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Results 11 - 13 from 13

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Author(s): Andreas Klein, Jeroen Schillewaert, Leo Storme
Title: Generalised dual arcs and Veronesean surfaces, with applications to cryptography
Year: 2007
Journal: Journal of combinatorial theory series A
Status: accepted
Files: Veronesean-fin.pdf

Author(s): Jeroen Schillewaert, Koen Thas
Title: Authentication codes from generalized quadrangles
Year: 2007
Status: submitted
Files: SchilTha1-1.pdf

Author(s): Jeroen Schillewaert
Title: A characterization of quadrics by intersection numbers
Year: 2006
Journal: Designs, codes and cryptography
Status: accepted
Keywords: Quadrics, intersection numbers, Shult space
MSC-Classification: 51A50,51E12
Files: planessolids.pdf

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