Non-free points for groups generated by a pair of 2x2 matrices
A note on torsion groups generated by pairs of 2x2 rational parabolic matrices
The crystallographic restriction, permutations, and Goldbach's Conjecture
Finite permutation groups with a transitive minimal normal subgroup
Symplectic spreads
Totally Goldbach numbers and related conjectures
Bounds and quotient actions of innately transitive groups
Tight sets and m-ovoids of generalised quadrangles
- Transitive decompositions of graph products: rank 3 product action type
Transitive eggs
Tight sets and m-ovoids of finite polar spaces
Overgroups of cyclic Sylow subgroups of linear groups
A construction of one-dimensional affine flag-transitive linear spaces
On this page, you can find PDF versions of old preprints (warning: there may be errors in these old drafts).