Second Announcement

20th International Workshop on Differential Geometric Methods in

Theoretical Mechanics

Ghent, 21 - 27 August 2005

2nd and Final Announcement


Here is the more or less final scheme of the programme, the details of

which will be regularly updated on the website

Monday, August 22: Relativity,

organised by Giuseppe Marmo and Jose Cariñena

Tuesday, August 23: Short communications,

coordinated by Frans Cantrijn

Wednesday, August 24: Integrability and separability,

organised by Franco Magri and Alberto Ibort

Thursday, August 25: Symplectic connections,

organised by Simone Gutt and Michel Cahen

Friday, August 26: Applications of Lie algebroids,

organised by Manuel de León, Eduardo Martínez and Juan-Carlos Marrero

The recommended time of arrival is Sunday 21 August in the afternoon.

A welcome drink will be offered at 19:00 on Sunday.

Recommended departure time: Saturday 27 August in the morning.

Each day will have a morning session, roughly from 09:00 till 13:00,

discussion time from 14:00 till 16:00 and an afternoon session with

shorter communications from 16:30 till 18:30.

Naturally, there will be a couple of special activities, to be announced later.

The main equipment for the talks will consist of a beamer for computer files and an overhead projector for transparances. In addition, there will be flip charts, but no blackboard unfortunately.

Please consult the website also for travel info and other useful links.

But if you have further specific questions, please feel free to ask.




Please inform us in advance about your travelling scheme (arrival and departure), so that we roughly know when to expect you. Email to:

We are running on maximal capacity of the hotel at the moment, so please notify us immediately if there are changes in your plans or if for one

reason or another you would have to cancel.

Payment: due by August 7!


From most European countries, it is now fairly easy to transfer money

internationally (even without costs if you have a good bank and do it electronically).

I would like to insist on your collaboration, therefore, to pay the full sum, not later than August 7, by bank transfer to:

account nr: 390-0965800-26 of Universiteit Gent

IBAN code: BE59 3900 9658 0026


IMPORTANT: don’t forget to provide the following vital information in the message field:

Client: 1/57125 WBS: G/00273/01

The full address of the bank (in case you need this) is:

ING Belgium, Business Centre Gent, Kouter 173, 9000 Gent

May I further ask you to confirm by email to the workshop address on what date you have made the transfer.

We will accept cash payment upon arrival, but this should be the exception rather than the rule.

FAQ: what do I have to pay?

For "regular participants" (arriving on Sunday and leaving the next Saturday),

the full board price, as announced before is:

Type I: single occupancy of a "Hotel room": 670 EUR

Type II: double occupancy of a "Hotel room" or

single occupancy of a "Guest room": 550 EUR per person

Everybody who does not fit the description of "regular participant" will receive a personal message with the price to pay. If you have further questions about payment, please send them directly to my personal email address below.

On behalf of the organizing committee: we very much look forward to meeting you all!



Department of Mathematical Physics and Astronomy

Ghent University

Krijgslaan 281

B-9000 Ghent, Belgium

Tel: +32 (0)9 2644797

Fax: +32 (0)9 2644989

Home number: +32 (0)3 3251573