Hobbies of Erik Rijcken


I have been playing krachtbal since I was 9. Krachtbal is a sport invented in Bruges, and is mostly played in Flanders (with the greatest concentration of clubs in West Flandres). I am currently (and always have been) part of the club KBC Sint-Michiels. For more information on the sport, you can look here (Dutch).


Fantasy and science-fiction

Another thing I enjoy a lot is being immersed in an unknown world, more precisely, by reading. While my preference lies with fantasy, I do also like reading science-fiction as well as action books or thrillers. A relatively short selection of my favourites:
  • J. R. R. Tolkien (pretty much everything)
  • Isaac Asimov, Foundation series
  • Jules Verne, 20 000 Leagues Under the Sea
  • C. S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia

  • George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire
  • Julian May, Saga of Pliocene Exile
  • Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time series
  • Brandon Sanderson, Mistborn trilogy

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