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Author(s): Ralf Gramlich, Katja Moeser, Hendrik Van Maldeghem
Title: The endomorphism type of certain bipartite graphs and a characterization of pro jective planes
Year: 2009
Journal: Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics
Status: submitted
Keywords: graphs
MSC-Classification: 51E12

Author(s): Tom De Medts, Ralf Gramlich, Max Horn
Title: Iwasawa decompositions of groups with a root group datum
Year: 2007
Journal: J. Lie Theory
Status: submitted
Files: iwasawa.pdf

Author(s): Ralf Gramlich, Hendrik Van Maldeghem
Title: Intransitive geometries
Year: 2005
Journal: Proc. London Math. Soc.
Status: published
Keywords: group theory, coset geometries, amalgams, buildings
Files: intrans2revised.pdf

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