For authors

The deadline for abstract submission is July 1, 2025.

Extended abstract: template

You may download the ACOMEN template for the extended abstract here.

It contains:

  • TeX-file: acomen_template.tex
  • Class-file: acomen25.cls
  • Compiled pdf-file: acomen_template.pdf
  • Figure: logo.jpg

Remember the maximum number of pages: 2 for a short contribution (in an open session or a minisymposium - 20 minute presentation), 4 for a plenary lecture (on invitation - 45 minute presentation). Please prepare your contribution in English without page numbers. It is important to use the provided class-file without any alterations.

Should you encounter any problems, please contact the organisation (

Extended abstract: submission

Submission of abstract is now possible.

You need to upload the pdf-file, tex-file and figures of your abstract into one single zip-file!

Please name your files and figures as follows:, ACOMEN2025_surname.tex, ACOMEN2025_surname.pdf and ACOMEN2025_surname_figurename.jpg.