First Announcement

XXth International Workshop on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Mechanics

Ghent, 21-27 August 2005

1st Announcement

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that, with respect to a preliminary communication issued last December, we have obtained partial support towards organizational costs from the FWO (Flemish fund for scientific research) and from the Faculty of Sciences of Ghent University. As a result, I can offer an all-in arrangement for participation for somewhat lower rates than previously announced. I am now inviting you to confirm your participation by returning the form part at the bottom of this message to, NOT LATER THAN MARCH 31, 2005.

Here are the basic data about this year’s programme.

Location: Hotel Monasterium, right in the centre of Ghent (

The format of the meeting is pretty much the same as it has been the past ten years: general talks in the morning (about themes which have been selected at the previous edition); most of the afternoon free for discussions in small groups; a few shorter presentations in the late afternoon, about the theme of the day or about other topics to be selected.

The topics for 2005 are (with the people in charge of organising the session):

  1. Integrability & separability (Franco Magri, Alberto Ibort)
  2. Applications of Lie algebroids (Manuel de León, Eduardo Martínez, Juan-Carlos Marrero)
  3. Relativity (Giuseppe Marmo, Jose Cariñena) (in the context of "the year of physics")
  4. Symplectic connections (Simone Gutt, Michel Cahen)
  5. Contributions of "young participants" (Frans Cantrijn)

The order of presentation of these topics will be chosen at a later stage (see 2nd announcement). Details about two of the sessions are already available. They will be posted on a website which will be set up very soon: . More of such data will of course be updated regularly, as soon as they come in! The session “Selected topics” referred to in the preliminary communication is kept on the shelf for the case that one or more of the five indicated subjects does not extend over the afternoon.

May I invite participants who wish to present a short communication on their recent work (recommended time: 30 to 40 minutes) to give a tentative title with the reply now, or to notify Frans Cantrijn not later than May 31. [Our definition of “young” for the 5th subject is quite flexible.]

Costs for participation:

There are two all-in standard packages, which comprise: 6 nights at Hotel Monasterium, arriving in the afternoon of Sunday 21 August, and leaving after breakfast on Saturday 27 August; full board arrangement, including the Conference dinner and coffee breaks.

Type I accommodation: 670 EUR per person. This is for single occupancy of a room with private bathroom facilities.

Type II accommodation: 550 EUR per person. This is for double occupancy of a room with private bathroom facilities (so it is also the charge for “accompanying persons”), or for single occupancy of a room without private bathroom facilities, the so-called guestrooms of the hotel (there is then a cluster of toilets and showers in the corridor).

Please keep in mind that the number of rooms is limited after all, so that it may not be possible to serve everyone with the type of accommodation of first choice. Early registration therefore is recommended.

An individual price-arrangement will be worked out for participants who do not fit into these standard packages for whatever reason (for example: other days of arrival or departure, locals who do not stay overnight, etcetera). Please specify the need for a special arrangement on the registration form.

Finally, please inform us if you have any special desiderata, such as a more formal invitation for the purpose of applying for funds.

Best regards,


Department of Mathematical Physics and Astronomy
Ghent University
Krijgslaan 281
B-9000 Ghent, Belgium

Tel: +32 9 2644797
Fax: +32 9 2644989

REGISTRATION FORM: XXth Workshop on Diff. Geom. Methods in Theor. Mechanics, Ghent, 21-27 August 2005

To be mailed to by MARCH 31, 2005.

Data which you wish to be included in the list of participants:

First name and name:


Email address:


(please edit as appropriate)

I request Type I accommodation (670 EUR)

I request Type II accommodation in a single guestroom (550 EUR)

I request Type II accommodation, sharing a room with ..................... (550 EUR/person)

I need an arrangement different from the standard packages (please specify):

I wish to present a short communication: (Y/N)?

If Yes, please give tentative title and time needed (30 or 40 minutes):