indian Statistical
Institute (Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore).
Inaugural Fellow of the American Mathematical Society, honor
in view of distinguished contributions to mathematics, 2012.
Recipient, Grand Officer of the Order of Leopold (Belgium)
in de Leopoldsorde) (2012)
Books, Chapters in Books:
Een studie betreffende de projectieve rechte over de totale
matrix algebra M_3(K) der 3 \times 3 -matrices met elementen in een
algebra\"\i sch afgesloten veld K , Verh. Kon. Vl. Ac. voor
Wet., Lett. en Sch. K. van Belgi\"e, Kl. der Wet. Jg. 31, nr. 112
(1969), 151pp.
Enkele aspecten van de theorie der axiomatische projectieve
vlakken (with J. Bilo), Simon Stevin, Supplement 55 (1981), 144pp.
Finite generalized quadrangles (with S.E. Payne), Research
Notes in Mathematics 110, Pitman Publ. Inc., Boston-London-Melbourne
1984, 318pp.
General Galois geometries (with J.W.P. Hirschfeld), Oxford
University Press, Oxford 1991, 424pp.
Two chapters in `` Handbook of incidence geometry '', Editor
F. Buekenhout, North-Holland, 1995. Titles of chapters: `` Projective
geometry over a finite field '' (pp295-347) and `` Generalized
polygons '' (pp383-431).
Translation Generalized Quadrangles (with K. Thas and H.
Van Maldeghem), Series in Pure Mathematics - Vol. 26, World Scientific,
Singapore 2006, 376 pp.
Finite Generalized Quadrangles, second edition (with S.E.
Payne), European Mathematical Society, EMS Series of Lectures in
Mathematics, Zurich 2009, 287 pp.
General Galois Geometries, second edition (with J.W.P.
Hirschfeld), Springer Verlag, London, 2016, xvi + 409 pp.
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