
Conference registration fees

ACOMEN2025 (September 15-19, 2025) delegates can register only online via this website. The deadline for registration and payment of the conference fee is August 1, 2025 for participants with a presentation and August 15, 2025 for those without.

Early (before April 1, 2025) Normal (from April 1, 2025)
Regular fee 400EUR 450EUR
PhD student fee 300EUR 350EUR
Accompanying person fee 50EUR 50EUR

Registered delegates will have access to the following services and events:

During registration you will be able to indicate in which session you will participate. The different options are

OS Open Session
MSx Mini-symposium (number)
PS Poster Session

We ask an additional fee for the conference dinner and excursion. The conference dinner takes place at Restaurant Gök on Wednesday evening (September 17, 2025). On Friday, September 19, 2025, there is a cultural excursion. It is a boat trip (organised by Rivertours with the Mozart boat) starting in Temse to Dendermonde along the richly vegetated banks and the idyllic fishing villages of Mariekerke and Sint-Amands. The tour is guided by an English guide. We leave at the congress center Zebrastraat by coach around 10:30 and expect to be back in Ghent around 17:30 (lunch is included).

Conference dinner 50EUR
Cultural excursion 30EUR

Additionally, we offer lunch options (Monday-Thursday) which should (preferably) be ordered during registration (lunch needs to be be ordered per day):
  • Option 1: lunch (including soup, meal, dessert and a drink) at Zorghotel Seniorcity Gent (2-3 minutes walk from the conference venue).
  • Option 2: sandwich lunch (choice between cheese, ham, cheese and ham, and tuna; including drink) at the same location as option 1.
  • Option 3: lunch (including soup, meal and a drink) at the university restaurant De Brug (15-20 minutes guided walk from the conference venue).
  • Option 4: sandwich lunch (different classic options including vegetarian and vegan one; including drink) at the same location as option 2.
The first option is limited to 40 people. At both locations there is the possibility to have different hot and cold dishes, including vegetarian options. The prices per day are given in the table below.

Lunch: option 1 15EUR/day
Lunch: option 2 9EUR/day
Lunch: option 3 10EUR/day
Lunch: option 4 6EUR/day

Accompanying person

Accompanying person have access to the welcome reception and coffee breaks. Moreover, there is the possibility to inscribe for the social events (dinner and excursion) and lunches (for the same fees as a regular participant).

Participants from Ghent University

Members of Ghent University get a discount of 50% on the registration fee. Please to obtain a discount voucher.

Conference registration platform

Please follow the steps for registration and payment in the form:

Step 1: Upload your submission here
Step 2:Register and complete payment (payment by credit card): here