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Results 11 - 16 from 16
Author(s): Valentina Pepe, Leo Storme, Geertrui Van de Voorde
Title: Small weight codewords in the LDPC codes arising from linear representations of geometries
Year: 2007
Journal: Journal of Combinatorial Designs
Status: accepted
Files: LDPC3.pdf
Author(s): Michael Pauley, John Bamberg
Title: A construction of one-dimensional flag-transitive linear spaces.
Year: 2006
Journal: Finite Fields and their Applications
Status: published
Keywords: flag-transitive,linear space,2-design,t-spread
MSC-Classification: 05B05, 05B25, 51E20, 12C05
Link to article
Author(s): O. Heden, S. Marcugini, F. Pambianco, Leo Storme
Title: On the non-existence of a maximal partial spread of size 76 in $PG(3,9)$
Year: 2005
Journal: Ars Combin.
Status: accepted
Keywords: Blocking sets, maximal partial spreads
MSC-Classification: 05B25, 51E20, 51E21, 51E23
Files: artmps76PG39.pdf, artmps76PG39.ps
Author(s): F. Pambianco, Leo Storme
Title: Minimal blocking sets in $PG(2,9)$
Year: 2005
Journal: Ars Combin.
Status: accepted
Keywords: Blocking sets, Galois geometries, Maximal partial spreads
MSC-Classification: 05B25, 51E20, 51E21, 51E23
Files: artperugiaPG29_Ars_combinatoria.pdf, artperugiaPG29_Ars_Combinatoria.ps
Author(s): Koen Thas, Stanley E. Payne
Title: Foundations of Elation Generalized Quadrangles
Year: 2004
Journal: European J. Math.
Status: accepted
Keywords: elation, generalized quadrangle
Author(s): Olga Polverino, Leo Storme
Title: Small minimal blocking sets in $PG(2,q^3)$
Year: 2002
Journal: Europ. J. Combin. 23 (2002), 83-92
Status: published
Keywords: blocking sets
MSC-Classification: 05B25, 51E20, 51E21