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Results 11 - 13 from 13

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Author(s): Deirdre Luyckx, Joseph A. Thas
Title: Trialities and 1-systems of Q+(7,q)
Year: 2003
Journal: Designs, Codes and Cryptography
Status: published
Files: trial.dvi, trial.pdf, trial.ps

Author(s): Deirdre Luyckx, Joseph A. Thas
Title: The uniqueness of the 1-system of Q-(7,q), q even
Year: 2003
Journal: Discrete Mathematics
Status: published
Files: unicev.dvi, unicev.pdf, unicev.ps

Author(s): Yves Edel, Sandy Ferret, Ivan N. Landjev, Leo Storme
Title: The classification of the largest caps in $AG(5,3)$
Year: 2002
Journal: J. Combin. Theory, Ser. A 99 (2002), 95-110
Status: published
Keywords: caps, projective spaces
MSC-Classification: 05B25, 51E20, 51E22, 94B05

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