John Bamberg, Anton Betten, Philippe Cara, Jan De Beule, Michel Lavrauw, Max Neunhoeffer.
© 2014 by the authors
This package may be distributed under the terms and conditions of the GNU Public License Version 2 or higher.
The development phase of FinInG started roughly in 2005. The idea to write a package for projective geometry in GAP had emerged before, and resulted in pg, a relic that still can be found in the undeposited packages section of the GAP website. One of the main objectives was to develop the new package was to create a tighter connection between finite geometry and the group theoretical functions present in GAP.
The authors thank Michael Pauley, Maska Law and Sven Reichard, for their contributions during the early days of the project.
Jan De Beule and Michel Lavrauw have been supported by the Research Foundation Flanders -- Belgium (FWO), and John Bamberg has been supported by a Marie Curie grant and an ARC grant during almost the whole development phase of FinInG. The authors are grateful for this support ans also for the fact that these funding agencies allow to invest time in this development. That this is possible is because these agencies do not focus on counting publications to judge the output of their supported researchers.
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