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odes scikit I maintain the odes package, which is a scikit toolkit for scipy to add some extra ode and daesolvers. At present it provides dae solvers you can use, extending the capabilities offered in scipy.integrade.ode. LICENSE: NEW BSD like the scipy sources. The development code can be downloaded from the repository on github. Installation instructions are in the README for latest install instructions. The new version is developed for python 2.7+ and python 3.1+. In Ubuntu, you can obtain the needed software with the following commands:
Documentation: This is present in the package. To see it in eg python, do: Example usage: See the docs folder for several examples: examples Also see the test file for example usage: tests Included:
Extra: Mail me with questions and remarks. Aim for the future:
copyright bm / UGent | webmaster: bm (at) cage (dot) UGent (dot) be | disclaimer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||