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Author(s): John Bamberg, Frank De Clerck, Nicola Durante
Title: Intriguing sets in partial quadrangles
Year: 2008
Journal: Journal of Combinatorial Designs
Status: published
Keywords: partial quadrangle, strongly regular graph, association scheme
MSC-Classification: 05B25, 05E30, 51E12, 51E14
Files: IntriguingSetsofPQfinal.pdf

Author(s): John Bamberg, Frank De Clerck, Nicola Durante
Title: A hemisystem of a nonclassical generalised quadrangle
Year: 2008
Journal: Designs, Codes & Cryptography
Status: published
Keywords: hemisystem, partial quadrangle, strongly regular graph, association scheme
MSC-Classification: 05B25, 05E30, 51E12
Link to article

Author(s): Frank De Clerck, Nikias De Feyter, Nicola Durante
Title: Two-intersection sets with respect to lines on the Klein quadric
Year: 2005
Journal: Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society, Simon Stevin
Status: published
Comment: Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society, Simon Stevin 12 (2006) 743-750
Files: kleincaps.pdf
Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society

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