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Author(s): Bart De Bruyn, Puspendu Pradhan, Binod Sahoo, Bikramaditya Sahu
Title: A characterization of the family of secant lines to a hyperbolic quadric in PG(3, q), q odd, Part II
Year: 2021
Files: Secants.pdf

Author(s): Bart De Bruyn, Puspendu Pradhan, Binod Sahoo, Bikramaditya Sahu
Title: Computer computations for ``A characterization of the family of secant lines to a hyperbolic quadric in PG(3, q), q odd, Part II''
Year: 2021
Files: Quadratic5D.g, Quadratic5C.g, Quadratic5B.g, Quadratic5A.g, Quadratic4B.g, Quadratic4A.g, Quadratic3B.g, Quadratic3A.g, Quadratic2B.g, Quadratic2A.g, Quadratic.sage, Nice.g

Author(s): Bart De Bruyn, Binod Sahoo, Bikramaditya Sahu
Title: Blocking sets of tangent lines to a hyperbolic quadric in PG(3,3)
Year: 2017
Files: Blocking.pdf

Author(s): Bart De Bruyn, Binod Sahoo, Bikramaditya Sahu
Title: Computer computations for ``Blocking sets of tangent lines to a hyperbolic quadric in PG(3,3)\\\'\\\'
Year: 2017
Files: Tangent.g, Tangent.sage

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