Promotor (Thesis Advisor) of the Ph.D. thesis of

1.    Veerle De Smet (RUG, May 19, 1994)
Substructures of Finite Classical Generalized Quadrangles and Hexagons
Co-advisor: J. A. Thas

2.    Iris Bloemen (RUG, November 27, 1995)
Substructures and Characterizations of Finite Generalized Polygons
Co-advisor: J. A. Thas

3.    Kristel Van Steen (RUG, May 21, 1996)
Non-spherical Tits-Buildings of Rank 3

4.    Stefaan Delcroix (RUG, June 19, 2000)
Non-Finitary Locally Finite Simple Groups
Co-advisor: U. Meierfrankenfeld

5.    Leen Kuijken (RUG, September 8, 2000)
Axiomatiek en Modellen voor Vaag Incidentiemeetkunden
Co-advisor: E. E. Kerre

6.    Leen Brouns (RUG, November 28, 2000)
Characterizations of (Substructures of) Generalized Quadrangles and Hexagons
Co-advisor: J. A. Thas

7.    Valery Vermeulen (RUG, August 24, 2001)
Twin Buildings: Characterization and Classification results
Co-advisor: B. Muhlherr

8.    Eline Govaert (RUG, August 30, 2001)
Some Contributions to the (Geometric) Theory of Generalized Polygons

9.    Koen Thas (RUG, March 29, 2002)
Automorphisms and Combinatorics of Finite Generalized Quadrangles

10. Tom De Medts (UGent, January 9, 2003)
Moufang Quadrangles: A Unifying Algebraic Structure, and some Results on ExceptionalQuadrangles

11. Cristina Tonesi (UGent, May 27, 2005)
Distance-regular geometries and some group theoretical characterisations of (0,2)-geometries

12. An De Wispelaere (UGent, December 16, 2005)
Ovoids and spreads of finite classical generalized hexagons and applications

13. Joris De Kaey (UGent, February 17, 2005)
Characterizations of finite classical polygons admitting large Moufang subpolygons

14. Valerie Ver Gucht (UGent, June 16, 2006)

Bislim point-line geometries of gonality 3.

15. Kris Coolsaet (UGent, July 4, 2006)

An algebraic approach to the perfect Ree-Tits generalized octagons and related geometries.

16. Fabienne Haot (UGent, December 22, 2006)

Moufang Sets and Applications.

17. Koen Struyve (UGent, June 26, 2009)

A Study of Buildings of Low Rank.  

Co-advisor: K. Thas.

18. Elizabeth Callens (UGent, June 24, 2013)

Moufang Sets: Polarities, Mixed Moufang Sets and Inclusions

Co-advisor: T. De Medts.

19. Lien Boelaert (UGent, June 27, 2013)

From the Moufang World to the Structurable World, and Back Again.

Member of the Ph.D.-jury of

1.    Leo Storme (RUG, July 4, 1991)

2.    Serge Lehman (U.L.B., January 8, 1997)

3.    Dimitri Leemans (U.L.B., September 10, 1998)

4.    Rieuwert Blok (TU Delft, May 18, 1999)

5.    Dirk Van Heule (RUG, September 8, 1999)

6.    Michel Lavrauw (TU Eindhoven, May 23, 2001)

7.    Mario Delanote (RUG, September 7, 2001)

8.    Francis Gardeyn (RUG, December 14, 2001)

9.    Ralf Gramlich (TU Eindhoven, May 23, 2002)

10. Deirde Luyckx (UGent, December 13, 2002)

11. Sandy Ferret (UGent, April 3, 2003)

12. Bavo Langerock (UGent, April 23, 2003)

13. Patrick Govaerts (UGent, April 25, 2003)

14. Sara Cauchy (UGent, May 12, 2003)

15. Elisabeth Kuijken (UGent, May 23, 2003)

16. Jan De Beule (UGent, May 20, 2004)

17. Glad Deschrijver (UGent, November 9, 2004)

18. Pieter Vandecasteele (UGent, December 17, 2004)

19. Stefaan De Winter (UGent, December 22, 2004)

20. Nikias De Feyter (UGent, February 18, 2005)

21. Kristel Van Steen (LUC, Hasselt, December 20, 2005)

22. Pierre-Emanuelle Caprace (ULB, December 20, 2005)

23. Morislava Cimráková (UGent, May 19, 2006)

24. Els Moens (UGent, February 23, 2007)

25. Koen Maes (UGent, April 16, 2007)

26. Valérie De Witte (UGent, June 15, 2007)

Annelies Vroman (UGent, October 31, 2007)

28. Geert Vernaeve (UGent, November 27, 2008)

29. Jeroen Schillewaert (UGent, February 5, 2009)

30. Manoochehr Babanezhad (UGent, April 27, 2009)

Simon Huggenberger (UGent, June 25, 2009)

32. Yun Shi (UGent, September 14, 2009)

33. Viera Zemanova (UGent, September 25, 2009)

34. Jan Busa (UGent, November 6, 2009)

35. Geertrui Van De Voorde (UGent, April 20, 2010)

36. Anja Hallez (UGent, April 26, 2010)

Tom Melange (UGent, May 17, 2010)

Nele Vandaele (UGent, May 21, 2010)

39. Sam Sanders (UGent, May 26, 2010)

Bart Van Gasse (UGent, June 25, 2010)

Aude Nguyen (ULBruxelles, September 15, 2010)

Frédéric Vanhove (UGent, April 7, 2011)

Organiser of the following international conferences

1.    "A Tribute to J. A. Thas", Ghent, May 12 - 13, 1994
co-organiser: F. De Clerck
editor of the corresponding proceedings in the Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 1, No 3 (1994), p. 299 - 468 (co-editor: F. De Clerck).

2.    "Tits Buildings and Related Geometries", Ghent, March 21 - 22, 1996
co-organisers: F. Buekenhout, F. De Clerck and J. A. Thas.

3.    Section "Buildings" of the conference AMS-BeNeLux Meeting Mathematics, Antwerp, May 22, 1996
co-organizer: Mark A. Ronan.

4.    "Finite Geometry and Combinatorics", Third international conference at Deinze, May 18 - 24, 1997
co-organisers: A. Beutelspacher, A. Blokhuis, F. Buekenhout, F. De Clerck, J. Doyen, W. Haemers, J. W. P. Hirschfeld and J. A. Thas
editor of the corresponding proceedings in the Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin.

5.    "(Moufang) Polygons and (Twin) Buildings", Ghent, June 21 - 25, 1999.

6.    "40ste Nederlands Mathematisch congres - Belgian mathematical Conference", Tilburg 16 - 17 April, 2004 (as the Belgian representative).

7.    "Incidence Geometry", International conference at La Roche-en-Ardenne, May 23 - 29, 2004
co-organisers: F. De Clerck, J. A. Thas and L. Storme
editor of the corresponding proceedings in the Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin

8.    Member of the Advisory Board of the "Com2MaC Conference on Association Schemes, Codes and Designs", Pusan Nat. Univ., Pusan, Korea, 19 - 23 July 2004.

9.    "Mathematics, Quo Vadis?", an international Colloquium in the Palace of the Academies, April 27, 2005
co-organisers: E. Colenbunders, W. Van Assche and N. Veraverbeke.

10. "BeNeLuxFra Conference in Mathematics", A joint conference of the mathematical societies of Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg and France, Ghent, May 20 - 22, 2005
co-organiser: B. Hoogewijs
editor of the corresponding proceedings in the Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin.

11. "Buildings, Groups & Algebras", a conference in honour of Jacques Tits' 75th birthday, Ghent, October 14 - 15, 2005
co-organiser: Bernhard Mühlherr.

12. “Reinhold Baer Kolloquium zur Geometrie”, Gent, June 10, 2006

co-organizer: T. De Medts.

13. “Buildings & Groups”, Gent, May 21-25, 2007

co-organizers: Bernhard Mühlherr and Peter Abramenko.

14. “Incidence Geometry & Buildings”, Gent, February 5–10, 2012

co-organizers: B. De Bruyn, T De Medts, K. Thas and J. A. Thas

15. “Buekenhout Geometry”, a conference on the occasion of the 75th birthday of Francis Buekenhout , Gent, 20–21 September, 2012

co-organizers: B. Mu ̈hlherr and J. A. Thas

16. “The Freudenthal-Tits Magic Square”, Colloquim in the series of ‘DAG’-Days, Gent, 19 October 2012

co-organizer: T.De Medts

17. “Reinhold Baer Kolloquium zur Geometrie”, Gent, June 10, 2006

co-organizer T. De Medts

18. “Buildings & Groups”, Gent, May 21-25, 2007

co-organizers Bernhard Mu ̈hlherr and Peter Abramenko

19. “Incidence Geometry & Buildings”, Gent, February 5–10, 2012

co-organizers: B. De Bruyn, T De Medts, K. Thas and J. A. Thas

20. “Buekenhout Geometry”, a conference on the occasion of the 75th birthday of Francis Buekenhout , Gent, 20–21 September, 2012

co-organizers: B. Mühlherr and J. A. Thas

21. “The Freudenthal-Tits Magic Square”, Colloquim in the series of ‘DAG’-Days, Gent, 19 October 2012

co-organizer: T.De Medts

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