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2 Installation of the FinInG-Package
 2.1 Installing FinInG under UNIX like systems
 2.2 Installing other required packages

2 Installation of the FinInG-Package

This package requires the GAP packages GAPDoc, version 0.99 or higher, Forms, version 1.2 or higher, Orb, version 2.0 or higher, GenSS, version 0.9 or higher, and GRAPE, version 4.3 or higher. Currently, one function will use the Design package, but this package is not required to load FinInG. The package GenSS requires the package IO. Currently, the packages GAPDoc, GRAPE, Forms and Design are accepted GAP packages, the packages orb, GenSS and IO are deposited. All can be found through the GAP website. The recent development stage of FinInG is based on GAP4r4p12. We have done testing using the beta release of GAP4r5, and no installation differences occured. In this section, we describe in detail the installation procedure for FinInG, assuming the use of GAP4r4. We have also (succesfully) tested this procedure with GAP4r5 beta.

2.1 Installing FinInG under UNIX like systems

The installation of FinInG itself is generic for each UNIX like system, including the different flavours of MacOSX. You only need a terminal application, and you need acces to the standard unix tools gunzip and tar. The installation procedure for FinInG, a standard GAP package, does not require compilation. Each GAP installation has a pkg directory, containing supplemental GAP packages. If you have acces to this filesystem, you can locate it, e.g.


Download the FinInG archive "fining-...-tar.gz" to this location, and unpack the archive. This can be done by issuing

gunzip fining-...-tar.gz

which yields a file "fining-...-tar", in the pkg directory, after which issuing the command

tar -xf finin-...-tar

unpacks the archive in a subdirectory fining. After successfully unpacking the archive, you can locate the directoy


This directory contains a subdirectory "./doc", containing an html and pdf version of the manual. The html version is accessible by opening the file "chap0.html" in your favorite browser. The pdf version of the manual can be found in the file "manual.pdf". Please notice that you can unpack your archive in your favorite local "./pkg" directory, e.g. "/home/yourself/pkg/", in case you are using GAP on a server on which you have only a restricted access. If you installed FinInG in the central GAP pkg directory, you can startup gap using the usual command. We suppose this is gap4r4. If you installed FinInG in your local pkg directory, e.g. "/home/yourself/pkg/", then move to "/home/yourself", and issue the command

gap4r4 -l "/usr/local/gap4r4;./"

This will cause gap to startup and use as pkg directory both its own central pkg directory, i.e. "/usr/loca/gap4r4/pkg", as well as your local pkg directory, i.e. "/home/yourself/pkg/". You should see something like the following output. Notice that the packages GAPDoc and IO are loaded by default. This is not necessarily the case, but loading fining will force to load required packages anyway.

            #########           ######         ###########           ###  
         #############          ######         ############         ####  
        ##############         ########        #############       #####  
       ###############         ########        #####   ######      #####  
      ######         #         #########       #####    #####     ######  
     ######                   ##########       #####    #####    #######  
     #####                    ##### ####       #####   ######   ########  
     ####                    #####  #####      #############   ###  ####  
     #####     #######       ####    ####      ###########    ####  ####  
     #####     #######      #####    #####     ######        ####   ####  
     #####     #######      #####    #####     #####         #############
      #####      #####     ################    #####         #############
      ######     #####     ################    #####         #############
      ################    ##################   #####                ####  
       ###############    #####        #####   #####                ####  
         #############    #####        #####   #####                ####  
          #########      #####          #####  #####                ####  
     Information at:
     Try '?help' for help. See also  '?copyright' and  '?authors'
   Loading the library. Please be patient, this may take a while.
GAP4, Version: 4.4.12 of 17-Dec-2008, i686-apple-darwin10.8.0-gcc
Components:  small 2.1, small2 2.0, small3 2.0, small4 1.0, small5 1.0, 
             small6 1.0, small7 1.0, small8 1.0, small9 1.0, small10 0.2, 
             id2 3.0, id3 2.1, id4 1.0, id5 1.0, id6 1.0, id9 1.0, id10 0.1, 
             trans 1.0, prim 2.1  loaded.
Packages:    GAPDoc 1.3, IO 3.3, TomLib 1.1.4  loaded.

To load FinInG, issue


If this fails, in most cases, the reason is that either GAP does not find the directory in which FinInG is installed, or one of the required packages for FinInG is not installed. The easiest way to find out is to load each required package before issuing the LoadPackage command to load FinInG. The example below shows this situation, the packages Forms and FinInG itself are installed in a local pkg directory, the other packages are installed centrally. Starting up gap not pointing to the local pkg directory, causes the locally installed packages to be unloadable.

gap> LoadPackage("fining");
gap> LoadPackage("forms");
gap> LoadPackage("grape");

Loading  GRAPE 4.3  (GRaph Algorithms using PErmutation groups),

gap> LoadPackage("orb");
Loading  orb 3.8 (orb - Methods to enumerate orbits)
by Juergen Mueller (,
   Max Neunhoeffer (, and
   Felix Noeske (
gap> LoadPackage("genss");
Loading  genss 1.3 (genss - generic Schreier-Sims)
by Max Neunhoeffer ( and
   Felix Noeske (

If the installation was successfull, then, the following output should be visible.

Packages:    GAPDoc 1.3, IO 3.3, TomLib 1.1.4  loaded.
gap> LoadPackage("fining");
Loading 'Forms' 1.2.3 (29/08/2011)
by John Bamberg (
   Jan De Beule (
For help, type: ?Forms 
Loading  orb 3.8 (orb - Methods to enumerate orbits)
by Juergen Mueller (,
   Max Neunhoeffer (, and
   Felix Noeske (
Loading  genss 1.3 (genss - generic Schreier-Sims)
by Max Neunhoeffer ( and
   Felix Noeske (

Loading  GRAPE 4.3  (GRaph Algorithms using PErmutation groups),

      ______________       ________      _________   _____________   
      ___  ____/__(_)__________  _/________  ____/   __<  /__  __   
      __  /_   __  /__  __ __  / __  __   / __     __  / _  / / /  
      _  __/   _  / _  / / /_/ /  _  / / / /_/ /     _  /__/ /_/ /   
      /_/      /_/  /_/ /_//___/  /_/ /_/____/      /_/_(_)____/    
Loading  FinInG 1.0 (Finite Incidence Geometry) 
by John Bamberg (
   Anton Betten (
   Jan De Beule (
   Philippe Cara (
   Michel Lavrauw (
   Max Neunhoeffer (
For help, type: ?FinInG 
loading: geometry, liegeometry, group, projectivespace, correlations, polarspace/morphis
ms, enumerators, diagram, varieties, affinespace/affinegroup, gpolygons

For the sake of completeness, we show the output under GAP4r5

 *********   GAP, Version 4.5.2(beta) of 27-Nov-2011 (free software, GPL)
 *  GAP  *
 *********   Architecture: x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0-gcc-default64
 Libs used:  gmp
 Loading the library and packages ...
 Components: trans 1.0, prim 2.1, small* 1.0, id* 1.0
 Packages:   GAPDoc 1.4, IO 3.3, TomLib 1.2.2
 Try '?help' for help. See also  '?copyright' and  '?authors'
gap> LoadPackage("fining"); 
Loading 'Forms' 1.2.3 (29/08/2011)
by John Bamberg (
   Jan De Beule (
For help, type: ?Forms 
Loading  orb 3.8 (orb - Methods to enumerate orbits)
by Juergen Mueller (,
   Max Neunhoeffer (, and
   Felix Noeske (
Loading  genss 1.3 (genss - generic Schreier-Sims)
by Max Neunhoeffer ( and
   Felix Noeske (

Loading  GRAPE 4.3  (GRaph Algorithms using PErmutation groups),

loading: geometry, liegeometry, group, projectivespace, correlations, polarspace/morphis
ms, enumerators, diagram, varieties, affinespace/affinegroup, gpolygons
      ______________       ________      _________   _____________   
      ___  ____/__(_)__________  _/________  ____/   __<  /__  __   
      __  /_   __  /__  __ __  / __  __   / __     __  / _  / / /  
      _  __/   _  / _  / / /_/ /  _  / / / /_/ /     _  /__/ /_/ /   
      /_/      /_/  /_/ /_//___/  /_/ /_/____/      /_/_(_)____/    
Loading  FinInG 1.0 (Finite Incidence Geometry) 
by John Bamberg (
   Anton Betten (
   Jan De Beule (
   Philippe Cara (
   Michel Lavrauw (
   Max Neunhoeffer (
For help, type: ?FinInG 

2.2 Installing other required packages

The packages orb and IO require compilation and the linking of some binaries to the gap kernel. On some UNIX like system, dynamical linking seems to be impossible. In such a case, the binaries must be statically linked to the GAP kernel. We describe the procedure here, assuming that we have to link the binaries of both packages to the gap-kernel. We assume that gap is installed in the directory


and that we use the central ./pkg/ directory for the packages IO and orb

1. Move to your gap directory, which is in this example /usr/loca/gap4r4/. Move further to the /bin directory, and locate a directory that is named accordingly to your system architecure. You can derive its name from the startyp banner of GAP. Here we use that example of the banner above, which is 'i686-apple-darwin10.8.0-gcc'
2. We are in the directory '/usr/loca/gap4r4/bin/i686-apple-darwin10.8.0-gcc/'. Locate the file 'gac'. This is a shell script that will allow you to compile extra libraries, and to link them statically to the GAP kernel. Recall that we want to compile and link orb and IO to the kernel.
3. Recall that the pkg directoy is now '/usr/local/gap4r4/pkg/'. So the source files of orb and io are to be found in '/usr/local/gap4r4/pkg/orb' and '/usr/local/gap4r4/pkg/io', after the execution of the normal installation procedure
4. Issue the command './gac gap-static -p "-DIOSTATIC -I/usr/local/gap4r4/pkg/io/bin/i686-apple-darwin10.8.0-gcc -DORBSTATIC" /usr/local/gap4r4/pkg/io/src/io.c /usr/local/gap4r4/pkg/io/src/orb.c'. This will link the binaries to the GAP kernel, and produce a new GAP executable called 'gap-static'.
5. Adapt the shell script to start GAP. In this example, we assumed GAP is started up using 'gap'. Locate this shell script, use 'which gap', which should output something like


Adapt this file, find the line containing the pointer to the GAP binary, and replace this by a pointer to the 'gap-static' binary:

if [ "x$GAP_PRG" = "x" ]; then GAP_PRG=i686-apple-darwin10.8.0-gcc/gap-static fi


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