on Galois geometry
To the memory of
Frédéric Vanhove
Friday, February 28, 2014
9h00: welcome coffee
9h20: Opening
9h30: Valentina Pepe (University of Rome, La Sapienza)
Extremal Theorems in Polar Spaces
10h30: Bill Martin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Girth and dual girth parameters in polynomial association schemes
11h30: Willem Haemers
More eigenvalue interlacing
12h30: lunch
13h30: John Bamberg (University of Western Australia, Perth)
The brilliant career of Frédéric Vanhove
14h00: Ferdinand Ihringer (University of Gießen)
On the Maximum Size of M-Cliques of Generators on Hermitian Polar Spaces
15h00: coffee break
15h30: Chris Godsil (University of Waterloo)
Quantum walks and distance-regular graphs
16h30: Akihiro Munemasa (Tohoku University, Sendai)
Twisted symplectic polar graphs and Gordon-Mills-Welch difference sets
17h20: Closing
Jan De Beule, Leo Storme, and Hendrik Van Maldeghem
Ghent University
Emmy Noether Lecture Room
9000 Gent
Participation, lunch and coffee are free, please
register before February 20, 2014