Curriculum Vitae Benny Malengier
Name: | Benny Malengier |
Gender: | Male |
Nationality: | Belgian |
Birth place: | Ieper, 05.10.1974 |
Adres: | Steenakker 11, 9000 Gent (Belguim) |
Work tel: | +32 (0)9 264 49 48 |
Home tel: | +32 (0)9 220 27 52 |
Fax: | +32 (0)9 264 49 87 |
Mail: | bm @ cage . UGent . be |
Undergraduate studies
High school degree obtained in 1991/1992, Sciences A (option 9 hours mathematics), at "Sint-Vincentiuscollege", Ieper.
Academic (University) studies
Academic studies
4 years degree course in Physics (University of Gent), according to the basic Belgian scheme, with a specialization in Theoretical Physics. These studies led to the diploma of
- 'Kandidaat in de Natuurkunde' with Great Distinction, University of Ghent, June 1994
- 'Licentiaat in de Theoretische Natuurkunde' with Great Distinction, University of Ghent, June 1996
These can be roughly compared with a bachelor and a master degree. Graduation thesis: Contribution to the studie of Virtual Comptonscattering Supervisor: Prof. D. Ryckbosch (department of Subatomic and Radiation Physics). Abstract: Virtual Comptonscattering is an inelastic scattering of the electron on the proton. In this interaction a photon is emitted. Measuring of the virtual Comptonscattering must be discerned from the "normal" elastic scattering. Large scale experiments like measuring virtual comptonscattering are always accompanied by simulationprogramms to test the theory to the practical surroundings. The Thesis consisted of adapting the constructed simulation programm to simulate the "normal" elastic scattering. With this, the applied numerical approximations could be tested by comparison to earlier experiments of the Comptonscattering.
Continued Academic studies
- Master in Applied Informatics' (GASTI), Vrije Univeristeit Brussel, 1998-2001, evening courses.
Master thesis: Aspects of the numerical modelling of flow problems in poreous media, promotor: Prof. W. Patrick De Wilde (VUB) en Roger Van Keer (UGent). Abstract: Development of a GUI programm to simulate the steady-state equilibrium of 2-dimensional, vertical groundwaterflow. First an analytical solution was derived for a nontrivial domain. This theoretical solution was implemented in Maple, and then compared to a numerical finite element simulation of the same problem. The numerical programm has been implemented in C++ with QT/KDE as general as possible.
- 'Doctoraatsopleiding in de Wiskunde', UGent, 12.09.2005 (PhD study-program)
- 'Doctoraat in de Wetenschappen: Wiskunde', Phd in Mathematics.
Title: On numerical methods for direct and inverse convection-diffusion problems Promotor: Prof. Roger Van Keer University: Ghent Universiteit Date: 7.7.2006
Download: will be made available on aleph soon.
Work experience
- 09.1996 - 12.2000
During this period I worked full-time for NV Infoco (formerly a part of Dolmen) a software company working for one of the major distributors in Belgium, Colruyt.
I started working as a Software Engineer, but soon became Software Analyst. Some projects I worked on: renewing the reception system of goods, optimal storage in own warehouses and rented warehouses, freshness controll, etc. Some of the work was done alone, but most was done as part of a software team. During this period I got a good practical knowledge of the programming languages Objectstar amd PLI, of network and relational databases and of the managing aspects (cost estimate, time estimation, presentation, workload, ...) that come with big software projects.
- 01.2001 - 10.2006
From january 2001 I work as an assistent for the faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Mathematical Analysis. This work is divided in 2 parts : 50% teaching activities and 50% research activities. This led to my PhD on 07.07.2006.
Teaching experience
See the dedicated page.
Scientific achievements
See the dedicated page.
Scientific visits, conferences
Long term visits
2 month stay (februaryi-march 2006) at Imperial College, London, UK, with Prof. J.W. Barrett, paid by the grant 'Fonds Professor Frans Wuytack'
Courses followed at external institutes
- DUNE Course, March 13-14, 2008. The DUNE course was a hands-on course with the DUNE framework.
- Finite Volume and Finite Element techniques for Convection-Diffusion Prolems, course of the Graduate school for mechanical engineering, Von Karman Instituut voor Stromingsdynamica, België, 2003.
- Contamination of soil and groundwater by nonaqueous phase liquids, international course, Delft, The Netherlands, 1-3 July 2002.
- CIME course on Multiscale problems and methods in numerical simulation, Martina Franca, Italy, 9-15 September 2001
Workshops, Symposia
- NO BUG symposium Universitaetsklinikum Bonn, Germany, 26-27 Januari, 2010
- NO BUG symposium Rabat, Marocco, 31 May- 1 June, 2010.
- NO BUG symposium Arad, Roumenia, 9-10 November, 2010. Talk: Models and Algorithms for Standard Multilayer Systems
- Workshop on Novel multi-scale methods for porous media flow II, 14-16 February 2011, Edinburgh, UK.
- NO BUG symposium Ghent, Belgium, 3-4 May, 2011. Talk: DEET Transport in Olfactometer, Experiments and status Model
- MaCKiE 2011, 7th International Workshop on Mathematics in Chemical Kinetics and Engineering 2011, 18-20 May 2011, Heidelberg, Germany. Contributed talk: Understanding extraction performance of stratified flow in micro-channels..
- ACE-X 2010, 4th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting,8-9 July 2010, Paris, France. Contributed talk: Numerical Model for the Determination of the Soil Retention Curve from Global Characteristics Obtained via a Centrifuge.
- ICNAAM 2009, 7th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 18-22 September 2009, Crete, Greece. Contributed talk: A comparison of numerical schemes for convection-diffusion-adsorption-reaction with sharp fronts.
- MACKIE 2009, Mathematics in Chemical Kinetics and Engineering, 8-11 February 2009, Ghent, Belgium. Co-author of talk given by J. Kacur: Numerical Modelling of Convection-Diffusion-Adsorption Problems in 1D Using Dynamical Discretization.
- ICCAM 2008, 13th International Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics, 7-11 July 2008, Ghent, Belgium. Contributed talk: On a numerical method for a degenerate reaction-diffusion problem on a bounded interval with a time varying internal boundary.
- ACOMEN 2008,
Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering, 26-28 May 2008, Liège, Belgium Contributed talk: Multicomponent diffusion coefficient estimation.
- ICIPE 2008, 6th International Conference on Inverse Problems
in Engineering: Theory and Practice, June 15-19 2008
Dourdan (Paris), France Contributed talk: Multicomponent diffusion coefficient determination in metallurgy by a reduced adjoint system
- AIP 2007, Conference on Applied Inverse Problems 2007:
Theoretical and Computational Aspects, 2007, Vancouver, Canada
Contributed talk: Determination of the diffusion annealing process of Si into Fe
- DSL2005, First International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids, 2005, Aveiro, Portugal
Coauthor of talk given by J. Barros: Modeling the Si and Al diffusion in electrical steel
- ICNAAM 2005, International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2005, 2005, Rhodos, Greece
Contributed talk: Application of the adjoint equation method for parameter identification problems in nonlinear diffusion equations
- ACOMEN 2005, Third international conference on advanced computational methods in engineering, 2005, Ghent, Belgium
Contributed talk: Determination of adsorption parameters applying a dual-well by an adjoint method
- ECCOMAS 2004, 4the European congress on computational methods in applied sciences and engineering, 24-28 July, 2004, Finland. Contributed talk: Determination of the diffusion annealing process of Si into Fe
- NA&A 2004,Third International Conference on "Numerical Analysis and Applications", 29 June - 3 July, 2004, Rousse, Bulgaria.
Contributed talk: Parameter estimation of Si Diffusion in Fe Substrates after hot dipping and diffusion annealing
- MAFELAP 2003, The mathematics of finite elements and applications, 21-24 June, 2003, Brunel, UK.
Contributed talk: Determination of adsorption isoterms
- MCM 2003, Mathematical and computer modelling in science and engineering, in honour of the 80th birthday of K. Rektorys, 27-30 January, 2003, Prague, Czech Republic.
Contributed talk: Fast benchmark solver for direct and inverse transport problems in basic dual-well flows
- ALGORITMY 2002, Conference on Scientific Computing, 8-13 September, 2002, Vysoke Tatry, Podbanske.
Contributed talk: Contaminant transport in dual-well flow
- Contamination of soil and groundwater by nonaqueous phase liquids, international course, 1-3 July 2002, Delft, The Netherlands.
- CMWR 2002, XIV Int. Conf. on computational methods in water resources, 23-28 June, 2002, Delft, The Netherlands
- ACOMEN 2002, Second international conference on advanced computational methods in engineering, 28-31 May, 2002, Liege, Belgium
Contributed talk: Parameter identification in stationary groundwater flow problems in drainage basins
Invited talks on seminars
- Seminarie CMBM-NfaMM, Friday 28 may 2004, Ghent. Talk: Determination of the diffusion annealing of Si into Fe.
- Analysis and approximation of flow and transport problems from engineering, contact day with The Eindhoven Applied Analysis group (TU Eindhoven), Friday 7 march 2003, Ghent. Talk: Direct and inverse transport problems in dual well flow.
See the dedicated page.
Obtained Grants
- Navorsingskrediet 2005-2006 Fonds Professor Frans Wuytack
Administrative services
Dutch (mothertongue), English (fluent), French, German, Italian
Computer knowledge
- Experience with programming languages Pascal, Fortran, PLI, BASIC, Objectstar, Visual Basic, C++, C.
- Experience with databases IDMS, Objectstar, MySql.
- Experience with operator systems windows and linux.
- Experience with HTML, XML, Latex.
Driving licence B