In FinInG we provide some basic functionality for algebraic varieties defined over finite fields. The algebraic varieties in FinInG are defined by a list of multivariate polynomials over a finite field, and an ambient geometry. This ambient geometry is either a projective space, and then the algebraic variety is called a projective variety, or an affine geometry, and then the algebraic variety is called an affine variety. In this chapter we give a brief overview of the features of FinInG concerning these two types of algebraic varieties. The package FinInG also contains the Veronese varieties VeroneseVariety
(12.7-1), the Segre varieties SegreVariety
(12.6-1) and the Grassmann varieties GrassmannVariety
(12.8-1); three classical projective varieties. These varieties have an associated geometry map (the VeroneseMap
(12.7-3), SegreMap
(12.6-3) and GrassmannMap
(12.8-3)) and FinInG also provides some general functionality for these.
An algebraic variety in FinInG is an algebraic variety in a projective space or affine space, defined by a list of polynomials over a finite field.
‣ AlgebraicVariety ( space, pring, pollist ) | ( operation ) |
‣ AlgebraicVariety ( space, pollist ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: an algebraic variety
The argument space is an affine or projective space over a finite field F, the argument pring is a multivariate polynomial ring defined over (a subfield of) F, and pollist is a list of polynomials in pring. If the space is a projective space, then pollist needs to be a list of homogeneous polynomials. In FinInG there are two types of projective varieties: projective varieties and affine varieties. The following operations apply to both types.
‣ DefiningListOfPolynomials ( var ) | ( attribute ) |
Returns: a list of polynomials
The argument var is an algebraic variety. This attribute returns the list of polynomials that was used to define the variety var.
‣ AmbientSpace ( var ) | ( attribute ) |
Returns: an affine or projective space
The argument var is an algebraic variety. This attribute returns the affine or projective space in which the variety var was defined.
‣ PointsOfAlgebraicVariety ( var ) | ( operation ) |
‣ Points ( var ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: a list of points
The argument var is an algebraic variety. This operation returns the list of points of the AmbientSpace
(12.1-3) of the algebraic variety var whose coordinates satify the DefiningListOfPolynomials
(12.1-2) of the algebraic variety var.
‣ Iterator ( pts ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: an iterator
The argument pts is the set of PointsOfAlgebraicVariety
(12.1-4) of an algebraic variety var. This operation returns an iterator for the points of an algebraic variety.
‣ \in ( x, var ) | ( operation ) |
‣ \in ( x, pts ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: true or false
The argument x is a point of the AmbientSpace
(12.1-3) of an algebraic variety AlgebraicVariety
(12.1-1). This operation also works for a point x and the collection pts returned by PointsOfAlgebraicVariety
A projective variety in FinInG is an algebraic variety in a projective space defined by a list of homogeneous polynomials over a finite field.
‣ ProjectiveVariety ( pg, pring, pollist ) | ( operation ) |
‣ ProjectiveVariety ( pg, pollist ) | ( operation ) |
‣ AlgebraicVariety ( pg, pring, pollist ) | ( operation ) |
‣ AlgebraicVariety ( pg, pollist ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: a projective algebraic variety
gap> F:=GF(9); GF(3^2) gap> r:=PolynomialRing(F,4); GF(3^2)[x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4] gap> pg:=PG(3,9); ProjectiveSpace(3, 9) gap> f1:=r.1*r.3-r.2^2; x_1*x_3-x_2^2 gap> f2:=r.4*r.1^2-r.4^3; x_1^2*x_4-x_4^3 gap> var:=AlgebraicVariety(pg,[f1,f2]); Projective Variety in ProjectiveSpace(3, 9) gap> DefiningListOfPolynomials(var); [ x_1*x_3-x_2^2, x_1^2*x_4-x_4^3 ] gap> AmbientSpace(var); ProjectiveSpace(3, 9)
Quadrics (QuadraticVariety
(12.3-3)) and Hermitian varieties (HermitianVariety
(12.3-2)) are projective varieties that have the associated quadratic or hermitian form as an extra attribute installed. Furthermore, we provide a method for PolarSpace
taking as an argument a projective algebraic variety.
‣ HermitianVariety ( pg, pring, pol ) | ( operation ) |
‣ HermitianVariety ( pg, pol ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: a hermitian variety in a projective space
The argument pg is a projective space, pring is a polynomial ring, and pol is polynomial.
‣ HermitianVariety ( n, F ) | ( operation ) |
‣ HermitianVariety ( n, q ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: a hermitian variety in a projective space
The argument n is an integer, the argument F is a finite field, and the argument q is a prime power. This function returns the hermitian variety associated to the standard hermitian form in the projective space of dimension n over the field F of order q.
‣ QuadraticVariety ( pg, pring, pol ) | ( operation ) |
‣ QuadraticVariety ( pg, pol ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: a quadratic variety in a projective space
The argument pg is a projective space, pring is a polynomial ring, and pol is a polynomial.
‣ QuadraticForm ( var ) | ( attribute ) |
Returns: a quadratic form
When the argument var is a QuadraticVariety
(12.3-3), this returns the associated quadratic form.
‣ SesquilinearForm ( var ) | ( attribute ) |
Returns: a hermitian form
If the argument var is a HermitianVariety
(12.3-2), this returns the associated hermitian form.
‣ PolarSpace ( var ) | ( operation ) |
the argument var is a projective algebraic variety. When its list of definining polynomial contains exactly one polynomial, depending on its degree, the operation QuadraticFormByPolynomial
or HermitianFormByPolynomial
is used to compute a quadratic form or a hermitian form. These operations check whether this is possible, and produce an error message if not. If the conversion is possible, then the appropriate polar space is returned.
gap> f := GF(25); GF(5^2) gap> r := PolynomialRing(f,4); GF(5^2)[x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4] gap> ind := IndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing(r); [ x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4 ] gap> eq1 := Sum(List(ind,t->t^2)); x_1^2+x_2^2+x_3^2+x_4^2 gap> var := ProjectiveVariety(PG(3,f),[eq1]); Projective Variety in ProjectiveSpace(3, 25) gap> PolarSpace(var); <polar space in ProjectiveSpace(3,GF(5^2)): x_1^2+x_2^2+x_3^2+x_4^2=0 > gap> eq2 := Sum(List(ind,t->t^4)); x_1^4+x_2^4+x_3^4+x_4^4 gap> var := ProjectiveVariety(PG(3,f),[eq2]); Projective Variety in ProjectiveSpace(3, 25) gap> PolarSpace(var); Error, <poly> does not generate a Hermitian matrix called from GramMatrixByPolynomialForHermitianForm( pol, gf, n, vars ) called from HermitianFormByPolynomial( pol, pring, n ) called from HermitianFormByPolynomial( eq, r ) called from <function "unknown">( <arguments> ) called from read-eval loop at line 16 of *stdin* you can 'quit;' to quit to outer loop, or you can 'return;' to continue brk> quit; gap> eq3 := Sum(List(ind,t->t^6)); x_1^6+x_2^6+x_3^6+x_4^6 gap> var := ProjectiveVariety(PG(3,f),[eq3]); Projective Variety in ProjectiveSpace(3, 25) gap> PolarSpace(var); <polar space in ProjectiveSpace(3,GF(5^2)): x_1^6+x_2^6+x_3^6+x_4^6=0 >
An affine variety in FinInG is an algebraic variety in an affine space defined by a list of polynomials over a finite field.
‣ AffineVariety ( ag, pring, pollist ) | ( operation ) |
‣ AffineVariety ( ag, pollist ) | ( operation ) |
‣ AlgebraicVariety ( ag, pring, pollist ) | ( operation ) |
‣ AlgebraicVariety ( ag, pollist ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: an affine algebraic variety
The argument ag is an affine space over a finite field F, the argument pring is a multivariate polynomial ring defined over (a subfield of) F, and pollist is a list of polynomials in pring.
A geometry map is a map from a set of elements of a geometry to a set of elements of another geometry, which is not necessarily a geometry morphism. Examples are the SegreMap
(12.6-3), the VeroneseMap
(12.7-3), and the GrassmannMap
‣ Source ( gm ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: the source of a geometry map
The argument gm is a geometry map.
‣ Range ( gm ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: the range of a geometry map
The argument gm is a geometry map.
‣ ImageElm ( gm, x ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: the image of an element under a geometry map
The argument gm is a geometry map, the element x is an element of the Source
(12.5-1) of the geometry map gm.
‣ ImagesSet ( gm, elms ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: the image of a subset of the source under a geometry map
The argument gm is a geometry map, the elements elms is a subset of the Source
(12.5-1) of the geometry map gm.
‣ \^ ( x, gm ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: the image of an element of the source under a geometry map
The argument gm is a geometry map, the element x is an element of the Source
(12.5-1) of the geometry map gm.
A Segre variety in FinInG is a projective algebraic variety in a projective space over a finite field. The set of points that lie on this variety is the image of the Segre map.
‣ SegreVariety ( listofpgs ) | ( operation ) |
‣ SegreVariety ( listofdims, field ) | ( operation ) |
‣ SegreVariety ( pg1, pg2 ) | ( operation ) |
‣ SegreVariety ( d1, d2, field ) | ( operation ) |
‣ SegreVariety ( d1, d2, q ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: a Segre variety
The argument listofpgs is a list of projective spaces defined over the same finite field, say [PG(n1 -1,q), PG(n2 -1,q), ..., PG(nk -1,q)]. The operation also takes as input the list of dimensions (listofdims) and a finite field field (e.g. [n1, n2, ..., nk,GF(q)]). A Segre variety with only two factors (k=2), can also be constructed using the operation with two projective spaces pg1 and pg2 as arguments, or with two dimensions d1, d2, and a finite field field(or a prime power q). The operation returns a projective algebraic variety in the projective space of dimension n1 n2 ... nk-1.
‣ PointsOfSegreVariety ( sv ) | ( operation ) |
‣ Points ( sv ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: the points of a Segre variety
The argument sv is a Segre variety. This operation returns a set of points of the AmbientSpace
(12.1-3) of the Segre variety. This set of points corresponds to the image of the SegreMap
‣ SegreMap ( listofpgs ) | ( operation ) |
‣ SegreMap ( listofdims, field ) | ( operation ) |
‣ SegreMap ( pg1, pg2 ) | ( operation ) |
‣ SegreMap ( d1, d2, field ) | ( operation ) |
‣ SegreMap ( d1, d2, q ) | ( operation ) |
‣ SegreMap ( sv ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: a geometry map
The argument listofpgs is a list of projective spaces defined over the same finite field, say [PG(n1 -1,q), PG(n2 -1,q), ..., PG(nk -1,q)]. The operation also takes as input the list of dimensions (listofdims) and a finite field field (e.g. [n1, n2, ..., nk,GF(q)]). A Segre map with only two factors (k=2), can also be constructed using the operation with two projective spaces pg1 and pg2 as arguments, or with two dimensions d1, d2, and a finite field field(or a prime power q). The operation returns a function with domain the product of the point sets of projective spaces in the list [PG(n1 -1,q), PG(n2 -1,q), ..., PG(nk -1,q)] and image the set of points of the Segre variety (PointsOfSegreVariety
(12.6-2)) in the projective space of dimension n1 n2 ... nk-1. When a Segre variety sv is given as input, the operation returns the associated Segre map.
gap> sv:=SegreVariety(2,2,9); Segre Variety in ProjectiveSpace(8, 9) gap> sm:=SegreMap(sv); Segre Map of [ <points of ProjectiveSpace(2, 9)>, <points of ProjectiveSpace(2, 9)> ] gap> cart1:=Cartesian(Points(PG(2,9)),Points(PG(2,9)));; gap> im1:=ImagesSet(sm,cart1);; gap> Span(im1); ProjectiveSpace(8, 9) gap> l:=Random(Lines(PG(2,9))); <a line in ProjectiveSpace(2, 9)> gap> cart2:=Cartesian(Points(l),Points(PG(2,9)));; gap> im2:=ImagesSet(sm,cart2);; gap> Span(im2); <a proj. 5-space in ProjectiveSpace(8, 9)> gap> x:=Random(Points(PG(2,9))); <a point in ProjectiveSpace(2, 9)> gap> cart3:=Cartesian(Points(PG(2,9)),Points(x));; gap> im3:=ImagesSet(sm,cart3);; gap> pi:=Span(im3); <a plane in ProjectiveSpace(8, 9)> gap> AsSet(List(Points(pi),y->y in sv)); [ true ]
‣ Source ( sm ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: the source of a Segre map
The argument sm is a SegreMap
(12.6-3). This operation returns the cartesian product of the list consisting of the pointsets of the projective spaces that were used to construct the SegreMap
A Veronese variety in FinInG is a projective algebraic variety in a projective space over a finite field. The set of points that lie on this variety is the image of the Veronese map.
‣ VeroneseVariety ( pg ) | ( operation ) |
‣ VeroneseVariety ( n-1, field ) | ( operation ) |
‣ VeroneseVariety ( n-1, q ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: a Veronese variety
The argument pg is a projective space defined over a finite field, say PG(n-1,q). The operation also takes as input the dimension and a finite field field (e.g. [n-1,q]). The operation returns a projective algebraic variety in the projective space of dimension (n^2+n)/2-1, known as the Veronese variety.
‣ PointsOfVeroneseVariety ( vv ) | ( operation ) |
‣ Points ( vv ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: the points of a Veronese variety
The argument vv is a Veronese variety. This operation returns a set of points of the AmbientSpace
(12.1-3) of the Veronese variety. This set of points corresponds to the image of the VeroneseMap
‣ VeroneseMap ( pg ) | ( operation ) |
‣ VeroneseMap ( n-1, field ) | ( operation ) |
‣ VeroneseMap ( n-1, q ) | ( operation ) |
‣ VeroneseMap ( vv ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: a geometry map
The argument pg is a projective space defined over a finite field, say PG(n-1,q). The operation also takes as input the dimension and a finite field field (e.g. [n-1,q]). The operation returns a function with domain the product of the point set of the projective space PG(n-1,q) and image the set of points of the Veronese variety (PointsOfVeroneseVariety
(12.7-2)) in the projective space of dimension (n^2+n)/2-1. When a Veronese variety vv is given as input, the operation returns the associated Veronese map.
gap> pg:=PG(2,5); ProjectiveSpace(2, 5) gap> vv:=VeroneseVariety(pg); Veronese Variety in ProjectiveSpace(5, 5) gap> Size(Points(vv))=Size(Points(pg)); true gap> vm:=VeroneseMap(vv); Veronese Map of <points of ProjectiveSpace(2, 5)> gap> r:=PolynomialRing(GF(5),3); GF(5)[x_1,x_2,x_3] gap> f:=r.1^2-r.2*r.3; x_1^2-x_2*x_3 gap> c:=AlgebraicVariety(pg,r,[f]); Projective Variety in ProjectiveSpace(2, 5) gap> pts:=List(Points(c)); [ <a point in ProjectiveSpace(2, 5)>, <a point in ProjectiveSpace(2, 5)>, <a point in ProjectiveSpace(2, 5)>, <a point in ProjectiveSpace(2, 5)>, <a point in ProjectiveSpace(2, 5)>, <a point in ProjectiveSpace(2, 5)> ] gap> Dimension(Span(ImagesSet(vm,pts))); 4
‣ Source ( vm ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: the source of a Veronese map
The argument vm is a VeroneseMap
(12.7-3). This operation returns the pointset of the projective space that was used to construct the VeroneseMap
A Grassmann variety in FinInG is a projective algebraic variety in a projective space over a finite field. The set of points that lie on this variety is the image of the Grassmann map.
‣ GrassmannVariety ( k, pg ) | ( operation ) |
‣ GrassmannVariety ( subspaces ) | ( operation ) |
‣ GrassmannVariety ( k, n, q ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: a Grassmann variety
The argument pg is a projective space defined over a finite field, say PG(n,q), and argument k is an integer (k at least 1 and at most n-2) and denotes the projective dimension determining the Grassmann Variety. The operation also takes as input the set subspaces of subspaces of a projective space, or the dimension k, the dimension n and the size q of the finite field (k at least 1 and at most n-2). The operation returns a projective algebraic variety known as the Grassmann variety.
‣ PointsOfGrassmannVariety ( gv ) | ( operation ) |
‣ Points ( gv ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: the points of a Grassmann variety
The argument gv is a Grassmann variety. This operation returns a set of points of the AmbientSpace
(12.1-3) of the Grassmann variety. This set of points corresponds to the image of the GrassmannMap
‣ GrassmannMap ( k, pg ) | ( operation ) |
‣ GrassmannMap ( subspaces ) | ( operation ) |
‣ GrassmannMap ( k, n, q ) | ( operation ) |
‣ GrassmannMap ( gv ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: a geometry map
The argument pg is a projective space defined over a finite field, say PG(n,q), and argument k is an integer (k at least 1 and at most n-2), and denotes the projective dimension determining the Grassmann Variety. The operation also takes as input the set subspaces of subspaces of a projective space, or the dimension k, the dimension n and the size q of the finite field (k at least 1 and at most n-2). The operation returns a function with domain the set of subspaces of dimension k in the n-dimensional projective space over GF(q), and image the set of points of the Grassmann variety (PointsOfGrassmannVariety
(12.8-2)). When a Grassmann variety gv is given as input, the operation returns the associated Grassmann map.
‣ Source ( gm ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: the source of a Grassmann map
The argument gm is a GrassmannMap
(12.8-3). This operation returns the set of subspaces of the projective space that was used to construct the GrassmannMap
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