Main lectures

Confirmed plenary speakers:

  • Peter Bastian
    (Universität Heidelberg: web) "Coupled surface and subsurface flow"
  • Paul Bressloff
    (Imperial College London: web) "Asymptotic methods for studying singularly perturbed diffusion problems with applications to cell biology"
  • Jerome Droniou
    (University of Montpellier: web) "The Discrete De Rham method for electromagnetic models: from Maxwell to Yang-Mills to manifolds"
  • Jan S. Hesthaven
    (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT): web) "Time-domain Reduced Order Models through the Laplace Transform"
  • Barbara Kaltenbacher
    (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt: web) "Forward and Inverse Problems in Nonlinear Acoustics"
  • Michael Klibanov
    (University of North Carolina at Charlotte: web) "Convexification Method in Inverse Problems"
  • Matti Lassas
    (University of Helsinki: web) "Mapping properties of neural networks and inverse problems"
  • Barbara Wohlmuth
    (Technical University of Munich: web) ""