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Author(s): Jan De Beule, Anja Hallez, Leo Storme
Title: A characterisation result on a particular class of non-weighted minihypers
Year: 2011
Journal: Des. Codes Cryptogr.
Status: submitted
Keywords: minihypers, Griesmer bound, blocking sets
MSC-Classification: 51E20, 51E21
Files: DeBeuleHallezStorme2011.pdf

Author(s): Anja Hallez, F.A.B Edoukou, Leo Storme
Title: A study of intersections of quadrics having applications on the small
Year: 2010
Journal: Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Status: accepted
Files: codes quadrics.pdf

Author(s): Anja Hallez, Leo Storme
Title: Functional codes arising from quadric intersections with
Year: 2010
Journal: Finite Fields and Their Applications
Status: published
Files: codesQ-H.pdf

Author(s): F. Edoukou, Anja Hallez, Francois Rodier, Leo Storme
Title: The small weight codewords of the functional codes associated to non-singular Hermitian varieties
Year: 2010
Journal: Designs, Codes and Cryptography
Status: accepted
Files: artcodeshermitianvarietiesrevised20100326.pdf

Author(s): Jan De Beule, Anja Hallez, Klaus Metsch, Leo Storme
Title: Sets of generators blocking all generators in finite classical polar spaces
Year: 2010
Journal: Adv. Geom.
Status: submitted
Keywords: partial spreads, blocking sets, finite classical polar spaces
MSC-Classification: 51E20, 51E21
Files: DeBeuleHallezMetschStorme-submitted_AdvGeom.pdf

Author(s): Jan De Beule, Anja Hallez, Leo Storme
Title: A non-existence result on Cameron-Liebler line classes
Year: 2007
Journal: J. Comb. Des.
Status: published
Keywords: cameron-liebler lineclass, minihyper, spread
Comment: revised version. doi: 10.1002/jcd.20164
Files: revision1_submissionbyleo.pdf
JCD homepage (Wiley Interscience)

Author(s): Jan De Beule, Anja Hallez, Patrick Govaerts, Leo Storme
Title: Tight sets, weighted $m$-covers, weighted $m$-ovoids, and minihypers
Year: 2007
Journal: Des. Codes Crypt.
Status: published
Comment: final version
Files: DBHGS2007.pdf

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