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Results 1 - 10 from 20
Author(s): Bart De Bruyn, Mou Gao
Title: Pseudo-embeddings and quadratic sets of quadrics
Year: 2021
Status: submitted
Files: Pseudo1.pdf
Author(s): Bart De Bruyn, Mou Gao
Title: Computer computations for ``The homogeneous pseudo-embeddings and hyperovals of the generalized quadrangle H(3,4)''
Year: 2019
Files: Makhnev.sage, EvenSets1.g, EvenSets2.g, Hyperovals.g, Properties.g, Edges.g, Graphs.sage, Classes.g, MinWeight.g, Representatives.g, Graphs2.sage, TwoOvoids.g, Cossidente.g, Pavese.g
Author(s): Bart De Bruyn, Mou Gao
Title: The homogeneous pseudo-embeddings and hyperovals of the generalized quadrangle H(3,4)
Year: 2019
Files: PseudoH(3,4).pdf
Author(s): Rod Gow, Michel Lavrauw, John Sheekey, Frédéric Vanhove
Title: Constant rank-distance sets of hermitian matrices and partial spreads in hermitian polar spaces
Year: 2013
Status: submitted
Keywords: (partial) spread, hermitian variety, hermitian matrix, rank-distance
Files: constantrankdistancesets.pdf
Author(s): Theo Grundhoefer, Hendrik Van Maldeghem
Title: Local sharply transitive actions on finite generalized quadrangles
Year: 2009
Journal: Annals of Combinatorics
Status: accepted
Keywords: Finite generalized quadrangles
MSC-Classification: 51E12
Files: quadpentlast.pdf
Author(s): Ralf Gramlich, Katja Moeser, Hendrik Van Maldeghem
Title: The endomorphism type of certain bipartite graphs and a characterization of pro jective planes
Year: 2009
Journal: Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics
Status: submitted
Keywords: graphs
MSC-Classification: 51E12
Author(s): Pinar Anapa, Ibrahim Gunaltili, Hendrik Van Maldeghem
Title: Planar and affine spaces
Year: 2009
Journal: Discrete Mathematics
Status: accepted
Keywords: Affine spaces
MSC-Classification: 51A
Files: planarspace.pdf
Author(s): Tom De Medts, Ralf Gramlich, Max Horn
Title: Iwasawa decompositions of groups with a root group datum
Year: 2007
Journal: J. Lie Theory
Status: submitted
Files: iwasawa.pdf
Author(s): Jan De Beule, Anja Hallez, Patrick Govaerts, Leo Storme
Title: Tight sets, weighted $m$-covers, weighted $m$-ovoids, and minihypers
Year: 2007
Journal: Des. Codes Crypt.
Status: published
Comment: final version
Files: DBHGS2007.pdf
Author(s): Nick Gill
Title: Nilpotent Singer Groups
Year: 2006
Status: submitted
Keywords: Non-Desarguesian projective planes, Singer groups
MSC-Classification: 20B25, 51A35
Comment: 6 pages
Files: nilpotent.pdf